Aims to enhance farm productivity
A session entitled ‘Sensors and Sensing for Precision Agriculture’ was organized under ‘Precision Agriculture’ by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) with total of 1019 participant, including 38 panellists on October 5, 2020, as part of the Vaishwik Bhartiya Vaigyanik (VAIBHAV) Summit 2020.
This is a Government of India initiative to bring together the thought process, practices, R&D culture of Overseas and Indian scientists/academicians through a series of structured deliberations and constructive dialogue, and develop a road map for translational research/academic culture for tangible output and strengthening the Science & Technology base for providing the impetus to endeavour of Aatma Nirbhar Bharat.
A total of 18 verticals have been identified for deliberation of which ‘Agro-economy and Food Security’ deals directly with agriculture with several horizontals. The horizontal on “Precision Agriculture” aims at discussing recent advances in the field of sensors, remote sensing, deep learning, artificial intelligence and IoT for monitoring and quantification of soil, plant and environment to enhance farm productivity with increased input use efficiency and environmental sustainability.
Dr Rabi N Sahoo, ICAR-IARI was Session Coordinator, while Prof M Udayakumar, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru and Dr Alol Sikka, India Water Management Institute, New Delhi were chairs for different themes. Dr Anil Rai, ADG ICT, ICAR was the co-chair of the session.