Home2021 (Page 48)

A roadmap will be drafted for fisheries and aquaculture development in Ladakh with practical solutions and location-specific strategies

ICAR-Directorate of Coldwater Fisheries Research recently met to develop aquaculture and fisheries in the high-altitude cold desert of Ladakh.

Sagar Mehra, Joint Secretary (Inland Fisheries), Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying along with Dr Pramod Kumar Pandey, Director, ICAR-DCFR, Bhimtal, Uttarakhand and his team visited Ladakh.

In a joint meeting with the concerned higher officials, Radha Krishna Mathur, Lieutenant Governor, Ladakh emphasised the capacity building, sustainable development of aquaculture, conservation of endemic aquatic biodiversity, ornamental fisheries and strong cooperation between the stakeholders.

During the Stakeholders’ Convergence Meeting with the Research & Developmental Organizations and Fish Farmers in Ladakh, Dr Pandey briefed about the directorate’s aquaculture technologies and biodiversity conservation priorities for the development of fisheries in Ladakh.

On their visit to the Pangong Tso Lake, the Directorate’s scientific team collected the baseline limnological data and recorded fish (Triplophysa spp.) and aquatic invertebrate specimens that inhabit this high altitude Brackishwater Lake. The team also visited all the functional government and private fish farms in Leh, Nubra valley, Kargil and Drass including those in the border villages of Ladakh.

The information collected during the visit will be utilised to draft the roadmap for fisheries and aquaculture development in Ladakh with practical solutions and location-specific strategies. This would enable the policies and action plans to effectively boost fish production and conservation under the flagship PMMSY Scheme.

The directorate has been vested with the responsibility for exploring and formulating a realistic roadmap to sustainably harness the potential of fisheries and aquaculture for providing the nutritional security and livelihood for the tribal population inhabiting the harsh high-altitude cold arid regions of Ladakh.

A roadmap will be drafted for fisheries

Farmers were told to plant more trees to assure nutritional security as well as to clean the environment

The Department of Extension Education, under the aegis of the Directorate of Extension Education, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, recently organised a field day on crop residue management at village Khosa Randhir, Moga on 2.9.2021 under the project funded by NABARD in which about 150 farmers participated. The Deputy Commissioner, Sandeep Hans, Moga inaugurated the Agriculture Information Centre to disseminate recommended agricultural information among the rural community.

In his welcome remarks, Dr Kuldeep Singh, Head, Department of Extension Education, shed light on the importance of scientific agriculture and urged the farmers to adopt practices recommended by PAU. He also encouraged the rural community to read farm literature and reap benefits from PAU Kisan app, Facebook live programme, digital newspaper Kheti Sandesh etc.

Speaking on the occasion, Deputy Commissioner Sandeep Hans gave a call to the farmers to contribute to the benefits of nature which would ultimately help mankind in healthy survival. He motivated the farmers to come forward to form groups for availing of custom hiring services. He appreciated the efforts made by PAU and Sant Baba Gurmeet Singh for motivating farmers to shun the practice of crop residue burning.

Dr Dharminder Singh, the project in charge, shared various project activities followed in adopted villages of Moga and sensitised the farmers about the ill effects of crop residue burning and advised them to adopt crop management technologies.

Dr Mahesh Narang discussed the different technological options available for in situ as well as ex-situ management of the crop residue and elaborated the working of various CRM machinery like happy seeder, mulcher, super seeder, baler etc.

Dr Balwinder Singh Lakhewali, Project Director, ATMA sensitised the environment that surrounds us for water, shelter, food and various other things. He encouraged the farmers to plant more trees to assure nutritional security as well as to clean the environment.

Sant Baba Gurmeet Singh while sharing words of wisdom inspired the youth towards the dignity of labour for remaining fit and healthy. He urged the farmers to practice crop residue management and give up residue burning. Concerning the depleting water table, he advised the farmers to adopt water-saving technologies and practise sustainable agriculture.

Rashid Lekhi, DDM, NABARD and Dr Amandeep Singh Brar, Deputy Director, KVK, Moga discussed the activities of their departments. Farmers also visited the field demonstration and exhibition arranged on this occasion.

