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 The whitepaper sheds light on the significance of the fertilizer subsidy, its inherent volatility, and the imperative need for effective policies to address the challenges it poses.

New Delhi based Primus Partners Pvt. Ltd. (Primus) – a distinguished pioneer in the realm of management consulting services unveiled an insightful whitepaper on the chemicals industry, with a specific emphasis on the fertilizer subsidy and potential areas of growth. The whitepaper sheds light on the significance of the fertilizer subsidy, its inherent volatility, and the imperative need for effective policies to address the challenges it poses.

As per the whitepaper, the fertilizer subsidy constitutes a substantial portion with an annual allocation of approximately Rs 1.75 lakh crore, accounting for approximately 20% of all schemes in the 2023-24 budget. This allocation is divided into two major components: Rs 1.31 lakh crore for urea subsidy and Rs 44,000 crore for nutrient-based subsidy. However, the fertilizer subsidy is often seen to be unpredictable, with the revised estimate for 2022-23 surpassing the budgeted amount by more than twofold. This volatility primarily stems from fluctuations in international gas and urea prices.

The Fertilizer subsidy has an important role in overall food production of India and management of farm input for the farmers. Many issues with the subsidy have been identified since long time. There has been a deadlock between conflicting and noble goals, which needs to be resolved.

“Our whitepaper highlights the reasons for deadlock that is preventing improvement on fertilizer subsidy policy and mechanism. We believe that viable alternatives need to be created for farmers to move away from harmful overuse of urea. By improving subsidy policies and mechanisms and embracing technological advancements and tailored farming techniques, we can unlock new avenues of growth and sustainability in the fertilizer industry.” said Anurag Singh, Managing Director, Primus Partners.

The whitepaper proposes two primary approaches to tackle the subsidy deadlock. Firstly, there is a need to improve subsidy policies and mechanisms, which will be explored in subsequent discussions. Secondly, reducing urea usage by fostering viable alternatives is of paramount importance. Technological advancements in agriculture, such as nano urea, precision agriculture, drone usage, GIS applications, and improved farming techniques, exhibit promising potential in achieving this objective. Developing a tailored bundle of technologies and practices specific to crop clusters, such as the potato cluster in the Firozabad area, will help prioritize areas with the highest potential for reducing urea usage.

To facilitate the transition to alternative practices, economic studies must be conducted in each crop cluster to assess the impact on farm inputs, investments, cash flow, farmer efforts, and output quality. Identifying the necessary support and cost-effective initiatives for farmers to make the switch is essential. Additionally, the development of value chains for the proposed solutions, accompanied by special schemes, will enhance the economic viability of key participants.

As the chemical industry plays a vital role in India’s economic growth and agricultural development, Primus Partners remains committed to providing comprehensive insights and strategic recommendations to industry stakeholders.  By advocating for effective policies, innovative approaches, and the adoption of technological advancements and tailored farming techniques, we can create a more sustainable and prosperous future for the fertilizer industry.

 The whitepaper sheds light on the significance

 To explore the possibilities of biogas production from livestock waste and at the same time to promote the use of renewable energies in the country.

World leader in clean energy, New Holland Agriculture announces a partnership with leading companies in the biomethane sector in Brazil for the creation of an innovative ecosystem for the production of gas, generated from the decomposition of organic waste. The new ecosystem is the first of its kind in the country and promises to revolutionize its biogas market.

The launch of this unprecedented solution in the Brazilian biomethane market is the result of a successful collaboration between New Holland, Iveco Group, Sebigás Cótica – a company specialised in the development of biodigestion solutions, from project design, construction, maintenance and operation of biogas facilities – and Air Liquide – a world leader in industrial gases, technology and services for industry and healthcare.

Similarly, to what New Holland Agriculture is doing in Europe with the British company Bennamann, the initiative aims to explore the possibilities of biomethane production from livestock waste and at the same time to promote the use of renewable energies for Agriculture in the country.

The arrival of this technology follows the sale of the first tractor unit powered by biomethane gas in Brazil: a T6.180 Methane Power, which can use the gas generated from the decomposition of organic waste as fuel, was sold to SF Agropecuária, a company based in Brasilândia, Mato Grosso do Sul.

The property selected to be part of the experimental biomethane project is that same farm, pioneering in the use of waste to create energy.The whole system could potentially allow the Brazilian biogas market to grow. With the increasing demand for renewable energy, the biomethane produced by the new solution has the potential to become a viable alternative to diesel and other fossil fuels. Besides, the production of biomethane from animal waste, cow and pig to start with, contributes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, making the solution environmentally friendly.

