Maxentis delivers dependable control of Septoria, Yellow Rust, and Brown Rust in wheat; Leaf Blotch, Net Blotch, and Rust in barley
ADAMA Ltd., a leading crop protection company, has announced the launch of Maxentis, a new versatile fungicide that delivers reliable control over a broad range of diseases in wheat, barley, and oilseed rape, to increase yields and improve income.
Maxentis delivers dependable control of Septoria, Yellow Rust, and Brown Rust in wheat; Leaf Blotch, Net Blotch, and Rust in barley; and Sclerotinia and Alternaria in OSR, helping bring peace of mind to farmers while simplifying and reducing the expense of their spray programs. In high-potential wheat areas, Maxentis can be used as a T1 application in a spray program with other fungicides, or as a standalone T1 or T2 broad-spectrum product in lower-potential areas. The non-SDHI formulation makes it an excellent partner for spraying programs, allowing farmers the flexibility to use an SDHI combination at the critical flag leaf stage of the wheat.
Two modes of action are combined to enhance the impact of Maxentis. This means that fungal diseases are controlled across multiple growth stages of the disease, resulting in greater efficacy and healthier crops.
Maxentis improves yields, while the ability to control numerous diseases in multiple crops with a single product increases convenience, reduces complexity and lowers costs, resulting in increased income for farmers.