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As the largest suppliers of these AIs in Europe, ADAMA has played a crucial role in the re-registration process.

ADAMA, a global leader in crop protection solutions, announced the continued availability of its key multi-site fungicides, Folpet and Captan, for European growers. This follows the recent decision by the European Union’s (EU) Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed (SCoPAFF) to renew the approval of both active ingredients (AIs) for another 15 years.

ADAMA remains dedicated to providing farmers with safe and effective solutions to protect their crops against fungal diseases. Both Folpet and Captan undergo periodic re-evaluation in the EU through a rigorous renewal process, which includes comprehensive testing and assessment. As the largest suppliers of these AIs in Europe, ADAMA has played a crucial role in the re-registration process by providing extensive data that demonstrates their ongoing safety.

“We are delighted with the renewal of Folpet and Captan,” said Alex Mills, Global Head of Fungicides at ADAMA. “These fungicides are essential for farmers across Europe, offering excellent resistance management and broad-spectrum protection against fungal diseases in multiple crops. We are proud to have significantly contributed to the re-registration process and will continue to invest in new solutions based on Folpet and Captan for our customers.”

The renewal of Folpet ensures that growers of crops such as cereals, grapes, and specialty crops can continue to benefit from ADAMA’s broad Folpet portfolio, which includes products like Folpan® 500SC, Folpan® 80WDG, Vinergy®, Folpan® Energy and Folpan® Gold.

The renewal of Captan is particularly significant for sustainable agriculture, as it becomes the first AI to be renewed with conditions tied to precision agriculture. These conditions mandate the use of equipment that enhances the precision and accuracy of application, setting a new standard for environmentally responsible crop management.

Mills added, “By reducing the required active ingredient dosage and promoting the adoption of precision agriculture practices, we enable farmers to optimize yields sustainably while maintaining high safety standards. This aligns with ADAMA’s mission to provide lower-impact alternatives to traditional crop protection.”

Captan is primarily used in orchards, making this outcome especially beneficial for orchard growers, who will continue to have access to key products like Merpan® 80WDG. 

“We are committed to delivering innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of our customers. This renewal reinforces our position as a trusted partner to growers across Europe,” concluded Mills.

As the largest suppliers of these AIs

The new bio-fungicide, set to launch in 2026 for winter crops and spring turf, addresses the growing challenge of foliar diseases in cereals, canola and turf applications.

ADAMA, a global leader in crop protection solutions, has announced a partnership with Elemental Enzymes, a US-based life sciences company, to introduce an innovative biological fungicide to the Australian market.

The new bio-fungicide, set to launch in 2026 for winter crops and spring turf, addresses the growing challenge of foliar diseases in cereals, canola and turf applications. Utilizing Elemental Enzymes’ patented peptide technology, the product will offer a novel mode of action to protect against fungal diseases like septoria tritici and septoria nodorum in wheat.

By stimulating plants’ natural defenses, the bio-fungicide will complement existing chemical fungicides, helping to manage disease resistance and improve crop health. This innovative peptide technology will support conventional fungicides by activating the plant’s natural immune response to diseases. ADAMA Australia will exclusively distribute the bio-fungicide for broadacre crops and turf, while also exploring additional applications through its research and development program.

“We are excited to partner with Elemental Enzymes to bring this innovative technology to Australian growers,” said Steve Scott, General Manager of ADAMA Australia. “The increasing prevalence of fungal diseases and the growing resistance to traditional fungicides highlight the urgent need for new solutions. This bio-fungicide offers a promising approach to enhance crop protection and sustainability. We are committed to rigorous testing and development to ensure this product delivers tangible benefits to Australian farmers.”

This partnership aligns with ADAMA’s strategy to provide innovative and sustainable crop protection solutions that deliver high return on investment and meet the evolving needs of farmers worldwide.

The new bio-fungicide, set to launch in

Hili will succeed Steve Hawkins, who has been appointed President of Syngenta Crop Protection and a member of the Syngenta Group Leadership Team.