The project was launched with “Methane Power Experience”, a special two-day media event involving Brazilian journalists and stakeholders, also involving a test drive on the T6.180 Methane Power Tractor.

Carlo Lambro, Brand President of New Holland Agriculture said: “We continue to reinforce our sustainability strategy on the global level, confirming with concrete actions our brand’s leadership position in alternative propulsions but also in researching and developing new winning practices to apply a circular economy model in Agriculture.”

 To explore the possibilities of biogas production

Partnership aims to develop projects that provide industries with access to non-agricultural sources of biofuels as alternatives.

Pune based BiofuelCircle, India’s first digital marketplace for biomass and biofuels has signed an MoU with Pune Knowledge Cluster (PKC) for innovating alternatives to Agri- residue based bio-energy.  The objective is to develop projects that provide industries with access to non-agricultural sources of biofuels as alternatives. This initiative will augment the current sources of biofuels and also help boost the rural economy, rejuvenate degraded land and be an important step towards energy independence of the country.

The two organizations will together work towards setting up projects with a number of large industrial houses of India. These companies who currently procure their biofuels on the BiofuelCircle Platform will benefit from such projects as this will add new sources to the regular supply of agri residue-based biofuels (like briquettes and pellets) while also creating a bridge with the rural economy to cultivate the degraded land around agricultural land to cultivate non-food crops which will be suitable as the source of biofuels.

PKC is one of the six Science & Technology clusters established by the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India under The City Knowledge and Innovation Cluster Initiative. Incepted in 2020, PKC works as an enabler and facilitator to create and nurture a collaborative S&T ecosystem involving various stakeholders including Industry, Academia, Government, and Citizens. PKC works across five focus areas including Sustainability and Environment, with a focus on knowledge and technology-based methods for sustainable increase of urban and peri-urban vegetation cover and augmenting water security.

Tushar Lowalekar, Founding Member and CBO, BiofuelCircle said, “A lot of work is currently underway in creating opportunities for utilization of agricultural residue. However, to augment the capacity, there also needs to be an effort to look at alternatives to agri residue as a source.  With the projects planned with some of our key customers, we will create a sustained source of biofuels for them over the coming months. Apart from the increased supply of biofuels, the other objectives are utilization of degraded land and increasing the incomes of the people dependent on that land. All in all, it’s a win-win for both the industries and the people dependent on the lands and an important step towards the energy security of the country.” 

Partnership aims to develop projects that provide

The patented technology will be harnessed through AGT Soileos in Western Canada, a joint venture between Lucent Bio and AGT Foods

Lucent Bio announces the patent approval of an innovative biodegradable nutrient delivery technology. This transformative technology signals a new era in the agricultural industry, advancing global practices with the promise of future investment.

The patented technology fundamentally reimagines the delivery of nutrients, using water-insoluble biopolymers to provide a next-generation alternative for crop nutrition. This technological breakthrough is backed by rigorous scientific research and validation, marking a pioneering stride in the agri-tech industry. 

Peter Gross, Chief Technical Officer at Lucent Bio, says, “This patented technology redefines the concept of sustainable farming, by providing a fertiliser solution that is more efficient, environmentally responsible, and providing a better ROI for the farmer. We are proud to have reached this milestone that places Lucent Bio at the forefront of agri-tech fertiliser innovation.” 

The patented technology will be harnessed through AGT Soileos in Western Canada, a joint venture between Lucent Bio and AGT Foods, leveraging the collective expertise to support farmers in enhancing crop performance while prioritising the long-term stewardship of natural resources.

Murad Al-Katib, AGT Foods President and CEO shares, “The continued collaboration between AGT and Lucent is flourishing. We are nearing completion of the manufacturing facility in Saskatchewan, which will be the first of several global facilities bringing these smart fertilization solutions to local farmers. This patent is a milestone in the progression of commercialising Soileos,” said Murad Al-Katib, President and CEO of AGT Foods. 

The patented technology will be harnessed through AGT

Significant cost mitigation actions were initiated, reducing previously expected operating expenses in the second half by $60 to $70 million.

