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Launches two Indigenously Manufactured CTPR-Based products

India’s leading agrochemical company, Best Agrolife Limited (BAL) organised a Mega Distributors’ Meet and launched two new revolutionary CTPR-based formulations – Citigen and Vistara in Pattaya, Bangkok. BAL is the first Indian agrochemical company to manufacture CTPR technical indigenously while contributing to the GOI’s Make in India mission and showcasing the country’s capabilities to the international agricultural scenario. The meet was exclusively held for the distributors from Maharashtra and more than 170 distributors attended this event.

Vimal Alawadhi, Managing Director of Best Agrolife Ltd., said, “We are raising the bar of innovation with every new product launch. Best Agro has invested heavily in enhancing its research and development capabilities. As is the case with each of our products, the newly launched Citigen and Vistara provide highly effective and affordable solutions to pest control in agriculture. While on the one hand, these will be a boon for the farmers and enhance their productivity, they will also provide our distributors and dealers with a marketing edge.”

Citigen (Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 per cent W/W SC) is a broad-spectrum insecticide with exceptional insecticide efficacy, longer rain fastness, and low mammalian toxicity. Other than sugarcane and rice, Citigen is highly recommended for controlling pests of cabbage, cotton, tomato, chili, soybean, brinjal, pigeon pea, Bengal gram, black gram, bitter gourd, okra, maize, and groundnut crop. It acts on Ball worms, stem borers, fruit borers, gram pod borers, stem flies, tobacco caterpillars, and pod borers.

Vistara (Chlorantraniliprole 0.4 per cent GR) prevents the build-up of shoot borer and stem borer populations in paddy and sugarcane and protects growers from incurring losses due to low crop yield and thereby maximising output. Due to its high insecticidal potency and novel mode of action, it effectively controls pests that are resistant to other insecticides. Due to its low dosage, it is safe for the environment as well.

There is extensive usage of CTPR (Chlorantraniliprole) based products, and its market size is more than Rs 2000 crore at present, which is a total of 8 per cent of the pesticide market.

Launches two Indigenously Manufactured CTPR-Based productsIndia’s

So far, 1055 agri-startups selected during FY-2019-22 to 2022-23 and Rs 10932.24 lakhs grants recommended

Dr Abhilaksh Likhi, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, (Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare) interacted with farmers at the Precision Farming Development Centre created under National Committee on Precision Agriculture & Horticulture (NCPAH). He also visited the RKVY- RAFTAAR Agri-start up Agribusiness Incubator (R-ABI) and the Integrated Beekeeping Development Centre (IBDC) at the Tamil Nadu Agriculture University (TNAU), Coimbatore.

Government of India has setup 22 Precision Farming Development Centres (PFDCs) in all the agro climatic zones of the country with an aim to develop and disseminate regionally differentiated technologies on Precision Farming such as Micro Irrigation and hi-tech agriculture (vertical farming, hydroponics aeroponics, protected cultivation, plasticulture) and to maximise production and productivity per unit area to enhance the socio-economic conditions of farmers and end users. These 22 PFDCs are located in State/Central Agricultural Universities (SAUs), ICAR Institutes and IITs.

So far, 1055 agri-startups during FY-2019-22 to 2022-23 have been finally selected by different knowledge partners and agribusiness incubators of DA&FW and Rs 10932.24 lakhs as grants in aid has been recommended.

Under TBI, TNAU, Coimbatore, three Cohorts of Agriprenuership Orientation Programme (AOP) & Start-up Incubation Programme (SAIP) has been completed successfully and 300 Star-ups have been trained. 41 Startups have been provided with grant of Rs. 3.87 crore.

So far, 1055 agri-startups selected during FY-2019-22

One stop platform to facilitate mentorship for startups

The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, has launched a call for startup applications for registration on the MAARG portal, the National Mentorship Platform by Startup India.

To further boost the Indian startup ecosystem, currently ranked 3rd largest globally, Startup India is focused on catalysing the startup culture and building a strong and inclusive ecosystem for innovation and entrepreneurship in India. In this context, MAARG portal – Mentorship, Advisory, Assistance, Resilience and Growth, is a one stop platform to facilitate mentorship for startups.

The objectives of the MAARG portal are: to provide sector focused guidance, handholding, and support to startups throughout their lifecycle, to establish a formalised and structured platform that facilitates intelligent matchmaking between the mentors and their respective mentees and to facilitate efficient and expert mentorship for startups and build an outcome-oriented mechanism that allows timely tracking of the mentor-mentee engagements. 

