HomeAgroPolicyAgro UniversitiesPAU urges farmers to adopt practices on crop residue management

PAU urges farmers to adopt practices on crop residue management

Image credit: www.pau.edu

Farmers were told to plant more trees to assure nutritional security as well as to clean the environment

The Department of Extension Education, under the aegis of the Directorate of Extension Education, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, recently organised a field day on crop residue management at village Khosa Randhir, Moga on 2.9.2021 under the project funded by NABARD in which about 150 farmers participated. The Deputy Commissioner, Sandeep Hans, Moga inaugurated the Agriculture Information Centre to disseminate recommended agricultural information among the rural community.

In his welcome remarks, Dr Kuldeep Singh, Head, Department of Extension Education, shed light on the importance of scientific agriculture and urged the farmers to adopt practices recommended by PAU. He also encouraged the rural community to read farm literature and reap benefits from PAU Kisan app, Facebook live programme, digital newspaper Kheti Sandesh etc.

Speaking on the occasion, Deputy Commissioner Sandeep Hans gave a call to the farmers to contribute to the benefits of nature which would ultimately help mankind in healthy survival. He motivated the farmers to come forward to form groups for availing of custom hiring services. He appreciated the efforts made by PAU and Sant Baba Gurmeet Singh for motivating farmers to shun the practice of crop residue burning.

Dr Dharminder Singh, the project in charge, shared various project activities followed in adopted villages of Moga and sensitised the farmers about the ill effects of crop residue burning and advised them to adopt crop management technologies.

Dr Mahesh Narang discussed the different technological options available for in situ as well as ex-situ management of the crop residue and elaborated the working of various CRM machinery like happy seeder, mulcher, super seeder, baler etc.

Dr Balwinder Singh Lakhewali, Project Director, ATMA sensitised the environment that surrounds us for water, shelter, food and various other things. He encouraged the farmers to plant more trees to assure nutritional security as well as to clean the environment.

Sant Baba Gurmeet Singh while sharing words of wisdom inspired the youth towards the dignity of labour for remaining fit and healthy. He urged the farmers to practice crop residue management and give up residue burning. Concerning the depleting water table, he advised the farmers to adopt water-saving technologies and practise sustainable agriculture.

Rashid Lekhi, DDM, NABARD and Dr Amandeep Singh Brar, Deputy Director, KVK, Moga discussed the activities of their departments. Farmers also visited the field demonstration and exhibition arranged on this occasion.

Dr Lakhwinder Kaur proposed the vote of thanks and informed us about various training and courses being organised by PAU.


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