FMC Corporation provided an update for its expectations on the second quarter and full-year 2023 outlook1. Revenue in the second quarter is now expected to be between $1.00 billion and $1.03 billion. Adjusted EBITDA is expected to be in the range of $185 million to $190 million. The revised guidance is driven by substantially lower-than-expected volumes due to an abrupt and significant reduction in inventory by channel partners, which only became evident towards the end of May and continued through the remainder of the quarter in North America, Latin America and EMEA.

Based on current channel dynamics, the Company is revising its full-year financial outlook, with revenue now expected to be $5.20 billion to $5.40 billion. Adjusted EBITDA for the full year is now expected to be $1.30 billion to $1.40 billion.

“Towards the end of May, we experienced unforeseen and unprecedented volume declines in three out of our four operating regions, as our channel partners rapidly reduced inventory levels,” said Mark Douglas, FMC president and chief executive officer. “Our full-year revenue outlook and adjusted EBITDA have been revised to reflect these channel dynamics and their impact on volumes, as well as the benefit from improved input costs and the significant operating cost mitigation actions we have already implemented.

“Even as we manage through this market contraction and significant inventory reduction by our channel partners, on-the-ground consumption of our products remains strong and at similar levels to last year,” Douglas said.

Information in this news release is preliminary and excludes the outlook on adjusted earnings per share and free cash flow, which will be updated at the second quarter 2023 earnings call. FMC will announce its second quarter 2023 earnings on Wednesday, August 2, 2023, after the stock market close with a webcast conference call on Thursday, August 3, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. ET. 

Significant cost mitigation actions were initiated, reducing

Bhaasa is powered by speech recognition that can converse in 10 languages across 80+ dialects

spocto, the world’s leading debt support and risk mitigation platform announced its strategic partnership with KisanServ, a prominent AgriTech company based out of Pune, for the deployment of spocto’s AI driven multilingual voice bot ‘Bhaasa’. Through Bhaasa, Kisanserv would be able to communicate across different languages in real-time with thousands of farmers across 4 states.

Developed within spocto X platform, Bhaasa is a multilingual AI voicebot that communicates in regional dialects and languages, with context recognition capabilities. Powered by Natural Language Processing (NLP), Bhaasa can be integrated with the recovery interface and reduce human intervention, thus saving 30 per cent in resource cost every year for the lenders, while improving the customer experience for delinquent customers by over 47 per cent.

“The agricultural sector holds great significance not only for the government but also for banks. Given our extensive experience in the agricultural domain with banks, we enthusiastically embraced the challenge presented by kisanserv in a different world of agritech. We have developed modules in four languages – Marathi, Hindi, Gujarati and Kannada. This endeavour reflects our commitment to serving the needs of farmers and underscores the importance we place on the agricultural sector and its application to any industry,” said Sumeet Srivastava, CEO & Founder, spocto.

To make Kisanserv communication easily accessible and effective to Indian farmers, even from the remotest parts of India, Kisanserv partnered with spocto to develop a specific module that will solve their use case.

Acknowledging the same, Praveen Tiwary, Co-Founder & CTO, KisanServ, said “On our supply side, We work with thousands of farmers on a daily basis about their produce, and our operations. The challenge is always the variety of languages and the quantum of people we work with daily which leads to efficiency issues. And on our demand side, we have to talk to retail customers across metro cities as we have numerous retail outlets in Maharashtra. We wanted a great uniform communication experience on both sides of the spectrum irrespective of different communication strategies. It’s been a great experience so far with spocto developing 2 different communication strategies for both sides that have led to significant savings for us and led to a great customer satisfaction index when we looked at our feedback score.”

Bhaasa built within the spocto X platform is amongst the first of the many creations of the spocto innovation lab (SIL). SIL was launched late last year and is India’s first innovation lab dedicated to the debt collection segment of banking industries in India and the Middle East. Through an expedited method, SIL is intended to speed the development of disruptive technologies such as AI/ML, big data, data security, and so on. SIL is working with all participants in the collecting ecosystem to prepare for the future by taking a digital-first strategy. Being an NLP collection voice bot with human-like engagement, Bhaasa is powered by speech recognition that can converse in 10 languages across 80+ dialects.

Bhaasa is powered by speech recognition that

The Bionexus library currently houses an impressive collection of over 15,000 microbial isolates, sourced from over 300 locations spanning the length and breadth of India.

Bioprime Agrisolutions, a pioneering startup in agricultural biotechnology, is proud to announce the launch of the Bionexus library, a first-of-its-kind and the largest collection of plant-associated microbes in India. This groundbreaking initiative aims to unlock the hidden potential of microbial communities residing within plants, revolutionizing the way we approach crop resilience, productivity, and plant protection.

