DD Kisan will broadcast 30 minutes programs to educate farmers on new agri practices
Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited (IFFCO, world’s largest fertilizer cooperative and Prasar Bharati, India’s largest public broadcasting agency signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on October 4, 2020, to broadcast and promote new agriculture technology and innovations. The agreement was signed at a program organized in Prthivi Bhavan, New Delhi.
Doordarshan (DD) Kisan will broadcast various innovative techniques being adopted in the agriculture field, as per the agreement. A 25 episode series of 30 minutes duration programs, in easy to understand language, are planned for the benefit of farmers. The aim is to make farmers self-reliant or Atmanirbhar in terms of new agriculture techniques and their implementation. The programs will feature IFFCO’s innovations for the farmers’ benefit.
Dr U S Awasthi, Managing Director of IFFCO, said that the cooperative has prepared an alternative of Urea which is nanotechnology based and will help farmers. Such innovations will also help to achieve the target of doubling the income of farmers by 2022.
K Vijay Raghavan, Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India stated that this initiative was a historic step for the betterment of farmers. As IFFCO has innovative technology for farmers and Doordarshan has a wide reach across the country, the partnership is very appropriate and effective.