Dr Lakhwinder Kaur proposed the vote of thanks and informed us about various training and courses being organised by PAU.

Farmers were told to plant more trees

More than 350 stakeholders from various government institutes participated in the event

A one-day workshop on ’Promotion of Bee-Keeping Sector in Southern Region’ was organised jointly by MANAGE and National Bee Board (NBB), New Delhi at MANAGE, Hyderabad. More than 350 stakeholders which included senior officers from the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India, National Beekeeping and Honey Mission (NBHM), National Bee Board (NBB), NCDC, Cooperatives, Banks, Directors / Commissioners of State Agriculture / Horticulture Departments, MANAGE Faculty, Agri startups and National Training Institutes under ACABC Scheme participated in the workshop both through physical and online mode. 


Dr P Chandra Shekara, Director General, MANAGE in his welcome address highlighted the importance of honeybees and beekeeping in doubling the farmers’ income and ensuring sustainable agricultural practices. He felt there is a great need to provide extension services and build capacities of farmers, agripreneurs and agri startups on beekeeping, processing technologies and marketing to promote the sector.


The chief guest Dr Abhilaksh Likhi, IAS, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India, stressed the need to treat beekeeping/honeybee as an input in agriculture to boost crop productivity through pollination and ensure sustainable agriculture in the country. 


Dr Likhi highlighted MadhuKranti portal established by MoAFW to support small and marginal farmers and other stakeholders across the value chain. 


He stressed the need for training and capacity building on scientific beekeeping, intensive technical training, improving skills and use of blockchain technologies and QR code through State Agricultural Universities, MANAGE and Regional Cooperative Institutions in next year.


He released honey and beeswax-based products manufactured by honey-based agri startups promoted by MANAGE under the RKVY- RAFTAAR Project of Govt. of India. The CEOs of these agri startups shared their experiences in organic comb honey, honey production during the non-flowering period, natural preservation techniques, processing, packing, marketing, smart beehive monitoring system, use of blockchain and QR based technology, IoT controlled bee box system for app-based management etc.


Dr SK Malhotra, Agriculture & Horticulture Commissioner, GoI, gave an overview of the National Beekeeping and Honey Mission (NBHM) and urged agricultural research, agricultural universities, state governments, agripreneurs and farmers to make concerted efforts to implement the Beekeeping and Honey Mission in the country. 


Dr NK Patle, Addl Commissioner (Hort.) & Executive Director, National Bee Board (NBB) stated that beekeeping and honeybees will not only provide income to farmers but also enhance crop productivity through pollination in an eco-friendly manner. He informed that the National Bee Board is striving to implement the recommendations of the high-level Beekeeping Development Committee (BDC) and asked ICAR, State Agricultural Universities, Departments of Agriculture/ Horticulture of State Governments & UTs and other organisations to accelerate the Beekeeping and Honey Mission in the country.


During the technical sessions, Dr Unnikrishnan, GM of NAFED shared the NAFED strategy for Apiculture. Dr Saravanan Raj, Director (Agri. Extension), MANAGE explained the agri-startups in the honey sector and discussed the opportunities and challenges in the sector. Jai Prakash of Indian Bank, New Delhi made a presentation on the traceability of the source of honey and other beehive products. L Venkatram Reddy, Director of Horticulture & Sericulture, Government of Telangana presented horticulture, beekeeping and honey bee programs being implemented by the state government.


More than 350 stakeholders from various government

MoU envisages the creation of market linkages with farmers as well as Farmer Producers Organisations

For increasing exports through quality production and processing, the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the ICAR-Indian Institute of Millet Research (ICAR-IIMR) which is expected to boost value addition and farmers’ income.


The key focus of the MoU would be to promote commercial cultivation of processable varieties developed by ICAR-IIMR for exports which are expected to promote the value addition of millets, a cereal with high nutritive value.


MoU also envisages the creation of market linkages with farmers as well as Farmer Producers Organisations. A joint coordination committee with representatives from APEDA and ICAR-IIMR would be set up to achieve the goals envisaged under the MoU.


The objective of the MoU is to build the export centric ecosystem with the requisite supply chain linkages, technological repository, clinical studies, awareness creation, policy changes and pipeline of entrepreneurs.


