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BPCL has pledged Rs 5 crore to support research and development initiatives within this partnership.

Bharat Petroleum Corporation (BPCL) has entered into Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the National Sugar Institute (NSI) in Kanpur to collaboratively develop sweet sorghum as an eco-friendly feedstock for bioethanol production. This strategic alliance supports India’s Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP) Programme and aligns with the government’s objectives to promote biofuels and diminish reliance on fossil fuels.

BPCL has pledged Rs 5 crore to support research and development initiatives within this partnership. The funding will optimise sweet sorghum yields, enhance agricultural practices, and create efficient juice extraction and fermentation methods to boost ethanol production. Additionally, this collaboration will examine the use of leftover biomass for compressed biogas (CBG) and other value-added applications, promoting a comprehensive approach to bioenergy use.

BPCL has pledged Rs 5 crore to

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA), chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has approved revision of ethanol procurement price for Public Sector Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) for the Ethanol Supply Year (ESY) 2024-25 under the Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP) Programme of the Government of India. Accordingly, the administered ex-mill price of ethanol for the EBP Programme derived from C Heavy Molasses (CHM) for the Ethanol Supply Year 2024-25 has been fixed at Rs.57.97 per litre from Rs.56.58 per litre

The approval will not only facilitate the continued policy for the Government in providing price stability and remunerative prices for ethanol suppliers but will also help in reducing dependency on crude oil imports, savings in foreign exchange and bring benefits to the environment. In the interest of sugarcane farmers, as in the past, GST and transportation charges would be separately payable. Increase in prices of CHM Ethanol by 3 per cent will assure sufficient availability of ethanol to meet the increased blending target.

Government has been implementing Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP) Programme wherein OMCs sell petrol blended with ethanol up to 20 per cent. This Programme is being implemented across the country to promote the use of alternative and environment friendly fuels. This intervention also seeks to reduce import dependence for energy requirements and give boost to agriculture sector. During the last ten years (as on 31.12.2024), ethanol blending in petrol by Public Sector Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) has resulted in approximate savings of more than Rs.1,13,007crore of foreign exchange and crude oil substitution of about 193 lakh metric tonnes.

Ethanol blending by Public Sector Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) has increased from 38 crore litre in Ethanol Supply Year 2013-14 (ESY – currently defined as ethanol supply period from 1stNovember of a year to 31st October of the following year) to 707crore litre achieving average blending of 14.60 per cent in ESY 2023-24.

Government has advanced the target of 20 per cent ethanol blending in petrol from earlier 2030 to ESY 2025-26 and a “Roadmap for ethanol blending in India 2020-25” has been put in public domain. As a step in this direction, OMCs plan to achieve 18 per cent blending during the ongoing ESY 2024-25. Other recent enablers include enhancement of ethanol distillation capacity to 1713 crore litre per annum; Long Term Off-take Agreements (LTOAs) to set up Dedicated Ethanol Plants (DEPs) in ethanol deficit States; encourage conversion of single feed distilleries to multi feed; availability of E-100 and E-20 fuel; launch of flexi fuel vehicles etc. All these steps also add to ease of doing business and achieving the objectives of Atmanirbhar Bharat.

Due to the visibility provided by the Government under EBP Programme, investments have happened across the country in the form of network of greenfield and brownfield distilleries, storage and logistics facilities apart from employment opportunities and sharing of value within the country among various stakeholders. All distilleries will be able to take benefit of the scheme and large number of them are expected to supply ethanol for the EBP programme. This will help in quantifiable forex savings, crude oil substitution, environmental benefits and early payment to cane farmers.

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA),

ISMA proposes a roadmap to a 55 per cent or even 60 per cent ethanol supply contribution, contingent on policy interventions and farmer support.

 The drop in Indian cane production due to the global climate phenomenon, EL-Nino, had led to a sudden stoppage of ethanol production from syrup and BHM from mid-December 2023. This meant that only 20 Lac tons of sugar was diverted towards the production of around 200 Cr litres of ethanol.

However, based on the sugar production figures, India could have afforded to produce around 250 Crore litres of ethanol more by diverting a further quantity of around 25 Lac tons sugar even after meeting full requirements of 285 Lac tons of sugar for domestic demand after leaving more than adequate 66 Lac tons of closing stock at the end of the season. Subsequently, the sugar industry could have supplied 450 Crore litres of ethanol which could have been almost adequate for the current ethanol year requirement from the sugar industry.

Looking at the statistical figures above, we delve into the challenges faced by the sugar sector in meeting the 20 per cent ethanol blending target in future and explore the policy interventions necessary to facilitate compliance. By examining the economic and environmental benefits of ethanol blending, the Indian Sugar & Bio-Energy Manufacturers Association (ISMA) aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the road ahead in achieving this critical milestone for the Nation.

India’s 20 per cent Ethanol Blending requirement

India started blending ethanol in petrol on a pilot basis in 2001 before launching the dedicated Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP) programme in 2003. Since then, India has come a long way to set a 20 per cent ethanol blending target till 2030. This measure is designed to lower carbon emissions, enhance air quality, and promote the use of biofuels derived from renewable sources such as sugarcane, corn, or other biomass. It also aims to create a more sustainable energy mix and reduce the reliance on fossil fuels.

 Prabhakar Rao, President of the Indian Sugar and Bio-Energy Manufacturers Association (ISMA), said, “The Indian sugar industry is well-positioned to meet the government’s ambitious 20 per cent ethanol blending target by 2030. Our industry can contribute a significant 55 per cent of the ethanol requirement, and even increase that to up to 60 per cent if we can get stable policy support and investment on sugarcane production stabilisation.”

Striving to achieve the same, ISMA is confident that the sugar industry is capable of meeting the 55 per cent ethanol supply to meet the 20 per cent EBP target by 2030. In addition, the industrial landscape holds the ability to stabilise the policies and investment in sugar production.

Implications for the Sugar Industry

For the Indian sugar industry, the Ethanol Blending Requirement presents both challenges and opportunities. On one hand, it offers a new market for ethanol production, creating a potential revenue stream. On the other hand, meeting the demand for ethanol production necessitates significant investments in infrastructure and technology, posing challenges for sugar producers.

Current Challenges

Availability of Raw Materials – One of the primary challenges is ensuring an adequate and affordable supply of raw materials for ethanol production. The sugarcane area needs to be expanded only marginally by about 7-8 per cent. And, the yield is required to be stabilised at about 81-82 tons per ha. The country achieved the highest sugarcane production of 4616 Lac tons in the year 2021-22 with a productivity of 82.7 tons per ha. We need to increase to 5100 Lac tons and stabilize the production to meet the country’s sugar and ethanol demand.

Additionally, the experts believe that if the cane production stabilisation measures are undertaken in collaboration with cane farmers by extending various schemes of the Govt. of India, the sugar industry can increase its contribution to even up to 60 per cent of ethanol supplies after fully meeting the sugar demand of the country.

ISMA proposes a roadmap to a 55