HomeAgroPolicyAgro UniversitiesPAU organises training camp on seed treatment for basmati rice

PAU organises training camp on seed treatment for basmati rice

Image credit: PAU

Demonstrations were held on how to do seed treatment and root dip treatment of basmati rice with Trichoderma harziamum to avoid foot rot disease

Experts of Farm Advisory Service Centre (FASC) of Punjab Agricultural University recently organised a training camp on seed treatment in Basmati rice in an adopted village Kot Mohammad Khan of Tarn Taran District, under the scheme “Farm Advisory Service Scheme”. More than 40 farmers participated in the initiative.

Dr Parminder Kaur, ES (PP) demonstrated how to do seed treatment and root dip treatment of basmati rice with Trichoderma harziamum to avoid foot rot disease, which sometimes causes huge losses in basmati. She also distributed Trichoderma harziamum to the farmers. She explained the different activities being conducted by FASC experts and stressed to farmers to adopt the new technologies invented by PAU. She told the farmers to cultivate recommended varieties of PAU which are resistant to diseases and insect pests.

Dr Savreet Khehra an expert of Fruit science emphasised growing fruits plants in the kitchen garden for the nutritional security of the family. She explained how to take care of fruit plants during the summer season.

Dr Parminder Singh, DES (Agronomy) advised not to burn wheat straw as there are many ways to manage it and moreover it pollutes the environment. He explained cultivation practices and fertilization of paddy/basmati crops.


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