Both APEDA and ICAR-IIMR would work for developing knowledge on the understanding of markets, consumer preferences, emerging segments, analyze export competitiveness, price volatility of markets and market intelligence on standards, regulations and trade policies.


Creation of a Millet Export Promotion Forum in collaboration with all the key stakeholders for identifying export clusters to source sizable quantities of produce and for linking stakeholders with FPO’s would be taken up jointly by both the organisations of repute.


MoU gives thrust on work relating to sensitization, promotion and policy advocacy to the government departments for bringing new policy changes and convergences in favour of millet exports. Both the organisations would jointly develop an export strategy and accordingly conduct a training programme for the existing millet processors and entrepreneurs on various export policies and schemes for increasing exports of millets.


Development and Implementation of novel frameworks such as Traceability, Artificial intelligence, etc. would be taken for promoting millets exports. Handholding activities for the start-ups for export compliance are also envisaged under MoU.


Profiling of millets growers or farmers in all major millets growing regions of the country and strengthening of the seed supply chain would be taken up by ICAR-IIMR. 


Recently, the United Nations General Assembly has passed the resolution to celebrate the International Year of Millets (IYM) in 2023, to promote the health benefits of millets and their suitability under the changing climatic conditions globally. As IYM is round the corner, it is expected that the demand for millets will grow exponentially in many countries.

ICAR-IIMR has been working along the entire millet value chain. Through several projects, ICAR-IIMR has piloted several interventions to build the value chain for these forgotten crops, and thus to revive the millets for Nutritional security in the country.


Considering the potential of increasing exports of Millets and Millet products and the focus given by the government for the development of the millet sector, APEDA has been formulating a long term strategy with ICAR-IIMR and other stakeholders like the National Institute of Nutrition, CFTRI and FPOs for promotion of Millets and Millet products.


APEDA has signed a series of MoUs with Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore. National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India (NAFED) and others.

MoU envisages the creation of market linkages

Experts stressed the need for improving the productivity of coconut, enhancing the value-addition of coconut-based products

The ICAR-All India Coordinated Research Project on Palms, Goa Centre and the Scheduled Tribe Component (STC) of ICAR-Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute, Goa celebrated World Coconut Day.


Dr Parveen Kumar, Director, ICAR-CCARI, Goa apprised the participants about the genesis and importance of coconut in the sustainable livelihoods of the coconut growers and the health of consumers. He also stressed the need for improving the productivity of coconut, enhancing the value-addition of coconut-based products and diversification of coconut gardens by the intercropping practices.


Umesh Gaonkar, Sarpanch, Cotigao Village Panchayat also participated in the event. The tribal farmers, farmworkers, Padelis of Cotigao Village Panchayats participated in the event.

Experts stressed the need for improving the

A total of 67 applicants represented their startup in front of the committee via a Zoom meeting

The Punjab Agri-Business Incubator (PABI), Directorate of Extension Education, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana recently organised an online RIC I Meeting of Cohort III. The meeting was organised for the selection of agripreneurs for the two-month training programme under Uddam and Udaan. The expert committee members, Dr TS Riar, Additional Director, Communication; Dr Poonam A Sachdev, Head, Food Science & Technology; Dr Vishal Bector, Associate Director, Industrial Linkages; Jyoti Saroop, GM, The Unati Co-operative Marketing-cum-processing Society as Industrial Partner; Satyendra Chaudhary, CEO, TBI, IISER, Mohali; Dr Amarjit Singh, Representative, Knowledge Partner IARI; Mr Sanjeev Kumar, DDM, NABARD; Dr Narender Singh Benipal, Chief Agriculture Officer, Ludhiana and Dr Lavleesh Garg, Assistant Professor, Extension Education held deliberations under the chairmanship of Dr JS Mahal, Director, Extension Education, PAU, Ludhiana.

A total of 67 applicants represented their startup in front of the committee via a Zoom meeting. The focus areas of the start-ups include farm machinery, food processing, organic farming and inputs, agri clinic services, soilless cultivation, beekeeping and honey processing, agriculture biotechnology, agri supply chain, agro waste management and mushroom cultivation.

