Home2020February (Page 7)

The ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod, is one of the 31 centers under AICRP on PHET.The award was in recognition of the outstanding contribution in the development and popularization of technologies. 

The ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute (CPCRI), Kasaragod, attained the first position and received the Best Centre of the Year 2019-20 Award at the 35th annual workshop of the All India Coordinated Research Project on Post-Harvest Engineering and Technology (AICRP on PHET) at the Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya (JNKVV), Jabalpur, recently.

A press release by the institute said  that CPCRI is one of the 31 centres under AICRP on PHET. The award was in recognition of contribution in development and popularizing technologies of coconut such as coconut ice-cream, virgin coconut oil, cocoa bean-to-bite chocolate, coconut sugar during 2019-20.

The ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod, is one of the 31 centers under AICRP on PHET. The award was in recognition of the outstanding contribution in the development and popularization of technologies. 

The ICAR-CPCRI transferred four new technologies to five entrepreneurs and four existing technologies to 16 entrepreneurs, released five new value added products, participated in seven krishi melas, trade fairs, exhibitions, technology and machinery demonstration melas, published six research articles in international research journals and nine technical popular articles, and received one patent, the release said.

CPCRI Principal Scientist Dr M R Manikantan and CPCRI Scientist Dr R Pandiselvan received the award from JNKVV Vice Chancellor Dr P K Bisen. Dr S N Jha, ADG (Process Engineering) and Dr S K Tyagi, Project Coordinator of AICRP on PHET, were present.



The ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod, is one of the

The company will showcase a new complete portfolio of varieties, with the goal of delivering reliable and sustainable solutions to the whole value chain.

The Syngenta Vegetable Seeds team will welcome customers and stakeholders to their stand at Fruit Logistica 2020 in Berlin, which will be held from 5th-7th February 2020. The company will showcase a new complete portfolio of varieties, with the goal of delivering reliable and sustainable solutions to the whole value chain.

Among the exciting innovations on display will be the full range of sweet pepper varieties which offer year-round supply, along with the best resistance package, and suitable for conventional or organic agriculture. The mini seedless watermelon is another innovation, a new size concept for modern family with minimal waste.

Points of key focus for Syngenta investment in sustainable plant breeding include:

Increase quality and nutrient value of food

Improve resilience to climate change

Reduce use of pesticides

Lower labor requirement

Plant-based diets can play a role in reducing carbon emissions, but to realistically deliver significant and sustainable change, the industry must further improve efficiency throughout the value chain, as well as providing vegetables that are attractive to consumers.

“Syngenta recently announced the company’s commitment to invest $2bn in innovation, specifically targeted to delivering a step change in agricultural sustainability,” said Arend Schot, Head of EAME Vegetable Seeds. 

Reduce food waste

 Schot cited the examples of Syngenta’s innovation of Easy-Broq brassica, and baby plum tomato varieties, which have significantly reduced food waste at every point of the value chain.

The new Champion cabbage product line has demonstrated greater resilience to the effects of climate change, whilst new kohlrabi club root resistant varieties enable growers to face the growing pressure for this disease and still produce high yields of quality product.

“Greater emphasis on genetic traits and plant breeding technologies to deliver sustainable solutions will help growers to improve soil health, protect natural resources and support climate smart agriculture – which is a key concern for consumers,” added Schot. 

Future labs – ‘Unlocking the future of plant breeding’

Visitors to Fruit Logistica will get the chance to attend ‘Unlocking the future of plant breeding,’ held with the International Seeds Federation (Future Labs Hall 27, Wed 5 Feb, 2pm). Dr Alexandra Brand, Syngenta Chief Sustainability Officer, will join a panel of industry specialists to explore the benefits new technologies could bring to consumers and retailers.

“Innovations in plant breeding offer one part of many solutions to the global challenge of building sustainable food systems in the face of climate change and meeting an ever-growing consumer demand for quality, healthy food,” said Dr Brand. “We look forward to engaging in positive dialogue about what this means for the food value chain and consumers.” 

Innovation Award

Syngenta’s exciting YOOM™, the unique purple cocktail tomato, has been nominated for the prestigious Fruit Logistica Innovation Award (FLIA). Presented at the event, it honors outstanding innovations in the entire fruit and vegetable supply chain, from production to point of sale.

Jeremie Chabanis, Value Chain Lead EAME, said: “YOOM™ has proven to be a truly outstanding variety for its unique flavor and benefits, combined with its visually attractive purple-skinned colour. It has already been a success with growers and offers a great flavor experience for consumers. 

“Furthermore, the exciting marketing campaign and presentation has created a product with real impact for the value chain. It is a great acclaim to see it among the industry’s leading innovative products.”

