To unleash new possibilities in academia-industry research collaboration in future
Indian Council of Agricultural Research-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering (ICAR-CIAE), Bhopal and CNH Industrial (India) Pvt. Ltd – (NEW HOLLAND TRACTORS) have signed an MoU at ICAR, Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan, New Delhi in the presence Dr S N Jha, DDG (Engg), Dr C R Mehta, Director, ICAR-CIAE and Rajender Chaudhary, Director, CNH (India). The MoU primarily aims at development of public-private partnership and industry-ready human resources in the field of farm mechanisation.
As per the MoU, ICAR-CIAE will offer space and AV facilities for organising the training programmes. CNH (India) will invest in the development of the training centre, facility creation, training equipment, and upkeep the facility to the industry practices.
This Academy-Industry cooperation will benefit industrial and academic trainees to access new facilities for skill upgradation and to know new development in tractor industries. It will also open a new vista for exploring many possibilities in academia-industry research collaboration in future.