ICRISAT’s soil lab in India and its offices across East and West Africa, dedicated to revitalizing dryland soils, will significantly contribute to regional priorities, including digital soil mapping, sustainable soil management guidelines, and robust soil information systems
ICRISAT is forging stronger ties between Asia and Africa to advance soil health technology and practices. Dr Pushpajeet Choudhari, Soil Scientist at ICRISAT and Chair of the Asian Soil Laboratory Network (SEALNET), represented the organization at the 8th Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN) meeting held at FAO Headquarters in Rome.
Building on its active membership in SEALNET, ICRISAT is set to align efforts with the African Soil Laboratory Network (AFRILAB) and NARS partners. Elh Moudi Moustapha Abdourahaman (GLOSOLAN Chair), and Dr Choudhari discussed plans to bolster ICRISAT’s African soil laboratories, aligning them with the AFRILAB network to further strengthen regional soil health initiatives.
ICRISAT’s Charles Renard Analytical Laboratory (CRAL) has been engaged in soil and water analysis since 1978. Registered in GLOSOLAN since 2019, the lab delivers high quality analytical service for farmers and other stakeholders. CRAL, as a member of SEALNET, has been engaged in developing and harmonizing analytical methods in compliance with FAO GLOSOLAN.
During the meeting, Dr Choudhari, Soil Scientist at ICRISAT and Chair of the Asian Soil Laboratory Network (SEALNET), updated GLOSOLAN delegates on SEALNET’s progress, which now includes 193 labs across 20 countries, with 40 new labs added in 2024 from Indonesia. He highlighted key outcomes from the 8th SEALNET meeting, focusing on knowledge-sharing and harmonizing soil testing methods across the region.