Israel based ADAMA Ltd., a leading crop protection company, announced that its board of directors has appointed Gaël Hili as its President and Chief Executive Officer, effective October 1, 2024. Hili will join the Syngenta Group Leadership Team and will be based in Tel Aviv.

Hili will succeed Steve Hawkins, who has been appointed President of Syngenta Crop Protection and a member of the Syngenta Group Leadership Team, based in Basel, effective October 1, 2024. Steve will continue to be fully dedicated to driving ADAMA’s ongoing business and transformation plan until his official appointment.

Hili has dedicated most of his career to the agriculture industry, starting with operational and commercial roles at Dow AgroSciences in Europe and later at Dow Chemical Company, where he served as Global Marketing Director. In 2017, he joined Syngenta as Head of Europe East, where he led the team to significant market share growth in both the Seeds and Crop Protection businesses. Since December 2023, he has served as the Head of Europe Syngenta CP and Seeds Field Crops. Hili holds a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France.

Jeff Rowe, President and CEO of Syngenta Group, said: “I am pleased to welcome Gaël Hili as the new CEO of ADAMA and member of the Syngenta Group Leadership Team. Gaël brings extensive experience and a proven track record of driving profitable growth and leading successful organizational change. He is the ideal candidate to accelerate the implementation of ADAMA’s transformation plan, successfully launched by Steve and the Global ADAMA Leadership Team earlier this year, to address the near-term financial health of the company and capture the fast-growing Value Innovation customer segment in ADAMA’s leading markets. Under Gael’s leadership together with ADAMA’s strong Leadership Team, and the continued support of Syngenta Group, I am confident that ADAMA will turnaround, revalue and reposition for the benefit of all its stakeholders including customers, employees, investors and bondholders around the world.”

Gaël Hili commented: “I am honoured to take on the role of President and CEO at such a pivotal time for ADAMA. The Transformation plan has already shown promising improvement in ADAMA’s cash flow, demonstrating our commitment to financial health and operational excellence. My focus will be on accelerating this momentum, ensuring we meet our profit and cash targets over the next three years. By building on the solid foundation laid by Steve and the leadership team, I am dedicated to driving long-term success and value for all our stakeholders. Together with ADAMA’s committed and professional global teams, we will continue to transform ADAMA into a stronger, more resilient company.”

Hili will succeed Steve Hawkins, who has

Maxentis delivers dependable control of Septoria, Yellow Rust, and Brown Rust in wheat; Leaf Blotch, Net Blotch, and Rust in barley

ADAMA Ltd., a leading crop protection company, has announced the launch of Maxentis, a new versatile fungicide that delivers reliable control over a broad range of diseases in wheat, barley, and oilseed rape, to increase yields and improve income.

Maxentis delivers dependable control of Septoria, Yellow Rust, and Brown Rust in wheat; Leaf Blotch, Net Blotch, and Rust in barley; and Sclerotinia and Alternaria in OSR, helping bring peace of mind to farmers while simplifying and reducing the expense of their spray programs. In high-potential wheat areas, Maxentis can be used as a T1 application in a spray program with other fungicides, or as a standalone T1 or T2 broad-spectrum product in lower-potential areas. The non-SDHI formulation makes it an excellent partner for spraying programs, allowing farmers the flexibility to use an SDHI combination at the critical flag leaf stage of the wheat.

Two modes of action are combined to enhance the impact of Maxentis. This means that fungal diseases are controlled across multiple growth stages of the disease, resulting in greater efficacy and healthier crops.

Maxentis improves yields, while the ability to control numerous diseases in multiple crops with a single product increases convenience, reduces complexity and lowers costs, resulting in increased income for farmers.

Maxentis delivers dependable control of Septoria, Yellow Rust,

Sales of the Group for the third quarter were $6.8 billion, down 13 percent (-13% CER) and EBITDA was $0.3 billion, down 68 percent from prior year.