The company will showcase a new complete

The 5th edition of The Pulses Conclave will be held at Aamby Valley City, Lonavala from February 12th to 14th, 2020 



India Pulses and Grains Association (IPGA), the nodal body for India’s pulses trade and industry has announced that the 5th edition THE PULSES CONCLAVE, their biennial global pulses conference will be held from Feb. 12th to 14th, 2020 at Amby Valley City in Lonavala, Maharashtra. IPGA expects close to 1000 trade stakeholders from India and key pulses exporting countries like USA, Australia, Canada, Myanmar, Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania, Mozambique, Malawi, etc. to participate in The Pulses Conclave 2020 (TPC 2020). 

Raosaheb Patil Danve, Honorable Minister of State, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution shall grace The Pulses Conclave as the Chief Guest and will be joined by Guest of honor like David Marit, Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture, Government of Saskatchewan, and Canada. The Conclave will also see the participation of senior Indian Government officials including Dr Krishnamurthy Subramanian, Chief Economic Advisor, Government of India and Dr Ashok Dalwai, CEO of National Rainfed Area Authority Shri Ashish Bahuguna, Former Agriculture Secretary and Former FSSAI Chairperson; Dr. Bijaya Behara, Economic Advisor, Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Dr. S K Malhotra, Agriculture Commissioner, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare. 

The Pulses Conclave 2020, as a part of its agenda will not just discuss increasing domestic production and consumption but will also bring to fore other areas of the trade like Improving Processing efficiencies, increasing Consumption, Exports, Value Addition, Protein Extraction, Post-harvest Crop Management, etc.


Jitu Bheda, Chairman, IPGA speaking on the occasion said, “Hon’ble Prime Minister’s vision is to double the farmers income by the year 2022 and a huge effort has been put into achieving the same. The result has been that India’s pulses production has steadily grown every year from around 19 million tons in 2013-14 to 23 million tons in 201-19 and the target for 2019-20 is of 26.30 million tons. IPGA’s agenda and road map going forward will be to encourage its members to take advantage of the increased domestic production, balance imports vis-à-vis the production and demand thereby ensuring that the Indian consumer does not face any availability crunch nor high retail prices.” 

Bimal Kothari, Vice Chairman, IPGA said, “At TPC 2020 IPGA’s focus will be to try and put together a roadmap that will help the Indian Pulses Trade be able to contribute to the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s vision of making India a $ 5 trillion economy. The domestic production of pulses has consistently stayed over 23 million tons in the last three years, and this has helped give a fillip to the processing sector which has now moved beyond traditional dal milling.


Kothari further added, “Recognizing the need of the hour, IPGA has collaborated with the Good Food (GFI) Institute for The Pulses Conclave 2020. GFI will present a one-hour session titled, Product Innovation in Pulses: Spotlight on Alternative Proteins. The session will explore key questions about stimulating the ecosystem for business and research in the country. The session will cover aspects such as Global overview of the alternative protein sector, types of products, success case studies; current global bottlenecks in product development – scientific information on indigenous crops, lack of functional ingredients for entrepreneurs, lack of processing capacity as well as challenges to be overcome for the Indian pulse industry to capitalize on this ecosystem – agricultural transformation for the growth of these value chains, lack of processing capacity and technology know-how.”


Kothari also said, “Pulse processors are actively engaging in developing an alternative protein sector in India which will include developing tasty, affordable and high-protein foods, making plant-protein products from pulses, developing plant-based and cell-based alternatives to meat, dairy and eggs to dramatically reduce animal suffering as well as reduce environmental strain on the planet caused by the animal agriculture sector. The growth and development in the processing sector will see the flow of domestic and foreign investments into the sector.”



The 5th edition of The Pulses Conclave

Total income increased to Rs 873.4 crore in the quarter from Rs 791.1 crore in October-December 2018, the company mentioned in a regulatory filing. 

 Bayer CropScience Limited (BSE: 506285) recently announced its unaudited results for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2019. In the third quarter (Q3) of Financial Year (FY) 2019-20, Bayer CropScience Limited earned Revenue from Operations of ₹8,540 million, as compared to ₹7,751 million in the corresponding period of FY 2018-19. Profit before Exceptional Items and Tax stood at ₹1,612 million, compared to ₹837 million in the corresponding period of the previous financial year.

 Commenting on the Q3 results, D. Narain, Managing Director & CEO, Bayer CropScience Limited, said, “Prolonged monsoon in October 2019 resulted in a delay in Rabi sowing, but good weather in November and December contributed to higher sales and liquidation across India, positively impacting our Q3 performance. In Q3, we also benefitted from early gains arising from our integrated product portfolio, cost synergies and one-time consolidation effects.”

