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By Dr Sat Kumar Tomar, Founder and CEO, Satyukt Analytics

The amount of data in the agriculture sector is increasing at an exponential rate. Smart tractors, drones, and other linked farm equipment are examples of connected equipment (IoT) gadgets that are starting to accumulate data. Growers and leaders in agriculture are realising that big data holds the key to unlocking discoveries that could accelerate the development of new technologies and improve soil health, plant genomics, animal management, and other areas. With embedded AI, agriculture analytics may extract useful insights that can improve agricultural production, animal and plant health, sustainable practices, and more.

With over 50 per cent of its population engaged in farming, the impact of ever-changing climate patterns on agriculture is profound in India. Notably, as two-thirds of the farmland in the country depends on rainwater, the climate stands as the primary factor affecting crop productivity.

Climate change is therefore a major worry, impacting agriculture both directly and indirectly. This change reflects itself through higher global temperatures, rising sea levels, more intense rainfall, glacier melting, shifts in crop growing seasons, and an increased frequency of extreme events like droughts and floods.

In light of the above, the use of agri-analytics, incorporating soil testing, plant disease diagnosis, precision agriculture, digital farming, agricultural remote sensing, and more, is increasingly vital in enhancing agricultural sustainability and productivity.

Soil Testing for Precision Agriculture

Soil forms the foundation of agriculture, and its health directly influences crop yields. In India, where more than 70 per cent of cultivated land suffers from soil degradation, soil testing is a crucial component of agricultural resilience. Soil testing involves analysing the nutrient content, pH levels, and other parameters of the soil to determine its health. By utilising data from soil testing, farmers can make informed decisions about fertilisers and irrigation, leading to improved crop yields and reduced environmental impact.

Plant Disease Diagnosis for Crop Health

Climate change brings not only unpredictable weather patterns but also altered pest and disease dynamics. The increased prevalence of pests and diseases poses a significant threat to crop health. Accurate and timely diagnosis of plant diseases is crucial for early intervention, preventing crop losses, and reducing the need for chemical pesticides. Agri-analytics can assist farmers by offering tools and technologies for plant disease diagnosis, allowing for quicker responses and more sustainable pest control methods.

Precision Agriculture and Farming

Precision agriculture and precision farming are methodologies that integrate technology and data-driven approaches to optimise crop production. These techniques can mitigate the risks associated with climate change. Precision agriculture primarily involves utilising advanced technologies such as ground, air or satellite-based sensors to manage resources efficiently. It enables precise planting, irrigation, and harvesting, reducing waste and increasing yields. By adopting precision farming practices, farmers can adapt to changing climate conditions and enhance agricultural resilience.

Digital Farming for Data-Driven Decision Making

Digital farming which boasts of various technologies, including precision agriculture, data analytics, and the Internet of Things (IoT) allows farmers to collect and analyse data from sensors, drones, and other sources to make informed decisions about their crops and land. Digital farming empowers farmers with real-time information about weather conditions, soil health, and crop growth, enabling them to respond proactively to climate-related challenges.

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By Dr Sat Kumar Tomar, Founder and

The technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Big data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and agribots are helping the farming community by providing granular data on rainfall patterns, water cycles, fertiliser requirements, improving crop production and real-time monitoring, harvesting, processing, and marketing.

India’s agricultural sector today is said to be on the verge of a breakthrough technological transformation. The new farm management approach uses Geo Positioning Systems (GPS) and Artificial Intelligence-enabled software for precise mapping of farmlands, ensuring that individual fields or crops get precisely the inputs they need for optimum productivity. The technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Big data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and agribots are helping the farming community by providing granular data on rainfall patterns, water cycles, fertiliser requirements, improving crop production and real-time monitoring, harvesting, processing, and marketing.

Despite the array of technology solutions available for farmers and investment flows, the road to transforming agriculture through technology is not without bottlenecks. Agritech solution providers need to consider several actions like training, awareness campaigns, demonstrations of new technologies in 2024 when looking to move toward a more sustainable production and to enhance efficiencies and increase farmers’ income by adopting them.

Agricultural technology aims to make fieldwork more efficient and convenient. Every year, many innovations, sometimes breakthrough technologies, appear in agriculture. With the modernisation and expansion of the agricultural industry, it is increasingly important for agricultural consultants, food manufacturers and industrial managers to stay abreast of the latest technological standards. Numerous technologies are contributing to increased efficiency within the agricultural ecosystem.

In this dynamic landscape, precision agriculture is positioned to thrive. This growth is fuelled by the widespread adoption of drones and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for real-time crop monitoring. Simultaneously, IoT devices and sensors will provide invaluable data on soil health and environmental conditions. AI and ML will play pivotal roles, offering predictive analytics for optimised crop management and image recognition for early detection of potential issues. AI and ML will further strengthen in application for precision farming. These technologies will help analyse vast datasets from drones, providing insights into optimal planting times, soil health, and customised crop management practices. Robotic solutions for planting, harvesting, and crop maintenance will remain in trend and only get better with time. Automated machinery with precision control will ensure accurate planting depths, selective harvesting, and targeted crop treatments.