Syngenta Group announced financial results for the first nine months and third quarter of 2023. Group sales for the first nine months of 2023 were $24.3 billion, down 6 percent year-on-year (-3% CER) and EBITDA was 22 per cent lower (-20 per cent CER) when compared to an exceptionally strong 2022.

In the first nine months of 2023, the industry-wide channel destocking continued as distributors and retailers further reduced inventories, they built up in response to the supply chain disruptions of 2022. Overall farmer income and use of agricultural products, solutions and services remain robust. However, high working capital costs for customers due to sustained higher interest rates prompted many channel partners and farmers to order closer to application. These factors weighed on the comparison with the same period last year, when the Group achieved record sales and profits.

Sales of the Group for the third quarter were $6.8 billion, down 13 percent (-13% CER) and EBITDA was $0.3 billion, down 68 percent from prior year. The EBITDA was significantly impacted by a softer market in Brazil versus a record high in 2022 and a one-time seed inventory correction in Brazil, in addition to the timing of a royalty receipt, which was advanced to Q2 as noted in the H1 earnings release.

Sales of Syngenta Crop Protection and ADAMA were lower compared to the exceptionally strong first three quarters of the prior year. Crop Protection in China continued to see strong growth in the first nine months of 2023, with sales up 16 percent year-on-year, benefiting from launch of new technologies. Syngenta Group’s biological solutions grew 14 percent in sales compared to the first nine months of the previous year.

The Seeds business grew 3 percent to $3.3 billion sales in the first nine of months of 2023. Year-on-year comparison of Q3 was distorted by an earlier phasing of royalty income, realized in Q2 this year, while being recorded in Q3 last year. The Seeds business in Latin America saw lower sales and profit due to a one-time inventory adjustment.

Syngenta Group China grew by 9 percent in the first nine months of 2023, with total sales of $7.7 billion. MAP, Syngenta Group’s Modern Agriculture Platform grew in the same period by 25 percent to $3.3 billion, while the number of MAP centers further increased by 162 to a total of 727.

Syngenta Group continued its productivity improvements, cost containment and, where applicable, price adjustments to help mitigate the impact of higher cost incurred in 2022. Syngenta Group’s EBITDA margin for the first nine months of 2023 was 14.6 percent, which is lower than the record high EBITDA during the same period last year.

Sales of Syngenta Crop Protection and ADAMA were lower compared to the exceptionally strong first three quarters of the prior year. Crop Protection in China continued to see strong growth in the first nine months of 2023, with sales up 16 percent year-on-year, benefiting from launch of new technologies. Syngenta Group’s biological solutions grew 14 percent in sales compared to the first nine months of the previous year.

The Seeds business grew 3 percent to $3.3 billion sales in the first nine of months of 2023. Year-on-year comparison of Q3 was distorted by an earlier phasing of royalty income, realized in Q2 this year, while being recorded in Q3 last year. The Seeds business in Latin America saw lower sales and profit due to a one-time inventory adjustment.

Syngenta Group China grew by 9 percent in the first nine months of 2023, with total sales of $7.7 billion. MAP, Syngenta Group’s Modern Agriculture Platform grew in the same period by 25 percent to $3.3 billion, while the number of MAP centers further increased by 162 to a total of 727.

Syngenta Group continued its productivity improvements, cost containment and, where applicable, price adjustments to help mitigate the impact of higher cost incurred in 2022. Syngenta Group’s EBITDA margin for the first nine months of 2023 was 14.6 percent, which is lower than the record high EBITDA during the same period last year.

Sales of the Group for the third

After more than 200 trials in recent years in soybean, corn and other crops, Apresa was found to be highly effective against several key weeds including Amaranthus sp., Goosegrass, Sourgrass and many others

ADAMA Ltd, a leading global crop protection company, today announced the wider availability of Apresa, a pre-emergent pre-mix herbicide that delivers broad-spectrum weed control with up to 20 per cent higher efficacy compared to tank mixed solutions.