The MAARG Portal is being operationalised in three phases,

Phase I: Mentor Onboarding – Successfully launched and executed, 400+ expert mentors are onboarded across sectors, Phase II: Startup Onboarding – DPIIT is launching the onboarding of startups on the MAARG Portal, Phase III: MAARG Portal Launch and Mentor Matchmaking – Final launch where the mentors will be matched to the startups DPIIT has initiated onboarding process of startups under Phase II. 

One stop platform to facilitate mentorship for

To spread awareness about Indian millets and engage with other nations for a successful and impactful global celebration of IYOM 2023

As a pre-launch to India’s year-long grand celebration of ‘International Year of Millets (IYOM) 2023’, the Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare (DA&FW) and the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) hosted a special ‘millet luncheon’ with the Ambassadors/High Commissioners of different countries appointed to India, in New Delhi.

Narendra Singh Tomar, Union Agriculture Minister and Dr. S. Jaishankar, External Affairs Minister shared the vision of the Government for successful celebration of IYOM 2023.

With the aim to generate mass awareness, increase production, productivity and strengthen the Millet value-chain towards enhanced Millet consumption, accepting Government of India’s proposal, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) declared the year 2023 as the International Year of Millets (IYOM).

The key objective of the luncheon is to spread awareness about Indian millets and engage with other nations for a successful and impactful global celebration of IYOM 2023.

A video showcasing the miraculous impact of Millets on consumers, farmers and the mother earth will be shown at the beginning to make the delegates walk through a visual journey of the ‘Super grain’.

The lunch included an elaborate curated Millet spread to highlight the diversity of Indian Millets & variety of Millet cuisines. Alongside the millet culinary experience and formal interaction, around 30 Millet based Indian startups will participate in an exhibition at the event venue to showcase various food products, including ready-to-eat and ready-to-cook millet items.

To spread awareness about Indian millets and

Company plans to expand into additional markets across Latin America, following Araddo® successful 2021 launch in Brazil.

Israel based crop protection company ADAMA was recently recognized for its innovative Araddo® herbicide, winning the prestigious award for Best Formulation Innovation at this year’s IHS Markit Crop Science Forum and Awards. The news comes as ADAMA registers Araddo® for sales in Paraguay and plans to expand into additional markets across Latin America, following its successful 2021 launch in Brazil.

Farmers in Latin America are increasingly concerned about the spread of three weeds – Conyza, Sourgrass and Goosegrass – which are advancing across agricultural areas and showing signs of resistance to glyphosate and other herbicides. Araddo®, a pre-crop, burndown dual-mode herbicide, effectively controls grasses and broadleaf weeds such as these and helps overcome the growing resistance problem. This innovative mixture for soybean, corn, and wheat crops, enables farmers in Brazil, and now Paraguay, to achieve higher crop yields.

“We are thrilled to be recognized for our ground-breaking Araddo®, which is the first to combine ACC’ase Inhibition and Auxin herbicidal modes of action, overcoming the chemical degradation between the two active ingredients. Our focus on cutting-edge formulations technologies enables us to bring differentiation to our portfolio and add value to the farmers,” said Alexandre Pires, Head of Marketing of ADAMA Brazil.

Previously, the common use of Auxins required a safety interval of 10 to 30 days between application and planting. However, Araddo® allows farmers to spray and plant immediately, benefiting from gains in time and the ability to take advantage of the best possible planting window, resulting in higher productivity.

Company plans to expand into additional markets

 New integrated pack houses will help farmers in increasing horticulture export

Union Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister Narendra Singh Tomar the inaugurated 30 Integrated Pack Houses across the state at Aterna village in Sonipat (Haryana).  Haryana’s Agriculture Minister Dalal welcomed Union Agriculture Minister Tomar in Haryana. He said that Haryana is a state of farmers. No other state has as many schemes as the Haryana government has brought for the farmers. This includes Crop Insurance Scheme, Bhavantar Bharpayee Yojana, purchase of crops on MSP, proper arrangement of mandis etc. He said that under the guidance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister Manohar Lal, pack houses have been established in the state through FPOs. This will benefit the farmers.

 Dalal said that cold stores, pack houses are being established in the state. The world’s largest vegetable market is being set up in Gannaur, which will be spread over 5500 acres. It will cost Rs 10,000 crore to make it. This will provide employment to thousands of people.