The government of India has initiated the 4th wave of revolution in the agricultural sector to introduce technological advancement in the sector to improve yields. The government also launched the Digital Agriculture Mission for 2021-25 to include artificial intelligence, remote sensing, drones, robots, and other technology with grants for drone procurement.

The Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare (DA&FW) in collaboration with the Wadhwani Institute for Artificial Intelligence (Wadhwani AI) developed Krishi 24/7, the first-ever AI-powered solution for automated agricultural news monitoring and analysis, with support from

Sensors and IoT Applications

Connected environment for devices is already flourishing and drones equipped with sensors and integrated with IoT applications will further help in real-time monitoring of the field’s conditions. Data regarding soil moisture, temperature, and crop health will empower farmers to make informed decisions, optimise resource usage, and minimise waste.

Blockchain technology is expected to contribute to transparency in the agricultural supply chain, ensuring fair compensation for farmers and providing consumers with information about the origins of their food. Biotechnology may introduce genetically modified crops with enhanced resistance to pests and adverse weather conditions. The deployment of autonomous vehicles and robotics is set to revolutionise farm operations, resulting in reduced labour costs and improved overall efficiency.

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The technologies such as the Internet of

China’s slow economic recovery impacting fishmeal and fish oil consumption

Cumulative total fishmeal production during the first ten months of 2023 was down by approximately 22 per cent compared to the cumulative production reported through October 2022, according to the IFFO reports. The predominant factor contributing to this decline must be attributed to the 60 per cent year-on-year decrease in Peru, whose activities were heavily affected by the El Niño phenomenon and the subsequent cancellation of the April-June first fishing season of the year.

As for fish oil, the total cumulative output in the first 10 months of 2023 was 20 per cent down year on year. The supply shortage in Peru (due to both fewer landings and lower oil yields) was here again the main cause for such negative performance. Chile remained the only country that registered a positive change year on year thanks to improved catches and higher-than-average oil yields in the South of the country.

The above figures are based on a list of countries considered in the IFFO reports – Peru, Chile, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, UK, Ireland, Faroe Islands, USA, South Africa, Ivory Coast, Mauritius and Spain

In Peru, around 66 per cent of the second fishing season’s quota had been landed in the north centre of the country. The early start of the second fishing season in the North-Centre of Peru, which took place in October and is usually scheduled in November, explains larger catches of small pelagics than usual when we compare October 2023 with October 2022.

In the USA, the menhaden fishing season officially ended in November. The new fishing season will resume in May 2024.

China’s slow economic recovery impacting fishmeal and fish oil consumption.

China’s domestic production of fishmeal and fish oil in quarter IV 2023 might exceed that reported in quarter IV 2022. Despite this, local fishmeal producers are encountering difficulties in selling their products due to a poorer demand and the abundance of standard quality fishmeal. As a result, the inventory of domestic fishmeal appears higher than it was a year ago. Cumulative imports of fishmeal from January to November have declined by 9.4 per cent year on year, in line with the weaker domestic demand from both aqua- and piglet feed producers and the reduced Peruvian supply.

China’s 2023 fishmeal consumption in aquaculture is not expected to surpass that of 2022, although a rebound in the global supply of marine ingredients might open new scenarios. Similarly, the pig sector is grappling with subdued prices, hovering around a low point. The anticipated higher seasonal demand for the period November-February has yet to materialise. At this point, farmers are banking on improvements in the second half of 2024.

China’s slow economic recovery impacting fishmeal and

– Nitin Gadkari, Union Minister for Road Transport & Highways, Chief Patron, Agrovision

At the 14th Agrovision Summit, India’s Premier Agri Mega Event, held between November 24 and 27, 2023 at Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth (PDKV) Ground, Dabha, Nagpur, AgroSpectrum had the opportunity to interact with the stalwart politician and Chief Patron of Agrovision, Nitin Gadkari, Union Minister for Road Transport & Highways. Gadkari shared his views and ideas to further the aspirations of India’s farmers and citizens alike. His zeal for the empowerment of farmers, focusing on innovations that can benefit the farmers and the agriculture sector at large has, as always, been profound. Edited excerpts:

Could you describe your experience at the recently held 14th Agrovision?