Containing two complementary modes of action at a high concentration, Apresa eliminates hard-to-control grass and broadleaf weeds while providing a strong residual effect for soybeans and other crops in a simple and safe application for pre-emergence uses.

The product uses ADAMA’s proprietary TOV oil dispersion formulation technology, which maximises the potential of its dual active ingredients.

“Our customers are always looking for ways to streamline their crop protection efforts, and Apresa enables that with its tough, concentrated power in an easy-to-use solution that is excellent for regenerative agriculture,” said Romeu Stanguerlin, SVP of Latin America at ADAMA. “This early season weed control enhances crop yield and quality, and eases harvest due to clean fields. In an innovative formulation, Apresa offers less UV degradation, better straw transposition, synergistic effect and crop safety.” 

After more than 200 trials in recent years in soybean, corn and other crops, Apresa was found to be highly effective against several key weeds including Amaranthus sp., Goosegrass, Sourgrass and many others. Its performance has been recognised by advisors, researchers, and farmers as an excellent tool for Weed Resistance Management (WRM) with a long-lasting effect, often season-long control.

After more than 200 trials in recent

Introducing Cosayr and Lapidos, insecticides formulated through ADAMA’s fully backward integrated production

ADAMA Ltd. a leading global crop protection company announced the launch of Cosayr and Lapidos in India, its first insecticides containing the active ingredient Chlorantraniliprole (CTPR), benefiting from its new in-house production.

ADAMA India has launched Lapidos and Cosayr insecticides for paddy and sugar cane growers, offering effective defence against various pests and ensuring improved yields and crop quality. Lapidos is a GR formulation designed for broad application providing crop protection at the early growth stage. Cosayr is a foliar solution that combats stem borer and leaf folders that attack rice paddy crops, responsible for significant yearly crop losses.

“ADAMA has recognised CTPR as an important active ingredient for its future insecticide portfolio, part of our ‘Core Leap’ strategy,” said Walter Costa, VP of Marketing and Product Strategy at ADAMA. “The significance of this active ingredient for ADAMA is also evident in the strong cost position having fully backward integrated manufacturing capabilities. We are happy to add these important products to our offering in India and look forward to developing and providing more products based on CTPR.” 

“We take great pride in introducing Cosayr and Lapidos to Indian farmers, a testament to our commitment to delivering solutions and enhancing agricultural productivity,” said Sahin Ozkan, ADAMA India General Manager. “CTPR is becoming a significant ingredient in our portfolio in India to meet farmers’ needs, delivering on our promise to provide a comprehensive range of crop protection solutions.”

Introducing Cosayr and Lapidos, insecticides formulated through ADAMA's

Bala has been associated at the apex level with several reputed organisations such as Adama India Pvt. Ltd

Best Agrolife Ltd. (BAL) announced the appointment of Suradevara Bala Venkata Rama Prasad as its new Executive Director. The appointment came into effect on July 31, BAL said in a statement.

A business leader with an excellent track record across leading companies Bala has been associated at the apex level with several reputed organisations such as Adama India Pvt. Ltd. An Agri graduate from Kanpur University Bala comes with more than 40 years of substantial experience in the chemical industry. As a Founder member and Director of the Board of Adama India Pvt. Ltd. from 2009 to till date, he has delivered significant portfolio and organisational change as part of transforming it into a more focused, growth-driven and sustainable business.

Prior to joining Adama India Pvt. Ltd. in 2009, Bala worked for Nagarjuna Group (Fertilisers & Pesticides) for more than two decades (1986-2009). With his analytical and strategic mindset and his ability to turn challenges into great success, Bala took Nagarjuna Agrichem & Adama to new heights and turned them into high-revenue-earning companies.