Recognizing that every plant is a complex ecosystem comprising diverse microbial organisms that interact symbiotically and influence the plant’s growth and performance, Bioprime Agrisolutions has developed a cutting-edge high throughput screening process. This innovative approach scrutinizes the physiological and biochemical responses of plants to microbes, enabling the identification and validation of promising leads for further comprehensive plant studies and omics.

The Bionexus library currently houses an impressive collection of over 15,000 microbial isolates, sourced from over 300 locations spanning the length and breadth of India. These invaluable resources include samples from regions as diverse as Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Pangong Tso in Leh, Sonmarg, Kashmir, to caves in Kerala. The collection houses microbes from sea level to 16,500 Ft, from pH 5 to 11, from rainfall of 210 mm to 11430 mm, from -8C to 70C. This covers vast habitats like grass lands, rain forests, lakes, caves, deserts, glaciers, river basins, hot water and sulfur springs, mines etc to name a few. This extensive microbial diversity database will provide researchers and scientists with unprecedented insights into India’s unique microbial ecology, particularly crucial in the face of climate change and the urgent need for sustainable agriculture. These efforts have already yielded results with more than 2000 novel microbes with significantly higher activities. 

Dr. Renuka Diwan, Co-Founder & CEO of Bioprime Agrisolutions, expressed her excitement about this groundbreaking endeavor: “The launch of the Bionexus library marks a significant milestone in our journey toward sustainable agriculture. By focusing on the intricate relationship between plants and their associated microbial communities, we are unraveling nature’s secrets to unlock the full potential of our crops. This library will fuel innovation, enabling us to develop novel products and solutions that enhance crop resilience, productivity, and protection.”

Bioprime Agrisolutions has already identified eight promising products from the microbial isolates in the pipeline. Leveraging the wealth of knowledge accumulated in the Bionexus library, these upcoming innovations hold immense potential to transform agriculture and address the pressing challenges faced by farmers.

The launch of the Bionexus library reaffirms Bioprime Agrisolutions’ commitment to spearheading cutting-edge research and development in the field of agricultural biotechnology. With a focus on sustainable practices and climate-resilient crops, the company aims to redefine the future of farming in India and beyond.

The Bionexus library currently houses an impressive

Earlier in October 2021, both the Companies had entered into an agreement to form a 50:50 Joint Venture to this end.

In a significant development, Indian Oil Corporation Limited (Indian Oil) and Praj Industries Limited (Praj) signed a term sheet to advance plans to strengthen biofuels production capacities in India. Various biofuels covered under this MoU include Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), Ethanol, Compressed Bio-Gas (CBG), Biodiesel and Bio-bitumen among others. Earlier in October 2021, both the Companies had entered into an agreement to form a 50:50 Joint Venture to this end.

Talking about the development, Shrikant Madhav Vaidya, Chairman, Indian Oil, said, “The collaboration with an Indian biofuel major – Praj, is a remarkable milestone in Indian Oil’s green energy transition journey. It will strengthen our resolve to achieve our goal of net-zero operational emissions by 2046 and maintain our leadership in the green energy domain.”

Vaidya also added that India being an agrarian economy, offers the advantage of sufficient availability of feedstock. The indigenous biofuels will be a game changer in helping India chart its decarbonization journey. Biofuels offer a win-win situation by reducing dependence on crude imports, boosting the rural economy, and offering sustainable, cleaner mobility options.

Dr Pramod Chaudhari, Founder Chairman, Praj Industries said, ” Indian Oil & Praj have been collaborating to facilitate India’s energy transition towards a greener future in the past as well. The nation’s first-of-its-kind advanced biofuels refinery at IndianOil’s Panipat complex is based on Praj’s proprietary 2G technology. This year in May, IndianOil and Praj partnered with AirAsia India and flew India’s first-ever commercial passenger flight powered by a blend of ‘indigenous’ Sustainable Aviation Fuel. We are proud of our partnership with IndianOil, which is further reinforced with this important milestone.”

He also added that Biofuels positively impact the socio-economic and environmental aspects thereby facilitating sustainable development. Readying India to build sustainable aviation fuels production capacity in pursuit of clean skies is our priority, to strengthen Atmanirbhar Bharat.

