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Cropin Cloud addresses critical challenges such as reducing carbon footprints, enabling climate-smart agriculture, ensuring traceability, and complying with regulations like the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR).

Bengaluru based Cropin, one of the world’s leading AI platforms for food and agriculture, announced that it has achieved the Google Cloud Ready – Sustainability Designation within the Google Cloud Partner Advantage Program. This designation recognises Cropin’s success in developing and delivering solutions and tools on Google Cloud that enable customers to meet their sustainability and Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) objectives. Cropin Cloud has been recognised for its global leadership in driving and strategizing responsible sourcing within the agri-food industry and deploying Climate-Smart Agriculture and Sustainable Farming practices across more than 100 countries.

In a climate-impacted world, agri-food systems face unprecedented challenges, threatening global food security and the performance of agri-food businesses. As part of the Google Cloud Ready – Sustainability partner program, Cropin Cloud empowers agri-food businesses and policymakers to safeguard domestic food security while enabling climate-resilient and sustainable agricultural operations. It supports the realization of meaningful climate objectives, delivering solutions that reduce carbon emissions, enhance the sustainability of value chains, process ESG metrics, and identify climate risks to build resilience. Google Cloud Ready – Sustainability will provide Cropin’s customers a facilitated journey to discover and use proven partner solutions, powered by Google Cloud, in their sustainability and Climate-Smart business transformations.

Cropin Cloud is a powerful platform designed to help organizations seamlessly adopt sustainability and climate risk measures. Powered by advanced agri-science and AI/ML models, it enables agri-food and allied industries to make data-driven decisions that promote sustainable sourcing, improve soil health, and reduce environmental impact across the value chain. Cropin Cloud addresses critical challenges such as reducing carbon footprints, enabling climate-smart agriculture, ensuring traceability, and complying with regulations like the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR).

Its capabilities include managing deforestation with Land Use & Land Change (LULC) models, forecasting future yield potential, assessing supply chain risks, conserving water through irrigation advisory, and minimizing pesticide use with the Disease Early Warning System (DEWS). Widely trusted by global agri-food businesses, Cropin Cloud empowers organizations and their partner growers to achieve net-zero goals, meet sustainability targets, and build resilient, traceable supply chains.

“We are honored to be recognized as a Sustainability Partner within the Google Cloud Partner Advantage Program. At Cropin, our mission is to transform food systems into more sustainable and resilient frameworks in a world increasingly affected by climate change. This partnership is a testament to our vision of creating a prosperous and sustainable future for our customers and the planet. Collaborating with Google Cloud, a global leader in sustainability innovation, underscores the critical need for a strong ecosystem to address challenges in the essential food and agriculture sector. We aim to drive meaningful, lasting change for the sustainable future of global food systems,” said Krishna Kumar, Founder and CEO of Cropin.

Google Cloud Ready for Sustainability is part of the Google Cloud Partner Advantage program, designed to maximize Google Cloud partners’ success across business models, customer requirements, success metrics, and strategic priorities. Google Cloud Marketplace Sustainability Hub provides customers with easy access to validated sustainability solutions and will showcase Google Cloud Ready for Sustainability solutions.

Cropin Cloud addresses critical challenges such as

The World Bank’s 2030 Water Resources Group (WRG) promotes sustainable agriculture by expanding water-saving methods, lowering greenhouse gas emissions, and increasing productivity through public-private partnerships. Its projects, such as Low Methane Rice and innovative irrigation methods in India and Bangladesh, improve climate resilience and food security globally

The World Bank’s 2030 Water Resources Group (WRG), a global public-private partnership, is spearheading efforts to solve water scarcity in agriculture, which accounts for 70% of total freshwater withdrawals. WRG, which operates as a trust fund under the World Bank, works with businesses, governments, and civil society to create innovative water management solutions while also promoting climate-resilient food systems. Climate change poses severe obstacles, making these initiatives critical as farmers struggle to satisfy global food demands. WRG encourages micro-irrigation for water efficiency, better agriculture practices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and market innovations that increase agricultural output and mechanization. By driving these sustainable practices, WRG helps secure stable food supplies, increase farmers’ earnings, and save crucial water resources.

WRG’s Low Methane Rice effort is one of its ground-breaking projects, with the goal of having revolutionary environmental and agricultural consequences. Building on the success of India’s Uttar Pradesh PRAGATI Accelerator, the initiative aims to scale up initiatives to reduce methane emissions, improve water efficiency, and increase yields in important rice-growing regions throughout South and East Asia. This unique program demonstrates WRG’s ability to use public-private partnerships to achieve daring solutions that were previously thought impossible. By duplicating established models such as PRAGATI, WRG positions itself as a leader in reducing emissions and promoting climate-resilient agriculture. This initiative demonstrates how sustainable techniques can meet both global environmental issues and local agriculture demands.