“We are delighted to welcome Bala as our new Executive Director,” said Vimal Kumar, MD, BAL. “He is a dynamic, values-driven business leader with a diverse background of experience and an excellent track record of delivering outstanding results. He has exceptional strategic capabilities, proven operational effectiveness, and strong experience in both domestic and global markets. The Board looks forward to Bala realising the full potential of BAL as a winning business that delivers long-term growth and value for all its stakeholders.”

Bala, newly appointed ED of BAL said, “I am delighted to have been appointed to lead BAL. It is a great organization with a rapidly growing global footprint, a strong brand portfolio, a talented team, and an impressive reputation in the industry. I will be very focused on working with the BAL team to deliver a step-up in business performance.”

Bala has been associated at the apex

ACTAVAN was developed in collaboration with Waikaitu; uses plant extracts as a novel active ingredient against fruit rots

ADAMA Ltd. announced the registration of its global bio-control product, ACTAVAN, in Peru. ACTAVAN is ADAMA’s first global bio-fungicide developed in collaboration with the New Zealand company Waikaitu Ltd.

ACTAVAN uses plant extracts to effectively prevent the occurrence of fruit rots in crops such as grapes, berries, and certain vegetables while improving their quality. In addition, ACTAVAN increases the sugar content, peel firmness, size, and weight of the berries, also reducing fruit splitting.

As a biological product, ACTAVAN is compatible with organic farming and integrated pest management (IPM) practices ACTAVAN represents a significant innovation in ADAMA’s physical offering and complements the existing ADAMA portfolio by providing adequate and reliable fungicidal action for all types of farming using a novel active ingredient.

“Farmers worldwide are searching for an effective bio-fungicide that allows them to incorporate sustainable agricultural practices, and still produce high-quality fruits and berries,” said Walter Costa, VP of Marketing and Product Strategy at ADAMA. “A great collaboration with Waikaitu led to a novel and powerful bio-fungicide that meets both the complex requirements of the value chain and the high-quality performance standards that fruits and vegetables producers have been waiting for.”

“We’re proud to work together with ADAMA to deliver this vital product that helps farmers maintain the balance of nature,” said Alex Pressman, CEO and founder at Waikaitu Ltd. “Sustainable farming is the future for feeding the world’s population in a way that is better for the planet and better for business. ACTAVAN protects plants from harmful fungal diseases and improves fruit quality while meeting organic and sustainable farming requirements.”

ACTAVAN was developed in collaboration with Waikaitu; uses

Sierra is based on ADAMA’s unique formulation technology platform for improved consumer traits and robust efficacy on key broadleaf weeds

ADAMA Ltd. announces the registration of Sierra, its self-produced Saflufenacil-based herbicide formulation, the first off-patent product based on this active ingredient, in Australia.

Sierra, powered by ADAMA’s unique formulation technology platform, provides farmers with a critical resistance management tool for improved knockdown of annual grass and broadleaf weeds in various crop and non-crop situations while maximising efficiency and minimising loss of valuable soil moisture. Sierra’s superior and consistent performance in comparison to existing solutions has been confirmed by more than 100 trials conducted across different conditions.

“This significant milestone is the first global registration of saflufenacil, one of the active ingredients in our ‘Core Leap’ strategy,” said Walter Costa, VP of Marketing and Product Strategy at ADAMA. “The registration in Australia of this important molecule demonstrates our dedication to delivering innovative solutions that meet farmers’ needs and ADAMA’s agility to bring that strategy to life. We are excited to bring this patented, high-performance product to the market. It is part of our commitment to offer a complete range of crop protection solutions to cereals and pulse growers around the globe.”

ADAMA expects further registration approvals for this product to be obtained in the upcoming years in Brazil, Canada, Argentina, South Africa and others.

Sierra is based on ADAMA's unique formulation

All business units delivered growth except ADAMA which was particularly impacted by lower sales of its non-agricultural businesses in the US and China.

 Switzerland based Syngenta Group announced financial results for the first quarter of 2023. Sales for the first quarter 2023 were $9.2 billion, up $0.3 billion or 3 percent (+8 per cent at CER), compared to a strong first quarter 2022. First quarter 2023 EBITDA increased 1 per cent (+9% at CER) from prior year to $1.9 billion.