While proposing the vote of thanks, Dr TS Riar mentioned that innovation, scalability and farmer impact are the major factors to select an agri-based startup to incubate under the Agribusiness Program.

The meeting was coordinated by Karanvir Gill, Business Manager; Rahul Gupta, Assistant Manager and Iqbalpreet Kaur Sidhu, Business Executive, PABI.

A total of 67 applicants represented their

The company becomes the first agrochemical company in India to manufacture and market Trifloxystrobin Technical, a fungicide that has demand in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America Middle East, and Africa

Agrochemical company Best Agrolife has acquired the strength of backward integration supported with robust R&D Synthesis in the manufacturing of active ingredients of herbicides, insecticides and fungicides by acquiring Best Crop for a Rs 101.6 crore deal. The acquisition will further help Best Agrolife in the diversification of risk and strengthening of its manufacturing base with the addition of another state-of-the-art technical manufacturing unit situated at Gajraula, Amroha, Uttar Pradesh.


Recently Best Crop Science got the Central Insecticide Board & Registration Committee’s nod for indigenous manufacturing of Trifloxystrobin Technical u/s 9(3) also. With this new addition, the company becomes the first agrochemical company in India to manufacture and market Trifloxystrobin Technical, a fungicide that has enormous demand in the domestic and global markets of North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America Middle East, and Africa. The acquisition will help Best Agrolife to increase its revenue by 40 per cent on the back of these in-demand products. 


“The acquisition comes out with a strong synergistic equation between the two companies which will not only bring higher efficiency and growth in turnover alone but also will minimise dependency on import and will thus reflect a substantial impact on EBITDA margins also of Best Agrolife. We will be able to fill critical service gaps this acquisition will enable us to utilise our expertise in increasing the reach through our strategic alliances with leading agrochemical companies of India and an extensive network of 3000 + distributors and dealers. Of course, one of the by-products of this M&A would be the distinct ability to serve the market better. We intend to play a vital role in the effective pest and disease Management by providing best-farming solutions, improving the yield and profitability of farmers across the globe,” says Vimal Alawadhi, MD – Best Agrolife.




The company becomes the first agrochemical company

Amazon’s initial investment in the Accelerator will support 3,000 farmers and restore approximately 20,000 hectares

Amazon has announced the launch of Agroforestry and Restoration Accelerator in partnership with The Nature Conservancy, a global environmental organisation. The Accelerator will create a more sustainable source of income for thousands of local farmers in the Brazilian Amazonian state of Pará, while also restoring native rainforests and fighting climate change by naturally trapping and storing carbon.

The Agroforestry and Restoration Accelerator is one such carbon removal project, and part of Amazon’s commitment to meeting The Climate Pledge, which the company co-founded with Global Optimism.

As part of its commitment to meet The Climate Pledge, Amazon is first and foremost continuing to innovate and invest in decarbonising its businesses.

Kara Hurst, Vice President of worldwide sustainability, Amazon Said, “We are proud to launch the agroforestry and restoration accelerator in partnership with The Nature Conservancy to support solutions that prioritize high environmental integrity and strong community benefits. Amazon is looking forward to contributing our passion for innovation along with financial support to improve the livelihoods of local communities in Brazil while helping to protect the planet for future generations.”

Amazon’s initial investment in the Accelerator will support 3,000 farmers and restore approximately 20,000 hectares—a landmass approximately the size of the City of Seattle—within three years, removing up to 10 million metric tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through 2050.

The Nature Conservancy will work together with the World Agroforestry Centre and several local civil society organisations to implement the Accelerator by helping small farmers restore degraded cattle pastures to native forest and agroforestry. The agroforestry systems will provide farmers with a sustainable source of income through the sale of cocoa and other crops. The Accelerator will also experiment with innovative ways to support farmers and nurture markets for sustainable forest-based commodities, including digital technologies, and will advance new methodologies and satellite-based technologies for quantifying and monitoring carbon removal.