In pursuit of energy self-reliance by leveraging captive resources, the country has aggressive plans to reconfigure the transportation fuel mix with biofuels. Biofuels are an integral part of India’s flourishing Bioeconomy that plays a significant role as a sustainable climate action tool.

Earlier in October 2021, both the Companies

The need to explore the use of Plankton Plus in agriculture and horticulture crops to increase the demand for the product

ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture, Chennai signed a Memorandum of understanding (MoU) with A.M.M. Murugappa Chettiar Research Centre (MCRC), Chennai, Tamil Nadu for evaluating the efficacy of fish waste converted CIBA-Plankton Plus in paddy crop.

Dr Kuldeep K.Lal, Director, ICAR-CIBA stressed the need to explore the use of Plankton Plus in agriculture and horticulture crops to increase the demand for the product. He complimented MCRC officials for recognizing the potential of CIBA in R and D backstopping and coming forward to sign the MoU.

Dr Debasis De, Principal Scientist, CIBA, and team leader of CIBA-PlanktonPlus technology said the potential use of CIBA-PlanktonPlus in agriculture can be explored at the field level through collaborative research with MCRC.  He stressed that if CIBA-PlanktonPlus is found to have a beneficial effect on paddy crops it will improve productivity and increase the income for farmers.

Dr Sandeep, K.P., Scientist and a core member of the CIBA-PlanktonPlus technology team elaborated on the lead found regarding the use of CIBA-PlanktonPlus in paddy crop in a preliminary trial.

Dr N. Unnamalai, Principal Scientist, MCRC said that they are hopeful that the application of CIBA-PlanktonPlus will improve the yield and quality of paddy.

A team of scientists from ICAR-CIBA will coordinate the experimental trials along with MCRC officials.

The need to explore the use of

The applications will remain open till 31st July 2023. All States/UTs, district administrations, and Indian Missions abroad are eligible to participate.

 Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) proudly launched the One District One Product (ODOP) Awards on June 15th on the Rashtriya Puraskar portal. These prestigious awards aim to recognize and honour those who have demonstrated exceptional accomplishments within their respective Districts, States/UTs, and International Missions abroad in achieving economic development through the ODOP approach.

The application process for these awards commenced on 25th June 2023 and the applications will remain open till 31st July 2023. All States/UTs, district administrations, and Indian Missions abroad are eligible to participate and are strongly encouraged to apply.

The Awards focus on the following: (i) Encouraging constructive competition, innovation, and efficient public service delivery in successful ODOP interventions; (ii) Promoting replication and institutionalization of best practices through experience sharing and (iii) Recognizing innovations done for successful identification and solving bottlenecks in the supply chain of ODOP products.

The application process for these awards commenced on 25th June 2023 and the applications will remain open till 31st July 2023. All States/UTs, district administrations, and Indian Missions abroad are eligible to participate and are strongly encouraged to apply.

District administration, State Administration, and Missions Abroad are encouraged to actively apply for the awards so that an example could be set which could fuel innovation and effective public service delivery under ODOP.

The ODOP initiative aims to foster socio-economic development of all districts of the country. The idea is to select, brand and promote One Product from each District of the country, to identify and solve problems associated with each of the chosen ODOP products at all points in their respective supply chains to increase their market accessibility and harness their export potential.

With an objective of enhancing the product, bettering the life of the producer and improving the process, the interventions undertaken by the ODOP team encompass the development of all aspects of the district.

The applications will remain open till 31st

The challenge received applications from 121 startups across the problem statements

The Department of Fisheries launched the Fisheries Startup Grand Challenge in partnership with Startup India hub and DPIIT, to identify, reward and recognise startups creating exceptional impact in the fisheries ecosystem. The Fisheries ecosystem in India has been growing over the years, currently having fisheries startups present in 21 states and union territories.

The Fisheries Startup Grand Challenge sought applications across four problem statements. The challenge received applications from 121 startups across the problem statements. After a rigorous analysis, 12 startups have been selected as winners of the challenge.

The selected startups will be felicitated by Parshottam Rupala Minister for Fisheries Animal Husbandry & Dairying, in the presence of Ministers of State, Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Dr L. Murugan and Dr Sanjeev Kumar Balyan along with Ministers in-charge Fisheries from various States and senior officers of Central and State Governments on the occasion of National Fish Farmer’s Day at Mahabalipuram, Tamilnadu.

The selected startups under the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana will so be provided with a cash grant of INR 2 lakhs to help them continue building their innovations.

