This is the best time to invest in business and trade ventures in Iran, especially in sectors like oil, energy, and agriculture products
PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry has recently organized an interactive webinar on ‘India – Iran Business Promotion, Challenges and Opportunities’ on 27th October 2020.
HE Dr Ali Chegeni, Ambassador, Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, New Delhi, India at the Inaugural Session of PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s Interactive Webinar said that, “We believe in mutual legal assistance agreement in the civil and commercial matters which will help in enhancing trade and business relations between the two countries.”
While deliberating about the historical, cultural, and geographical ties between the two nations, he further mentioned that the PTA agreement needs to be processed for facilitating trade at the same time reducing tariffs. He highlighted that increasing trade relations by leveraging business barter deals will be a welcome step between the two countries. He also mentioned that this is the best time to invest in business and trade ventures in Iran, especially in sectors like oil, energy, and agriculture products.
HE Gaddam Dharmendra highlighted that “The need of the hour is to expand and diversify trade in the sectors like oil, paper, printing, packaging, and agri-products. Indian and Iranian companies are working on sectors like rice, saffron, tea, dry fruits, fruits and it’s the right time to enter into joint ventures for increasing investments. We need to take advantage of air traffic, virtual meetings to maintain business relations.”
Sanjay Aggarwal, President, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry in his presidential address deliberated about PHDCCI’s constant engagement and deliberations with Iran in the form of events, conferences, and exhibitions with the agenda to establish business connects between Indian and Iranian companies.”