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Syngenta is the only company within the agricultural sector to be included in the latest EPA’s National Top 100 List of top users of green power from the Green Power Partnership.

Syngenta Group, one of the world’s leading global agriculture technology companies, announced today that its manufacturing facility in St. Gabriel, Louisiana, US, has been recognized as a top user of green power by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Syngenta is the only company within the agricultural sector to be included in the latest EPA’s National Top 100 List of top users of green power from the Green Power Partnership.

This recognition marks the latest milestone in the company’s actions to decarbonize its operations globally. Dr Tom Gray, Head of Active Ingredient Strategy and Operations at Syngenta Group, said: “We are proud to be recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for being a leader in the green power market. The implementation of our global strategy for sourcing renewable electricity is well underway, and we are working hard to decarbonize further and improve the energy efficiency of our operations. We are also collaborating closely with our partners throughout our global supply chain to decrease our entire carbon footprint.”

The St. Gabriel production site is one of Syngenta’s global manufacturing centers of excellence equipped to handle highly complex processes and meet the most stringent production and quality standards. The site consumes more than 150 million kWh of energy annually – equivalent to the annual electricity use of 14,000 homes in the country. Through the purchase of Renewable Energy Certificates, Syngenta’s site demonstrates that it sources 100 percent of its electrical energy from renewable sources such as wind and solar – fully offsetting its electricity consumption from fossil fuel-based sources.

Program Manager of EPA’s Green Power Partnership James Critchfield said: “This list of the largest users of green power across the nation is proof that good business practices can also benefit the environment. EPA applauds the leading organizations in the Green Power Partnership’s Top Partner Rankings for their notable commitment to expanding their use of green power and protecting the environment.”

Globally, Syngenta has also invested significantly at its other production sites, as part of its published commitment to reduce carbon emissions by 2030. In Switzerland, Syngenta’s production site in Monthey uses hydropower for a sizeable portion of the site’s electricity needs and generates the equivalent of half its steam consumption by recovering heat from household waste incineration. In 2023, Syngenta’s Monthey site was awarded the “Go Carbon Free” label by the Carbon Free Valais Foundation, in recognition of its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint.

In Brazil, Syngenta’s R&D and manufacturing sites for its crop protection and seeds businesses also source 100 percent of their electricity needs from renewable sources. This was achieved alongside comprehensive efforts aimed at reducing water consumption and waste generation, and at long-term net-zero energy sourcing.

In China, the Kunshan manufacturing site emerged as Syngenta Group China’s first carbon-neutral facility after Beijing Green Exchange, a platform for carbon emission trading in China, awarded it in July for fully offsetting its carbon emissions generated from its operations. The site is implementing continuous improvements such as real-time monitoring of electricity usage, alongside upgrading equipment to be more energy efficient.

Syngenta is the only company within the

Altacor eVo insect control is the foundation solution for Lepidopteran management in tree nut, pome fruits and stone fruits.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) granted FMC Corporation registration for Altacor eVo insect control powered by Rynaxypyr active (Chlorantraniliprole) in tree nuts (almonds, pistachios and walnuts), citrus, grapes (table and wine), pome fruits (apples and pears) and stone fruits (apricots, cherries, nectarines, peaches, plums, plumcots and prunes). Altacor eVo insect control is a highly concentrated formulation of Rynaxypyr active, the industry standard for long residual control of Lepidopteran pests.

Altacor eVo insect control is the foundation solution for Lepidopteran management. When used in accordance with the label, it is effective against Lepidopteran pests including navel orange worm, codling moth, oriental fruit moth, oblique banded leafroller, katydid nymph, omnivorous leafroller, light brown apple moth and more, including ovi-larvicidal, larvicidal and adult activity. It also has a little to no negative impact on beneficials and does not flare secondary pests or mites.

“Using fewer packaging means growers will spend less time handling the product. This resonates as growers making these applications put a significant amount of time and effort into product handling and measuring,” said Eric Castner, regional technical service manager for FMC.

 Castner also added that FMC continues to pave the path forward when it comes to enhanced product handling, performance, production and sustainability. Altacor eVo insect control brings a lot of benefits to the table that will be reaped by the grower from an integrated pest management and insect management perspective.”

Altacor eVo insect control is the foundation

Resicore XL herbicide is an innovative pre- and postemergence corn herbicide which offers application flexibility and increased crop safety.

Corteva Agriscience announced that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved the registration of Resicore® XL herbicide. The improved Resicore XL herbicide formulation will be available for use in the 2023 growing season. Resicore XL is part of Corteva Agriscience’s broad portfolio of crop protection solutions designed to address customer needs.

″Resicore XL herbicide offers increased crop safety and the widest application window of any Corteva Agriscience corn herbicide — along with the proven, powerful weed control growers already know and love from Resicore herbicide, ″ said Kelly White, U.S. Product Manager, Corn Herbicides, Corteva Agriscience. ″We’re continuously looking for new, innovative solutions that meet the needs of today’s growers, and Resicore XL herbicide does just that. ″

Resicore XL herbicide builds on the success and proven weed control corn farmers have come to expect from predecessor Resicore herbicide — the most widely used residual corn herbicide in the United States in 2019 and 2020.

Resicore XL herbicide provides the flexibility needed to fit a wide variety of weed control and agronomic programs with the widest application window of any corn herbicide in the Corteva Agriscience portfolio. Resicore XL herbicide can be applied from preemergence through postemergence on corn up to 24 inches tall. Farmers also can customize their application rates for added application flexibility.

Resicore XL herbicide is an innovative pre-