All business units continued benefitting from demand for innovative products and services that promote yield increases and support regenerative farming methods that combat climate change, enhance soil health, and preserve biodiversity and water quality.

The Group continued to sustain higher prices to help offset higher costs. Seeds market growth remained robust while the market for crop protection non-selective herbicides has slowed as inventories are reduced through the supply chain.

All business units delivered growth except ADAMA which was particularly impacted by lower sales of its non-agricultural businesses in the US and China. EBITDA margin for the Group was 20.2 per cent. The growth of Syngenta Group’s crop protection businesses was slower compared to the exceptionally strong quarters in the prior two years. Prices were higher versus the prior year, helping offset cost increases. Syngenta Seeds continued its strong momentum and delivered double digit sales growth driven by price increases across all regions that offset higher costs.

Syngenta Group continued its strong growth in China. Syngenta Group China’s MAP sales grew 62 percent to $1.1 billion as the number of MAP centres increased by 124 from a year earlier to a total of 638 centres. Average sales per centre were up 29 per cent year-on-year. With the MAP offering, farmers can modernize farming practices sustainably, while boosting crop quality and farm profitability. The Group’s digital solutions have been adopted on 226 million acres globally with high demand from farmers in key markets.

Syngenta Crop Protection

Syngenta Crop Protection sales grew 2 percent to $4.3 billion in the first quarter 2023. Sales in North America sales grew 22 percent; Europe, Africa and the Middle East grew 1 percent. In Asia Pacific (excluding China), sales were 4 percent lower, reduced by 12 percent adverse currency movements. Sales in Latin America decreased by 17 percent as pre-season channel stocking subsided; and China sales grew by 27 per cent, despite an adverse impact of 11 percent from a stronger US dollar.   Syngenta Crop Protection received regulatory approval for its PLINAZOLIN® technology in five countries including Brazil and India, providing farmers with cutting-edge insect control and addressing urgent resistance challenges.


ADAMA sales were 12 percent lower at $1.6 billion in the first quarter 2023.  Sales in Europe, Africa and the Middle East and Latin America remained flat. North America decreased by 26 percent primarily affected by the consumer and the professional product segments; Asia Pacific (excluding China) decreased 14 percent. Sales in China were 23 percent lower largely due to non-agricultural chemical sales. ADAMA launched Cosayr® and Lapidos®, two Chlorantraniliprole-based insecticides in India, protecting rice and sugar cane crops from pests.

Syngenta Seeds

Syngenta Seeds sales grew 12 percent to $1.5 billion in the first quarter 2023, as price increases covered higher costs. Field crop sales in Europe, Africa and the Middle East grew 21 percent; North America grew 3 percent; Asia Pacific (excluding China) increased 21 percent; and China 41 percent. Latin America was 15 percent lower, constrained by product availability. Sales of Vegetable Seeds decreased by 1 per cent.

All business units delivered growth except ADAMA

ADAMA Chile produces leading bio-stimulant products in Latin America, including ExpertGrow

ADAMA Ltd, a leading crop protection company, announced that it has exercised its call option to acquire the remaining 40 per cent stake in ADAMA Chile, formerly known as Chile Agro. This is following ADAMA’s initial investment in Chile Agro in 2013, whereby the Company acquired 60 per cent of its equity.

ADAMA Chile specialises in the development, production and commercialisation of bio plant nutrition and agrochemical products in Chile, including ExpertGrow, a triple mode-of-action bio-stimulant for the increase of yield in a variety of fruits and vegetables as well as in soybeans. ExpertGrow is based on a unique fermentation process – developed by ADAMA – that improves the plant’s photosynthesis, thereby reducing abiotic stress and improving fruit/pod retention and plant growth.