 For the nine months ended December 31, 2019, Bayer CropScience Limited reported Revenue from Operations of ₹31,507 million, compared to ₹29,151 million for the corresponding period in FY 2018-19. Profit before Exceptional Items and Tax for the nine months ended December 31, 2019 stood at ₹6,590 million, compared to ₹5,750 million for the corresponding period in FY 2018-19. The results for the nine months ended December 31, 2018, and year ended March 31, 2019, include results of erstwhile Monsanto India Limited from June 7, 2018, (the date on which Monsanto Company, USA was acquired by Bayer AG) and are therefore not comparable.

 Sharing an outlook for the year ahead, D. Narain further stated, “We are progressing well on the integration and are geared up for a strong spring season. Supportive commodity prices and good water availability resulted in a favorable Rabi season and will continue to support improved sales growth for the rest of the financial year.”



Total income increased to Rs 873.4 crore

Classical Swine Fever (CSF) as one of the deadliest diseases in pigs that causes high mortality. Newly released vaccine is one of the most economical CSF Vaccine costing around less than Rs. 2/- per dose. 

Dr Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary (DARE) & Director General (ICAR) and Atul Chaturvedi, Secretary, Department of Animal Husbandry, Government of India released the “Live attenuated Classical Swine Fever Cell Culture Vaccine (Indigenous Strain) at the Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi recently.

 In his address, Dr Trilochan Mohapatra emphasized on the Classical Swine Fever (CSF) as one of the deadliest diseases in pigs that causes high mortality. He outlined that the country has been using a lapinized CSF Vaccine (Weybridge Strain, U.K.) since 1964 to control the disease. But, the procedure to produce the vaccine required sacrificing considerably a large number of rabbits. Besides this, around 1.2 million doses could only be produced as against the required 22 million doses per year in the country. The newly released Vaccine virus, having high titer, is capable of producing lakhs of doses very easily in the cell culture without sacrificing the rabbits.


Vaccine Technology

The Director General said that the Vaccine has been tested on around 500 pigs at multiple locations. Dr Mohapatra highlighted about the high demand for the transfer of the Vaccine technology from the various State Governments, Private manufacturers and the Government of Nepal.

 Atul Chaturvedi remarked the initiative by the ICAR-IVRI as a real help for the farmers to save their animals from the deadliest diseases. He emphasized that the release of the Vaccine will be beneficial for the farming community and would help to eliminate or control the disease by 2024-25. He urged to speed-up the commercialization of the technique at a large scale that would also help in realizing the vision of diseases free animal husbandry segment in the country.

Cost- effective vaccine

Earlier, in his welcome address, Dr. Ashok Kumar, ADG (Animal Husbandry), ICAR briefed about the main features of the Vaccine. Dr Kumar highlighted that the high titer of Vaccine virus has made the Vaccine as one of the most economical CSF Vaccine costing around less than Rs. 2/- per dose as compared to Rs. 15 – 25/- of lapinized CSF Vaccine and Rs. 30/- per dose (approximately) for an imported Korean Vaccine that is being used in the country. He accentuated that the Vaccine is safe, potent, does not revert to virulence and provides protective immunity from day 14 of the Vaccination.

 The senior officials of ICAR Headquarters, ICAR-IVRI and Department of Animal Husbandry were also present during the occasion.

Classical Swine Fever (CSF) as one of

At the conclave Mahindra HZPC (MHZPC) showcased its 6 new seed potato varieties which will help Indian potato farmers increase their income through better yield, market prices and quality attributes. 

Mahindra Farm Equipment Sector and Mahindra HZPC Pvt Ltd; a joint venture of Mahindra Agri Solutions Limited and HZPC Holding B.V., the world’s largest seed potato player, participated in the Global Potato Conclave 2020 recently held at in Gandhinagar. 

At the conclave Mahindra HZPC (MHZPC) showcased its 6 new seed potato varieties viz. Colomba, Memphis, Taurus, Sagitta, Ivory Russet and Innovator, which will help Indian potato farmers increase their income through better yield, market prices and quality attributes.

While the Innovator variety is already popular amongst the French fry manufacturers, Ivory Russet is a new entrant to this segment. Taurus, which caters to the chips industry has a uniquely long storage period, more so than any existing Indian variety. Colomba and Memphis are high yielding table varieties, while Sagitta can be used both in processing fries and table consumptions. 

The Mahindra Group is a USD 20.7 billion group of companies that enables people to rise through innovative mobility solutions, driving rural prosperity, improving urban living, nurturing new businesses & fostering communities. It enjoys a leadership position in utility vehicles, information technology, financial services & vacation ownership in India and is the world’s largest tractor Company, by volume.   It also enjoys a strong presence in agribusiness, commercial vehicles, aerospace, components, defense, logistics, renewable energy, real estate, speedboats & steel, amongst other businesses. Mahindra headquartered in India, employs more than 2, 40,000 people across 100 countries.

