HomeAgroPolicyAgro UniversitiesICAR-CCARI, Goa celebrates World Coconut Day – 2021

ICAR-CCARI, Goa celebrates World Coconut Day – 2021

Image Credit: icar.org.in

Experts stressed the need for improving the productivity of coconut, enhancing the value-addition of coconut-based products

The ICAR-All India Coordinated Research Project on Palms, Goa Centre and the Scheduled Tribe Component (STC) of ICAR-Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute, Goa celebrated World Coconut Day.


Dr Parveen Kumar, Director, ICAR-CCARI, Goa apprised the participants about the genesis and importance of coconut in the sustainable livelihoods of the coconut growers and the health of consumers. He also stressed the need for improving the productivity of coconut, enhancing the value-addition of coconut-based products and diversification of coconut gardens by the intercropping practices.


Umesh Gaonkar, Sarpanch, Cotigao Village Panchayat also participated in the event. The tribal farmers, farmworkers, Padelis of Cotigao Village Panchayats participated in the event.


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