WRG’s Low Methane Rice effort is one of its ground-breaking projects, with the goal of having revolutionary environmental and agricultural consequences. Building on the success of India’s Uttar Pradesh PRAGATI Accelerator, the initiative aims to scale up initiatives to reduce methane emissions, improve water efficiency, and increase yields in important rice-growing regions throughout South and East Asia. This unique program demonstrates WRG’s ability to use public-private partnerships to achieve daring solutions that were previously thought impossible. By duplicating established models such as PRAGATI, WRG positions itself as a leader in reducing emissions and promoting climate-resilient agriculture. This initiative demonstrates how sustainable techniques can meet both global environmental issues and local agriculture demands.

Beyond India and Bangladesh, WRG’s creative programs serve as models for other regions with comparable difficulties. In Karnataka, India, WRG established the world’s first large-scale community drip irrigation project, lowering water abstraction by 24 million cubic meters and duplicating the idea on an additional 100,000 hectares. In Kenya, WRG pioneered a funding strategy that allowed smallholder farmers to gain access to sophisticated irrigation systems, helping 500 farmers and encouraging the wider growth of farmer-led irrigation programs. Meanwhile, in South Africa, WRG launched the country’s first automated water administration system, decreasing water distribution losses by up to 20% and expanding the model to 21 major irrigation systems. These projects demonstrate WRG’s ability to provide scalable and meaningful solutions that boost productivity while conserving water.

Over the last decade, WRG’s initiatives have proved the power of public-private partnerships to address the interconnected concerns of water scarcity, agricultural production, and climate resilience. By combining local knowledge with global expertise, WRG has enabled farmers in Africa and Asia to implement novel solutions that increase yields while minimizing environmental impact. From pioneering low-methane rice cultivation to expanding irrigation improvements, WRG’s projects have established new standards for sustainable water management. These measures have not only addressed current issues, but have also established long-term routes for resilience and growth. By ensuring food security, safeguarding natural resources, and lowering emissions, WRG continues to play an important role in addressing some of today’s most critical concerns. With an emphasis on collaboration, innovation, and sustainability

The World Bank's 2030 Water Resources Group

Indian agriculture being a gamble of monsoons, crop yields continue to be climate sensitive and the fluctuations in temperature and rainfall pattern adversely affect crops productivity, thus threatening food security in India. In India, climate change has triggered an increase in temperatures by 0.6 °C to 25.1 °C between 1901 and 2018, causing shifts in monsoon patterns. According to government reports, productivity of most crops is likely to decrease 10-40 per cent by 2100 due to increases in temperature, rainfall variability, and decreases in irrigation water. The major impacts of climate change will be on rain fed or un-irrigated crops, which are cultivated in nearly 60 per cent of cropland.

A temperature rise by 0.5°C in winter is projected to reduce rain fed wheat yield by 0.45 tonnes per hectare in India. Government of India’s economic survey (2018) estimated that the annual loss of $ 9-10 billion was due to the adverse effects of climate change. To overcome this, the Government of India highlighted the significance of a multi-stakeholder approach in addressing climate challenges and took up climate smart agriculture measures since 2011 to support the small and marginal farmers, who constitute 85 per cent of the farming population.

On January 18 the National Institution or Transforming India (NITI Aayog), the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’Welfare (MoA&FW), Government of India, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) jointly launched the ‘Investment Forum for Advancing Climate Resilient agrifood Systems in India’ in New Delhi.

This initiative aims to develop an investment and partnership strategy to advance climate resilient agrifood systems among the government, private sectors, and farmers’ organisations and financial institutions in India.

The government of India has been active in this space and taken the lead in building climate resilient agrifood systems through prioritised actions in mitigation and adaptation domains since 2011 with the formation of National Innovation on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA), a network project of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) with an outlay of Rs 350 crore. The project aims to enhance the resilience of Indian agriculture, covering crops, livestock and fisheries to climatic variability and climate change through development and application of improved production and risk management technologies. The government has implemented the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) that provides the overarching framework for climate actions, through national missions in specific areas. The National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA), one of the Missions under NAPCC, includes programmatic interventions like Soil Health Card, Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana, Mission Organic Value Chain Development for Northeastern Region, Rainfed Area Development, National Bamboo Mission and Sub-mission on Agro-Forestry. Besides, the NMSA aims at promoting location specific improved agronomic practices through soil health management, enhanced water use efficiency, judicious use of chemicals, crop diversification.