Tomar said that India is an agricultural country. The importance and priority of agriculture has been accepted by the Central and Haryana Government. History is witness that the village economy has supported in the recession. The world had stopped at the time of Corona. Knowing the problems of the farmers, the central government bought the crop by setting up more purchase centres. That year the sowing of the farmers crop was more than the previous years. The export of agricultural products stood at Rs.4.4 lakh crore.

 New integrated pack houses will help farmers

A landmark and first of its kind long term association between two Indian chemical majors to augment each other’s business needs

Aarti Industries Ltd (AIL) and Deepak Fertilisers & Petrochemicals Corporation Ltd (DFPCL) have signed a binding term sheet for a 20-year period for offtake and supply of Nitric Acid. The parties plan to execute the formal agreement before the close of this calendar year. The supply arrangement comes into effect from April 1, 2023.

DFPCL is the largest manufacturer of Nitric Acid in South East Asia and AIL is one of the largest Nitric Acid consumers in India. This arrangement is a landmark and first of its kind long term association between two Indian chemical majors to augment each other’s business needs and mutual interests. The deal provides specific volume commitments with supply or pay, take or pay obligations by either party thereby providing adequate assurance, financial security and protecting either party’s commercial interests.

The deal benefits AIL by way of a long-term supply security for a key raw material. This would meet a majority of AIL’s requirements. It also helps AIL have a greater assurance in sourcing the key RM from DPFCL, who is an existing and the largest integrated nitric acid producer in India with multiple production sites. AIL, being a manufacturer for specialty chemical and downstream products, the present deal provides a strong supply security and enables AIL to focus on future growth opportunities, introduction of new value-added products and value chains for niche applications.

DFPCL, along with its subsidiaries, is the largest player in India for Nitric Acid and has a capacity of about 8.9 Lakhs MT for WNA and 2.3 Lakhs MT per annum for CNA. DFPCL is a market leader in the Crop Nutrition, Mining Chemicals & Industrial Chemicals sectors.

A landmark and first of its kind

Researchers could clear mercury from both fresh and salt water in 48 hours by mixing in Metarhizium

University of Maryland Researchers have found that the fungus Metarhizium robertsii removes mercury from the soil around plant roots, and from fresh and saltwater. The researchers also genetically engineered the fungus to amplify its mercury detoxifying effects. 

This new work suggests Metarhizium could provide an inexpensive and efficient way to protect crops grown in polluted areas and remediate mercury-laden waterways.

The study, which was conducted by UMD professor of entomology Raymond St Leger and researchers in the laboratory of his former post-doctoral fellow, Weiguo Fang.

“This project, led by Dr Fang, found that Metarhizium stops plants from taking up mercury,” said St Leger. “Despite being planted in polluted soil, the plant grows normally and is edible. What’s more, the fungus alone can quickly clear mercury from both fresh and saltwater.”

Metarhizium is a nearly ubiquitous fungi, and previous work by the St Leger laboratory had shown that it colonises plant roots and protects them from herbivorous insects. Scientists have known that Metarhizium is often one of the only living things found in soils from toxic sites like mercury mines.

St Leger and other colleagues had previously sequenced the genome of Metarhizium, and Fang noticed that it contains two genes that are very similar to genes present in a bacterium known to detoxify, or bioremediate, mercury.

For the current study, the researchers ran a variety of laboratory experiments and found that corn infected with Metarhizium grew just as well whether it was planted in clean soil or mercury-laden soil. What’s more, no mercury was found in the plant tissues of corn grown in polluted soil.

The researchers then genetically modified the fungi, removing the two genes that were similar to those in mercury remediating bacteria. When they replicated their experiments, modified Metarhizium no longer protected corn plants from mercury-laden soil, and the corn died.

To verify that the genes were providing the detoxifying qualities, the researchers inserted them into another fungus that does not normally protect corn from mercury. The newly modified fungus performed like the Metarhizium, protecting the plants from mercury-laden soil.

In their final experiment, the researchers found they could clear mercury from both fresh and salt water in 48 hours by mixing in Metarhizium.

Researchers could clear mercury from both fresh

By this farming technology, the feed cost is reduced without compromising production and productivity

ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture, Chennai recently conducted a front-line demonstration of novel aquamimicry based shrimp Penaeus vannamei farming model under the scheduled caste sub plan (SCSP) program.