The challenge received applications from 121 startups

The catalyst maintains excellent reusability up to 10 test cycles towards bio-jet fuel.

The researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur have developed an abundantly available Iron based catalyst (Fe/Silica-Alumina) and utilized various non-edible oils and waste biomass to make the bio-jet fuel manufacturing process profitable, solving a problem that has inundated the industry for decades. This is an ingredient for cheaper, cleaner fuels that can transform the energy sector. Dr Rakesh K Sharma, Professor, Department of Chemistry, IIT Jodhpur, and his PhD scholar Bhagirath Saini have reinvented the way bio-jet-fuel is made from plant-based biomass.

With an estimated daily fuel demand of more than 800 million litters daily, the global aviation sector is incredibly energy-intensive and almost entirely reliant on petroleum-based fuels. Unlike other energy sectors, such as ground transportation or residential and commercial buildings, the aviation industry can’t be easily shifted to renewable energy sources using existing technologies. Hence the plant-based sustainable bio-jet fuels suggested by IIT Jodhpur researchers could provide a competitive alternative to conventional petroleum fuels and have the potential to play a big role in greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The research was featured in the cover-page of Sustainable Energy & Fuels journal published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, London.

The present study has great significance for developing aviation fuel under relatively mild reaction conditions, i.e., low H2 pressure and high reusability (up to 10 test cycles), using the earth-abundant Fe/SiO2–Al2O3 catalyst. The catalyst homologous of nature clay that has been successful story from Prof. Sharma’s research group. The catalyst maintains excellent reusability up to 10 cycles (but works well for >50 cycles) towards bio-jet fuel. The results are promising, especially considering the catalyst’s high acidity and unique textural properties under relatively mild process conditions, such as low H2 pressure under solvent-free conditions. The work is being supported by Department of Biotechnology, DBT PAN-IIT Center for Bioenergy.

Speaking about the significance of the research, Dr. Rakesh K Sharma, Professor, Department of Chemistry, IIT Jodhpur, said, “What is really impressive about our work is the unprecedented bio jet fuel selectivity from biomass using earth abundant reusable heterogeneous iron catalyst under mild conditions. The process shows not only increased efficiency but also decreased emissions of greenhouse gases in airline sector.”

The future scope of the developed sulphur-free and highly dispersed non-noble metal-based catalyst for bio-jet fuel production is promising. Scaling up the catalyst production and optimizing the manufacturing process for commercial-scale applications is a potential avenue. Further research can focus on process optimization to enhance catalytic activity, selectivity, and conversion efficiency, considering factors such as temperature, pressure, and reaction time.

The catalyst maintains excellent reusability up to

Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited (IFFCO) plans to procure 2,500 drones for spraying its products, nano urea and nano DAP (Diammonium Phosphate).

IoTechWorld Avigation Pvt Ltd announced that it has emerged as a leader in the IFFCO drone project and secured a large contract from major cooperative IFFCO to supply 500 drones, which will be primarily used to spray nano liquid urea and DAP.

Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited (IFFCO) plans to procure 2,500 drones for spraying its products, nano urea and nano DAP (Diammonium Phosphate). IFFCO also plans to create 5,000 rural entrepreneurs, who would be trained for spraying via drones.

Gurugram-headquartered IoTechWorld, the manufacturer of India’s first DGCA-type certified drone ‘AGRIBOT’, has been Co-Founded by Deepak Bhardwaj and Anoop Upadhyay. IoTechWorld Avigation is also backed by leading agritech company Dhanuka Agritech Ltd.

“We are indeed privileged to receive the single biggest order for the purchase of Krishi-drones from IFFCO. The company will deliver 500 drones to IFFCO by December 2023,” said Upadhyay.

He further said that since IoTechWorld’s inception, the endeavour has been to promote technological innovation in the field of agriculture, and the company is the pioneer of Krishi-drones in the country.

Elaborating on the large supply order from IFFCO, Co-founder Bhardwaj said the drone market is rapidly growing, and there has been tremendous demand from various companies, including fertiliser and pesticides companies as well as from rural entrepreneurs, including farmers.

“Our AGRIBOT (Krishi drone) has been specially designed and programmed for fertilisers. The order from IFFCO is a testament to our strength in the agri-drone segment. We aim to help farmers and Agri Entrepreneurs in the Implementation of made-in-India Nano Urea and Nano DAP newly launched by IFFCO,” he said.