In addition, the country has many other schemes in the last 13 years such as the National Adaptation Fund for Climate Change (NAFCC), Climate Smart Village, Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojna (PMSKY), Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna (PMFBY), Soil Health Card Scheme, National Water Mission (NWM), Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojna (PKVY), Biotech-KISAN, Neem Coated Urea, National Livestock Mission which helped in developing climate resilient technologies for various crops under state of the art climate change research facilities established at several institutes across the country.

To read more click on: https://agrospectrumasia.com/e-magazine

Indian agriculture being a gamble of monsoons,

By Rohit Lall, Joint Project Director, National Committee on Precision Agriculture and Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India

Climate change presents significant challenges to the agrifood sector, affecting producers’ incomes and food security. Recent climate-smart innovations in agrifood that enhance producers’ incomes while promoting sustainable solutions among farmers will make a big difference to the farming community. Precision agriculture, a key climate-smart innovation, employs advanced technologies and techniques to maximise resource efficiency and enhance crop yields. These technologies allow for targeted and efficient resource use, minimising waste and environmental impact. Let’s explore how precision farming will promote sustainability by reducing the ecological footprint of agricultural activities.

Agriculture remains the cornerstone of India’s economy, serving as the primary source of livelihood for nearly half of the country’s workforce. As such, advancements in agriculture directly impact the prosperity of a significant portion of the population, particularly those with lower incomes. However, the sector faces formidable challenges exacerbated by the effects of climate change, including extreme weather events and shifting seasons, which pose serious threats to agricultural productivity and farmer incomes. Addressing these challenges is crucial to ensuring the long-term sustainability and economic viability of the agrifood sector.

Moreover, India’s agricultural landscape exhibits considerable regional disparities, stemming from factors such as suboptimal input utilisation, limited access to modern technology, and stagnant technological innovation. Additionally, farmers often struggle to realise profitable prices for their produce due to inefficiencies in the agricultural marketing system, resulting in dwindling farm sizes and a decline in land cultivation, as farmers migrate in search of better job opportunities elsewhere. Because land leasing laws make it risky to lease land, increasingly, productive land is being left uncultivated. The dominance of paddy cultivation in Kharif and wheat in Rabi seasons further underscores the need for diversification toward high-value agricultural commodities such as fruits, vegetables, and animal products such as milk, poultry, fish and meat, driven by increasing incomes and urbanisation. Although per capita consumption of food grains has declined over the years, its total demand has been projected to increase due to the rise in population. To facilitate growth in productivity, it is important to ensure that farmers receive lucrative prices for their produce.

In response to these challenges, precision agriculture has emerged as a promising solution, with both central and state governments actively promoting its adoption. Notably, initiatives such as the centre’s flagship scheme Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) – Per Drop More Crop (PDMC) have significantly expanded micro irrigation coverage across the country, making notable strides on the global irrigation landscape. The robust participation of over 300 registered micro irrigation system suppliers registered under the PDMC scheme reflects the growing momentum toward precision agriculture adoption. Today over 15 mega hectares (mha) have been covered under micro irrigation across the country. Additionally, a conducive business environment has incentivised a greater number of Micro Irrigation Systems (MIS) suppliers to expand their manufacturing capacities, further propelling the growth of the sector.  Precision agriculture holds immense potential to enhance agricultural productivity, mitigate the impact of climate change, and improve farmer livelihoods. As India strives towards agricultural prosperity, continued support and investment in precision farming technologies will be pivotal in realising these goals.

To read more click on: https://agrospectrumasia.com/e-magazine

By Rohit Lall, Joint Project Director, National

These include the crop cycle approach, popularising climate-resilient varieties, promoting climate-smart agriculture

ITC is working on a set of short-term actions to mitigate any impact of a harsh summer projected in the country.

The company’s agronomy teams have worked out region-specific practices to minimise the impact of heat waves and unseasonal rains through a host of multi-dimensional measures.

Sanjiv Puri, ITC Chairman said that these include the crop cycle approach, popularising climate-resilient varieties, promoting climate-smart agriculture and contingency planning.

ITC has been working on climate risk modelling for a while. “We are identifying hotspots, and based on the nature of problems, taking mitigating steps. A very localised action has to be taken,” Puri said.

These include the crop cycle approach, popularising