Amazon’s initial investment in the Accelerator will

Attendees will be able to gain valuable insights and knowledge about the company’s business strategy and progress in key markets around the world

Bee Vectoring Technologies International will host a Virtual Investor Day on September 14, 2021. The virtual event will feature presentations from BVT’s management team and a moderated Q&A session. The topics covered will include: Corporate overview of the business strategy by Ashish Malik, CEO; the US commercialisation progress by Ian Collinson, Sales Manager; Field interviews by US Territory Managers with growers, a beekeeper and a pest control advisor and EMEA strategy and update by Christoph Lehnen, Business Manager for EMEA .


 “We are coming off strong Q3 results where we just reported an almost 50 per cent increase in revenue for the 9 months in FY2021 (as invoiced in US Dollars) confirming the strong traction in our commercialisation efforts in the US, and we are progressing with our geographic and portfolio expansion projects,” said Ashish Malik, CEO, Bee Vectoring Technologies. “This Investor Day is a unique opportunity to gain insight into not only our plan for the future but also our day-to-day operations and learn directly from the BVT team and our clients about why BVT will play an important role in the future of agriculture.”


The video webcast of the event will be broadcast online. For the full agenda and to register for BVT’s Virtual Investor Day, participants can visit https://www.beevt.com/investors/2021investorday. Participants will receive an email confirmation with a unique access code and weblink to access the virtual conference online. The event will conclude with a live Q&A session with BVT management when participants will be able to ask questions via the moderator. 


Attendees will be able to gain valuable insights and knowledge about the company’s business strategy and progress in key markets around the world.



Attendees will be able to gain valuable

The company will be able to increase its processing capacity up to 7000 metric tonnes

Nigeria-based spices producing, processing, and exporting company Agricorp International has raised $17.5 million in Series A funding to increase its processing capacity up to 7000 metric tonnes. This fund was raised from Vami Nigeria, One Capital and AFEX. Nigerian-based Vami led the funding round with $11.5 million in equity, while the other investors provided working capital financing for the company. Ernst & Young (Nigeria) served as transaction advisers while Elisio Law Office and Pavestone Legal served as legal advisers.

Kenneth Obiajulu, CEO, Agricorp’s said, “We believe that by increasing our capacity to 7,000MT, we will maximise the potentials to boost Nigeria’s forex earnings through export, contribute our quota to improving the Nigerian GDP from agriculture, and serve as a worthy model to African youths who aspire to be agribusiness owners. We want to show them it is possible and very rewarding as well.”

It will take a bold approach to put Nigeria on the global export radar by leveraging investments to build simple processing systems for spices and other agro products. Agricorp aims to be that bold company standing at the forefront of enhancing global food systems.

The company will be able to increase

More than 600 participants from 36 countries registered for the event

The 49th International COCOTECH Conference and Exhibition, was recently held virtually in Jakarta, Indonesia. The conference is the largest international conference dedicated solely to coconut development conducted biannually. The theme for this year’s conference is ’Promoting Smart Farming, Eco-Friendly and Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Coconut Development.’


In her welcome speech, Dr Jelfina, Executive Director, International Coconut Community (ICC) addressed, “The conference is strategic efforts of building the coconut industry that will focus on optimising economic growth and considering long-term impacts on social, and environmental factors. The coconut sector has contributed up to 3.5 per cent of the nation’s gross domestic product of coconut-producing countries, and the sustainable development goals. Productive deliberations are expected from the conference and come up with policy recommendations that would be implemented for supporting the resilient and sustainable coconut sector.”


COCOTECH Conference had seven sessions in which 26 eminent speakers shared the idea, knowledge, and experience with the latest technologies and development on coconut production particularly planting and replanting systems, varietal improvement, use of selected local elite planting materials and hybrids, coconut-based farming systems, integrated pest, and disease management, post-harvest processing, and technology updates in the manufacture of emerging coconut products for the domestic and export market, cost-effective technologies on integrated coconut processing, and marketing strategies. More than 600 participants from 36 countries are registered.


A virtual exhibition was also included, in which 45 exhibitors from nine countries, from micro-enterprises to big industries, suppliers, coconut associations, and coconut research institutes participated in the exhibition providing the latest global coconut industry trends, innovative technologies, and marketable products and machinery. The event also served as a one-stop platform for MSMEs, big coconut industries, and suppliers to build brand proximity, network, and conduct business.