Like the previous 13 editions of Agrovision, the recent edition of this event has also contributed in many ways. Several initiatives were taken in the Agrovision on the technology and information front and efforts were made to ensure that they reach farmers. In the Vidarbha region, where 22 sugar mills had gone into liquidation, I am running three sugar mills. Farmers in Vidarbha are producing nearly 105 tonnes of sugarcane per acre. Our efforts are now to scale up the production to 15 quintals of Soyabean and 20 quintals of cotton per acre. The requirement of orange saplings across India is 2 crore and Vidarbha needs 50 lakh saplings of oranges. But the capacity of the local organisation is only 3 lakhs. We have taken initiative to increase the production of saplings through public-private partnership (PPP) mode & accordingly appointed 12 private agencies to produce disease free good quality saplings. Now they are producing 30 lakh saplings. Efforts are being made to increase it. The National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) is setting up a Rs 537 crore mega milk processing plant in Butibori, Nagpur, which will have a capacity to process up to 10 lakh litres of milk per day. Its foundation stone was laid during the 14th Agrovision. This indicates that the NDDB is confident of procuring this much milk in Vidarbha. This is happening due to a conference on dairy development which we organise every year during Agrovision. In addition to the information and training for more and better-quality production, this year we have stressed value addition through processing and forming Farmers Producers Companies (FPCs) for marketing. Special sessions were organised for the same.

This Agrovision also saw some very interesting products like bamboo chip machines to make white coal, cars and bikes running totally on ethanol, biodiesel-based power generation sets and small tractors. What we were telling the farmers till now, has begun to bear fruit. Of course, we cannot be complacent and stop here. Our efforts to reach farmers with new information, new thought and new technology will have to continue. That work is now being done throughout the year by the Agrovision Foundation.

You have been talking about the diversification of agriculture towards the energy and power sector. How will it leverage the agriculture sector in India?

Yes, I keep speaking about this on every forum. I have been telling the farmers not only to be “Anna data”, a food provider, but also “Urja data”, an energy provider. Farmers can even supply bio-based Bitumen and aviation turbine fuel. It is possible with the diversification of agriculture towards energy, fuel and power. It is the current need of the country, considering its huge oil import bill worth Rs 16 lakh crore. It will also help farmers to get higher incomes. Their lives cannot change merely by growing wheat, rice and bajra as their prices remain the same, whatever quantity one produces. The surge in demand for ethanol, which is blended with petrol and diesel, will have transformative effects on India’s agricultural sector. Almost 65 per cent of the population relies on agriculture which contributes only 12 per cent to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This underlines the potential for the ethanol industry to revitalise the agricultural economy. With farmers’ engagement in energy generation, we will be able to produce energy worth Rs 10 lakh crore.

Bamboo can be used for making ethanol and it can create 10 lakh jobs. Moreover, Bamboo chip-making machines can be used to make white coal. During the recent Agrovision, I announced that we would buy bamboo from farmers at the rate of sugar cane. It is my dream to see an ethanol petrol pump being run by farmers.

What needs to be done to achieve the goal of making India a $5 trillion economy in future? What role can the agriculture sector play in it?

We are amongst the largest growing economies in the world. To realise Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s dream of making our country a $5 trillion economy, we need tribal, rural and agriculture-centric research and innovation. There had been a migration of people from rural areas to urban centres. Nearly 90 per cent of people used to live in villages. That number has come down to 65 per cent. People have not migrated happily. They shifted because of the problems in villages. So, we need to change the face of villages by bringing prosperity to the rural areas through the diversification of agriculture to the power and energy sector.

While Ethanol can be extracted from biomass, we can create bio-CNG and LNG from agricultural waste. On the other hand, we should ensure value addition in agro crops by processing. Although I mentioned research and innovation, any research must be helpful and have some practical use. It should be more need-based, location and raw material availability-based to be useful for the farmers. With all these combined efforts, it is not difficult for the agriculture sector to contribute substantially to making India a $5 trillion economy.

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- Nitin Gadkari, Union Minister for Road

The new headquarters building will be a 100 per cent green building

Amit Shah, Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation laid the foundation stone of the headquarters of National Cooperative Dairy Federation of India (NCDFI) Limited in Gandhinagar, Gujarat and addressed the e-Market Awards 2023 ceremony. Many dignitaries including Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel, Gujarat Legislative Assembly Speaker Shankar Choudhary, IFFCO Chairman Dilip Sanghani, NDDB Chairman Dr Meenesh Shah and NCDFI Chairman Dr Mangal Rai were present on the occasion.

In his address, Amit Shah said that the dairy and especially the cooperative dairy sector in our country has achieved multi-dimensional goals. He said that if the cooperative sector does not do milk trading, then milk production remains limited to a middleman and the milk user. But suppose the cooperative sector cooperatively trades milk. In that case, many dimensions are integrated into it, because the aim is not to make profit only and it has multidimensional benefits to the society, agriculture, villages, milk producers and ultimately the country. He said India has experienced this success story in the last 50 years.

The Minister of Cooperation said that today India has reached first place in the world’s milk production with a 24 per cent share. He said that if a cooperative dairy is to be run, then many institutions will have to be formed to nurture it and NCDFI will do this work. In a way, NCDFI is doing the work of guiding all dairies. Shah said that White Revolution started in the village ‘Vasi’ and now the headquarters of NCDFI is going to be built in the same Anand district in an area of about 7000 square meters. It will be built at an expense of about Rs 32 crore and will be operated through a solar power plant. He said that the new headquarters building will be a 100 per cent green building.

The new headquarters building will be a