A harvest mela was also organised to exhibit the relative advantage and production potential of the new system in a farm at Pattippulam village near Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

This innovative system strives to simulate the natural estuarine condition in the pond by creating zooplankton biomass primarily copepods. By this farming technology, the feed cost is reduced without compromising production and productivity.

Dr Kuldeep Kumar Lal, Director, ICAR-CIBA stressed the importance of innovative shrimp farming technology in the context of current declining trend in market price of farmed shrimp. Further, he emphasised that aquamimicry based shrimp farming not only reduces the feed cost but also reduces the duration of culture without compromising the production.

By this farming technology, the feed cost

Court imposes a cost of Rs 2,00,000 on FMC for their attempts at ever-greening their monopoly

GSP Crop Science, one of India’s first agrochemical company to manufacture and sell Chlorantraniliprole (CTPR), an insecticide product to protect sugarcane, rice, soyabean, pulses and vegetables, received a go-ahead from Delhi High Court for manufacturing and marketing CTPR in India. 

The Delhi High Court, dismissed FMC’s application for interim injunction in CS (Comm) 662/2022 (FMC Corporation vs GSP Crop Science) thereby clearing the way for GSP’s launch of its CTPR product.

The Court held IN’004 (suit patent) prima facie invalid on grounds of prior claiming and proceeded to impose a cost of Rs 2,00,000 on FMC for their attempts at ever-greening their monopoly and for the many material misrepresentations and suppressions by them before the Court and the Patent Office. With this fresh direction, GSP Crop will now manufacture and sell CTPR under Make in India Initiative to benefits the farmers and customers at large.

The suit was filed by FMC Corporation, USA and its two group companies, FMC Agro Singapore Pvt Ltd and FMC India Pvt Ltd seeking inter alia, an injunction restraining the infringement of Indian Patent Number IN252004 titled “Method for Preparing Fused Oxazinones from Ortho-Amino Aromatic Carboxylic Acid and a Carboxylic Acid in the presence of a Sulfonyl Chloride and Pyridine” against Ahmedabad based GSP Crop Science Ltd.

On this significant win, Bhavesh Shah, managing director of GSP Crop Sciencesaid, “GSP is delighted to provide the Indian market with CTPR (Chlorantraniliprole) under the brand name Helipro and Ballot. With the Delhi High Court clearing us to make the product affordable and easily accessible to the farming community of India. GSP promises to provide as we have in the past best quality product for our customers”.

Court imposes a cost of Rs 2,00,000 on

To focus on gender issues in aquaculture and fisheries sector pertaining to rights of equality of women

The 8th Global Conference on ‘Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries (GAF8)’, jointly organised by ICAR – Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Kochi; Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries Section of the Asian Fisheries Society and the Society of Fisheries Technologists (India) (SOFTI) was officially inaugurated by the Governor of Kerala Arif Mohammed Khan.

In his inaugural address, he emphasised that the GAF8 will be discussing the intertwined gender issues in aquaculture and fisheries sector pertaining to the rights of equality of the unsung majority of women as compared to their male counterparts. Lamenting on the poor socio-economic status of the fisher women with respect to gender inequality and inequity, he said that in spite of the large-scale contributions of women in the several areas in the fishing industry, their services for the sectoral development have not been duly acknowledged. So, he urged the delegates to find out potential solutions to resolve these issues through fruitful deliberations on this global platform.  

The conference which is being held at Kochi, is the eighth in the global series, themed on ‘Shaping the Future: Gender Justice for Sustainable Aquaculture & Fisheries’ through various sub-themes pertaining to gender issues and related policies in the fisheries sector. The conference aims to bring forward gender issues in the aquaculture and fisheries sector on a common global platform for gaining new insights and establishing networks of stakeholders associated with fisheries and discuss potential solutions through the gendered lens.

The conference has brought together over 300 scientists, academicians, gender experts, policymakers and students from India and abroad. Delegates from 20 countries will present papers in GAF8. Besides six focal themes, there are 10 Special Sessions have been arranged by international and national organisations, including the FAO, Pacific Community, BOBP, ICSF etc. In addition, two special events are being hosted along with GAF8. 

To focus on gender issues in aquaculture

New farming techniques and potential of sugarcane in allied industry to be unveiled

13th Agrovision, Central India’s largest agricultural event will be held at PDKV ground Dabha, in Nagpur from November 25 to 28. It will focus on Future Farming – feed, food, and fuel-integrated technology via research.