More than 600 participants from 36 countries

The export of Ladakh apricots opens up the potential of shipments of other temperate fruits and organic products from the region to the Middle-Eastern countries

The first commercial shipment of apricot sourced from region of Union Territory (UT) of Ladakh has been exported to Dubai. The consignment of apricot was transhipped from Leh, Ladakh to Mumbai before being exported to Dubai. APEDA has been working to establish an export value chain for Ladakh apricot in association with an importer group based in Dubai. The shipment was exported by APEDA registered exporter from Mumbai. 


Ladakh apricots have a unique soothing taste and texture with high sugar contents and total soluble solids. UT of Ladakh produces several varieties of apricots out of which four to five varieties are taken up for commercial cultivation and export opportunities exist for these varieties. 


Before this shipment to Dubai, few sample shipments of fresh apricots were sent during August from Leh to Dubai by air. 


APEDA is currently assisting the exports in building the brand of Ladakh apricots. The fruit for the shipment was harvested, cleaned and packed by local entrepreneurs who were provided technical assistance by APEDA on the requirements of the export value chain.


The export of Ladakh apricots opens up the potential of shipments of other temperate fruits and organic products from the region to the Middle-Eastern countries.


There have been repeat orders for shipment of Ladakh apricots to various other destinations of the Middle Eastern countries such as Oman and Qatar. For giving boost to exports of agricultural produce from Ladakh, which would enhance farmers’ as well as entrepreneurs’ income, APEDA in association with officials of the horticulture, agriculture, commerce and industry departments of Union Territory and Defence Institute of High-Altitude Research are working out comprehensive plan of actions.

The export of Ladakh apricots opens up

45 participants including the Rural Youths and Members of Farmers’ Producers’ company virtually participated

The Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Washim, Maharashtra in collaboration with the East-West Seed India jointly organised a two-day training on ’Attracting the Rural Youths towards Agriculture through Vegetable Seeds Production Programme.’ 


In his address, the Chief Guest, Pankaj Parate, Director, East-West Seeds India outlined the corporate social responsibility activity which will train total 100 youths through the classroom session, practical training on field followed by contract farming of vegetable seeds production.


Viashali Awsare, CSR Manager, East-West Seeds India and Manohar Desle, Field Manager also marked their presence as the chief guests of the occasion.


Dr RL Kale, Head, KVK, Washim, Maharashtra urged the youths for active involvement in the agriculture and adopt innovative and advance practices particularly, in vegetable seeds production. A total of 45 participants including the Rural Youths and Members of Farmers’ Producers’ company virtually participated in the programme.


45 participants including the Rural Youths and

The webinars were held at ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore, Guwahati and Kanjirapuzha Reservoir, Kerala

The ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore, Kolkata recently organised a webinar on ’Enclosure Culture for Fish Production enhancement in Inland Open Waters.’


In his inaugural address during the webinar, Dr BK Das, Director, ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore briefed about the institute’s works and achievements in system diversification by the adoption of enclosure culture through the culture based fisheries in reservoirs and wetlands. The scope for increasing the fish production through seed rearing and table fish production by reducing the pressure on land-based fish farms by the Enclosure Culture (Cage and Pen) of Fish in Reservoirs and Wetlands was emphasisoteed in the Director’s address.


The webinar registered participation by more than 200 participants including entrepreneurs and progressive farmers.


Apart from this, the ICAR-CIFRI, Regional Centre, Guwahati, Assam organised an awareness programme on “Enclosure Culture for Beels of Assam” at Ghorajan Beel, Kamrup Rural District, Assam. The centre also organised the fishers’ scientific interaction on the occasion. About 50 wetland fishers participated in the Awareness Programme.


The awareness programme organised at the ICAR-CIFRI, Regional Centre, Kochi at Kanjirapuzha Reservoir, Kerala registered participation by about 50 Tribal Fishers.


The programmes were organised as a part of the national campaign on ’System Diversification in Aquaculture’ under the “Bharat Ka Amrut Mahotsav” to commemorate 75 Years of India’s Independence.

The webinars were held at ICAR-Central Inland