Besides IFFCO, IoTechWorld Avigation has partnered with agrochemical company Syngenta and has undertaken 17,000 KM of drone yatra in various parts of the country.

“We are expecting 5-6 times more demand in the current fiscal compared to last year, with a target of selling more than 3,000 drones in this fiscal year. We are also exploring opportunities for exports. The Government’s recent decision to liberalise the export policy for drones opens up a gamut of opportunity, and there is a huge demand in overseas markets,” Upadhyay added.

The company is also in discussion for exporting drones in regions like SAARC, South East Asia, Latin America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Oman, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Philippines, Nepal, and Africa, which are the focus countries of IoTech export sales.

The company is also extensively focusing on creating awareness about the benefits of using drones in agriculture. IoTech has also set up several small pilot training organisations where people are trained to fly drones.

Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited (IFFCO) plans

By leveraging innovative solutions and advanced technologies, how the partnerships seek to drive the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices among Indian farmers, contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.

In a significant development for the regenerative agriculture sector, IITM Pravartak and WayCool Foods have joined forces to create the Regenerative Agriculture tech stack. This collaboration, which brings together the expertise of IITM Pravartak and the deep industry knowledge of WayCool Foods, aims to revolutionise farming practices in India and establish a robust ecosystem for regenerative agriculture. By leveraging innovative solutions and advanced technologies, the partnership seeks to drive the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices among Indian farmers, contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.

Increased consumer awareness and government initiatives promoting sustainable agriculture have fuelled the global growth of regenerative farming practices. According to a report by BlueWeave Consulting, the global regenerative agriculture market is projected to expand at a CAGR of 14.6 per cent between 2023 and 2029, reaching a value of  $21.03 billion by the end of the decade. This growth is driven by the rising demand for organic food and the recognition of the environmental challenges associated with traditional farming methods. India’s agricultural sector is also embracing regenerative agriculture, as evidenced by government commitments.

The Union Budget 2023, outlines plans to support one crore farmers in transitioning to natural farming, over the next three years, along with the establishment of 10,000 Bhartiya Prakritik Kheti Bio-Input Resource Centres for promoting organic farming. A NITI Aayog report estimates that 2.5 million Indian farmers are already implementing regenerative agricultural techniques. With projections of expanding organic farming to 20 lakh hectares in the next five years, and 12 lakh hectares falling under the Bharatiya Prakritik Krishi Paddhati Programme (BPKP), regenerative agriculture is poised to play a significant role in India’s agricultural landscape.

Awareness of the environmental impact of traditional farming methods has grown among farmers, thanks to training programmes conducted by extension agencies, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and agritech companies. Moreover, advancements in technology are facilitating the implementation of restorative practices and efficient resource management, further bolstering the prospects of sustainable agriculture. With long-term benefits and potential for positive impact, regenerative agriculture is set to reshape India’s agricultural practices in the coming years.

Against this backdrop, the collaboration between Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) Pravartak and WayCool Foods stands as a pioneering initiative. By combining their respective strengths and knowledge, they aim to enhance the offerings for farmers under IITM’s Regenerative Agriculture Sustainable Architecture (RASA) tech stack. The partnership will provide farmers with cutting-edge technical solutions, domain expertise in the agri supply chain, and knowledge dissemination about sustainable agri-practices. Through this collaboration, IITM Pravartak and WayCool Foods aspire to empower Indian farmers with advanced technologies and proactive measures to combat climate change, paving the way for a more sustainable and resilient agricultural sector.

Through this newly signed MoU, WayCool Foods will provide technical solutions for seeding and expansion of the RASA stack. It will also offer its domain knowledge of the agri supply chain – from soil to sale and further strengthen the design and structuring of the agri-stack. 

Karthik Jayaraman, Managing Director of WayCool Foods, emphasised, “This partnership with IITM Pravartak will further boost our continuing efforts towards driving adoption of regenerative agriculture amongst Indian farmers. Our on-field experience has demonstrated commercial benefits to farmers when they adopt regenerative agri practices thereby improving their income and profitability. IITM Pravartak’s RASA Stack is one of the country’s best-in-class and comprehensive agri-stacks for regenerative farming. We are confident that synergies between WayCool Foods and IITM Pravartak will provide farmers with access to the most advanced technologies equipping them to take proactive measures to combat climate change as Indian farmers prepare to feed the world.”

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By leveraging innovative solutions and advanced technologies,