ICAR-CIBA’s Kovalam Experimental Station, Farmer’s Facilitation Centre and Brackishwater Ornamental Fish Hatchery and Finfish Seed Rearing Unit were inaugurated on May 22, 2021.
The ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture (CIBA), Chennai’s three additional infrastructures, viz., ICAR-CIBA’s Kovalam Experimental Station, Farmer’s Facilitation Centre and Brackishwater Ornamental Fish Hatchery and Finfish Seed Rearing Unit were inaugurated on May 22, 2021.
In his address, the Chief Guest, J Jayakanthan, IAS, Commissioner of Fisheries, Department of Fisheries, Government of Tamil Nadu lauded the ICAR-CIBA’s technological contributions and its support for developing aquaculture in Tamil Nadu.
Inaugurating the Farmer’s Facilitation Centre, he highlighted the Institute’s work done for the fish farmers’ societal empowerment and economic development.
Dr KK Vijayan, Director, ICAR-CIBA highlighted the possibilities of the Kovalam Experimental Station having 65 acres of land including potential Brackishwater areas, for the expansion of R&D, harmonising with the Muttukkadu Experimental Station.
Dr Vijayan stressed that the land having the access to estuarine/coastal/oceanic waters makes it ideally suitable for developing the diversified farming systems, brood & nursery banks and fisheries-based livelihood systems.
The Director emphasised that the Farmer’s Facilitation Centre established at the Muttukadu Experimental Station of ICAR-CIBA provides an opportunity to the stakeholders visiting the Institute’s hatcheries, farms, feed mill and other laboratories to stay and have hands-on-experience.
Dr Vijayan also stated that the newly opened Ornamental Hatchery and Finfish Seed Rearing Centre helps in promoting the Brackishwater Ornamental Fishes, with hatchery technology for 5 species of fishes including silver moony (angelfish), spotted scat, silverfish (milkfish), and Etroplus spp finfish hatchery complex.