ExpertGrow is sold across Latin America in Brazil, Columbia, Peru, Ecuador and Paraguay as well as in other key markets such as Italy, France, Spain, China and Thailand. In the coming years, it is expected to be rolled out to additional countries.

The global biological crop protection market is fast-growing and expected to reach $18.2 billion in 2026. Combined with formulation capabilities and additional leading biological products such as NUTRICHELATES and LIGHUP, ADAMA has a strong pipeline of solutions to deliver to the Latin American market in the coming years.

“Biologicals are an important segment of ADAMA’s developing sustainable portfolio,” said Carlos Danilowicz, Head of the Latin America Commercial Unit. “We see a growing interest from farmers in biological products, especially in fruit and vegetable crops that are grown for export, addressing consumer and regulatory environments. This further investment will increase our presence in this growing market.”  

ADAMA Chile produces leading bio-stimulant products in Latin

Company plans to expand into additional markets across Latin America, following Araddo® successful 2021 launch in Brazil.

Israel based crop protection company ADAMA was recently recognized for its innovative Araddo® herbicide, winning the prestigious award for Best Formulation Innovation at this year’s IHS Markit Crop Science Forum and Awards. The news comes as ADAMA registers Araddo® for sales in Paraguay and plans to expand into additional markets across Latin America, following its successful 2021 launch in Brazil.

Farmers in Latin America are increasingly concerned about the spread of three weeds – Conyza, Sourgrass and Goosegrass – which are advancing across agricultural areas and showing signs of resistance to glyphosate and other herbicides. Araddo®, a pre-crop, burndown dual-mode herbicide, effectively controls grasses and broadleaf weeds such as these and helps overcome the growing resistance problem. This innovative mixture for soybean, corn, and wheat crops, enables farmers in Brazil, and now Paraguay, to achieve higher crop yields.

“We are thrilled to be recognized for our ground-breaking Araddo®, which is the first to combine ACC’ase Inhibition and Auxin herbicidal modes of action, overcoming the chemical degradation between the two active ingredients. Our focus on cutting-edge formulations technologies enables us to bring differentiation to our portfolio and add value to the farmers,” said Alexandre Pires, Head of Marketing of ADAMA Brazil.

Previously, the common use of Auxins required a safety interval of 10 to 30 days between application and planting. However, Araddo® allows farmers to spray and plant immediately, benefiting from gains in time and the ability to take advantage of the best possible planting window, resulting in higher productivity.

Company plans to expand into additional markets

The report cements the company’s commitment to high standards around transparency, sustainability, and social responsibility

ADAMA Limited, a leading global crop protection company, has recently issued its 2021 ESG report. The publication of this report cements the company’s commitment to high standards around transparency, sustainability, and social responsibility.

Ignacio Dominguez, CEO of ADAMA, said, ” ADAMA chooses to put ESG values in the centre of its activity and to integrate sustainability into every aspect of the business – products, manufacturing, operations, and people. Our investment in novel formulation technologies to deliver superior products with enhanced biological performance is resulting in better solutions for farmers and a favourable sustainable footprint, ultimately benefiting all our stakeholders. We’ll continue to listen to farmers and deliver what they need to succeed, making sustainable agriculture part of the solution.”

Michal Arlosoroff, EVP, General Legal Counsel, Company Secretary, Chief Corporate Communication & Chief Sustainability Officer, stated, “As an agrochemical company, we have an even greater obligation to put ESG at the forefront of our operations. We take this commitment seriously and I am proud of the results and progress that we have made in our ESG journey, including reducing our carbon footprint; improving safety; and reducing our products’ environmental impact through a combination of efforts across the whole business.”

2021 ESG highlights:

  • Outperformed regulatory requirements while growing production volumes. 
  • Funded $60 million toward greener manufacturing operations.
  • Increased portfolio of biological products. 
  • Invested 2.9 per cent of total profit in social responsibility. 
  • Promoting diversity and inclusion. 
  • Retained employees’ rate at 87 per cent in 2021.

The report cements the company's commitment to