Agrovision will hold special worshop on ‘New Ways of Sugarcane Farming’ on November 25, 2022 at NBSS & LUP Hall Vayunagar, Nagpur. Aabasaheb Salunkhe, scientist from Vasantdada Sugar Institute Pune will guide the sugarcane producers about new farming techniques and potential of sugarcane in allied industry.

Agrovision is Central India’s largest agricultural event held in Nagpur every year. It provides a platform for knowledge exchange movement which is well attended by farmers from all across India. Started 12 years ago under the leadership of Chief Patron Nitin Gadkari, Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways, Agrovision is growing both in magnitude and stature with each successive edition.

The movement of Agrovision was initiated with a goal of educating, encouraging and empowering farmers, to adopt new farm technologies, introduce them to allied agri business to increase their income and ensure them a decent livelihood support.

New farming techniques and potential of sugarcane

Project to benefit Goan farmers, agriculture and landscape

P S Sreedharan Pillai, Governor of Goa, has launched a research project for Rejuvenation of Khazan lands (coastal saline soils) of Goa being implemented by ICAR-CCARI, Goa. The programme was organised by the Agriculture and Food Processing Committee of Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI).

In his address, the Governor congratulated the ICAR-CCARI team for initiating the project and NABARD for funding the project and also pointed out that if the project is successfully implemented in the Khazan lands, then a government policy can be made for using the Khazan lands by adopting models best suitable for the state of Goa.

After the launch of the project, Dr Parveen Kumar, Director, ICAR-CCARI briefed the Chief Guest about the benefits of the project to Goan farmers and Goan agriculture and landscape.

On this occasion, Governor also released a book “The Khazans of Goa” authored by Sandeep T Nadkarni, Ex-Chief Engineer, Water Resource Department, Goa.

Orlando Rodrigues, Chairman, Agriculture and Food Processing Committee, GCCI stressed upon the need for the implementation of the project to convert the Khazan lands of Goa into more productive lands with viable interventions and improve the livelihood of the Khazan land farmers.

Project to benefit Goan farmers, agriculture and

To help farmers get fair value for their produce and minimise financial losses in case of price fluctuations

Bengaluru-based nurture.farm, India’s leading agri-tech organisation, has launched a first-of-its-kind product offering to derisk farmers against market price fluctuations. The product offering is launched as part of its flagship insurance programme‘Kavach’ and is called Bhav Guarantee.

The Kavach Bhav Guarantee product aims to help farmers get fair value for their produce and minimise financial losses in case of price fluctuations. While it is difficult to predict the mandi prices for different crops as these prices depend on a large number of variables, nurture.farm has created a risk cover mechanism through which the farmer is compensated for the fluctuations in prices of their end produce. The advantages of the Bhav Guarantee product offering include an index-based trigger, shorter disbursal window, and direct transfer of the compensation amount to the farmer’s bank account.

Dhruv Sawhney, COO & Business Head at nurture.farm said, “With Kavach Bhav Guarantee, we will be able to successfully mitigate risk, minimize risk cover premiums, guarantee returns and, in turn, build for farmer resilience. The product is tailor-made for farmers and will ensure financial safety against price fluctuations.”

nurture.farm has partnered with Advanta Seeds to launch Kavach Bhav Guarantee for farmers who purchase Advanta’s Raadhika, Jaani or Ratna brand of Okra seeds. Farmers can download the nurture.farm app and scan the QR code that is available on the Okra seeds pack to avail this cover benefit at no additional charge.

Okra is one of the largest vegetable crops in India in terms of value, volume and acreage. Okra is grown over 0.52 Mn Ha in India, and the hybrid seed market is valued at Rs 650 crore Advanta is a leading player in Okra seeds in terms of value, volume and market share across India.

Prashant Belgamwar, Regional Head – Asia & Africa and International Vegetables at Advanta Seeds said, “Advanta has been working in the seeds sector with a “farmer first“approach. Today, one of the major concerns of farmers is the uncertainty of their ROI due to fluctuating end produce prices, particularly in vegetable crops. Our hybrids have always empowered farmers with higher yields and good-quality produce. This innovative product – Kavach Bhav Guarantee – will complement our products and provide our farmers with an opportunity to protect their cost of cultivation, in case fresh Okra prices fall below the benchmark level. With this initiative, Advanta will continue its efforts to protect farmers’ ROI by providing unique products and services to farmers. We look forward to covering more than 100,000 Okra growers across the country.”

To help farmers get fair value for