  Also showcasing its state-of-the-art precision farming and mechanization solution was Mahindra Farm Equipment sector with its best in class potato planters by Mahindra Dewulf,  potato special Mahinda Novo & Mahindra Yuvo tractors and modern precision farming solutions of Soil mapping and fertilizer drilling. With its whole host of mechanization solutions and differentiated potato varieties, Mahindra is the only company in India which can offer an entire stack of solution for the Indian potato farmer.


At the Global Potato Conclave 2020, Mahindra also hosted a field day for farmers to experience Mahindra’s latest in potato farming technologies in a specially created demonstration area.

  Ashok Sharma – President, Agri Sector, at Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., said “Mahindra has always been a pioneer in bringing world class solutions to Indian Agriculture. Today, we are proud to unveil six globally acknowledged varieties of seed potatoes to Indian farmers. We are confident that with this new portfolio, we would not only help potato farmers in getting premium from Indian consumers but also help processers and food companies in sourcing highest quality, processing amenable, and potatoes from India.”

Closely working with numerous progressive seed potato growers in India and engaged in delivering quality potato seed through a wide distribution network across country, Mahindra HZPC leverages sustainability and promote the best practices considering environment and society while doing business. The joint venture is to bringing access to latest technology, new varieties and will open global markets for Indian farmers.

The complete range of solutions in potato farming demonstrates yet another instance of Mahindra investing in future ready technologies to provide holistic and affordable offerings to the global farming community. This also illustrates the new age Agri and precision farming technologies which are being innovated by Mahindra beyond its traditional forte in farm equipment. 

Mahindra has partnered with global names in farm machinery and has strategically invested in agri and technology start-ups, to develop some of the best farming solutions at affordable prices. Its eco-system of global innovation centers develops Agricultural, digital and mechanized solutions to transform the way small landholders’ farm, helping them achieve FarmTech prosperity.

At the conclave Mahindra HZPC (MHZPC) showcased

The exhibition will focus on live demonstrations of improved varieties and technologies, and farmer-entrepreneur-scientist interactions.

In a major effort to bring improvement in fruits, vegetables, ornamental and medicinal crops, the ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR), a premier institute under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi, is all set to unveil its four-day extravaganza, its National Horticulture Fair, at its sprawling 263-acre campus at Hesaraghatta, Bengaluru, between February 5 and 8, 2020. 

The fair, with its theme, Horticulture-making farming an enterprise, will have an expected participation of more than 50,000 farmers. It will be an exhibition of stalls from the public and private sectors, live demonstrations of improved varieties and technologies, farmer-entrepreneur-scientist interactions, sale of seeds, planting material and products from ICAR-IIHR and other public and private firms for benefit of end users. 

In 2019, the fair witnessed over 25,000 farmers from 22 states benefiting from 120 improved pest-/disease-resistant varieties in 40 crops, integrated cropping systems, demonstration of integrated pest, disease and nutrient management practices and protected cultivation, soil-less culture for urban horticulture, climate-resilient horticulture technologies and 150 stall showcasing products related to horticulture. 

The 53-year-old institute has developed package of practices for some of the feasible crops on organic horticulture and good agriculture practices to ensure both quantity and quality of horticultural products with a major thrust on safeguarding soil health and ensuing pesticide-free commodities. Further, technologies that benefit tribal groups and farming community in North-Eastern states are given in much priority. 

“Besides, it will showcase its five decades of achievements, which include high-impact technologies like release of high-yielding varieties/pest- and disease-tolerant varieties, ArkaMicrobial Consortium, nutrient specials, pheromone traps, value-added post-harvest products, bio-pesticides and post-harvest machinery,” said Dr M R Dinesh, director, ICAR-IIHR. 

Among the recently-released varieties/technologies to be displayed at the fair are high-yielding mango hybrids like ArkaUdaya and ArkaSuprabhath; guava hybrids like ArkaKiran and ArkaPoorna; tomato hybrids for processing such as ArkaVishesh; chilli hybrid such as ArkaKhyati, and onion variety like ArkaBheem.

 Further, there will also be the triple disease-resistant tomato hybrids such as ArkaAditya and ArkaApeksha; value-added products of jackfruit, such as ArkaHalasuras, which can be processed for beverage, ArkaJacholate for chocolate-making and ArkaJackies cookies.

 In addition, there will be health-benefiting avocodo powder and high-yielding and high-antioxidant vegetable Amaranth varieties, ArkaSamrakasha and ArkaVarna. 

“There will be a dedicated stall on pest and disease control products, and it will showcase neem-based pellets, tuta light trap and Arka borer control. In sync with the technology advances, we will have the demonstration of ArkaBaagwani app and apps on chilli, papaya and okra cultivation,” stated Dr Dinesh.

 “With a wide display of such advanced technologies/varieties/products coupled with live demonstration, and by bringing public and private sector under one roof for one-to-one interaction, it is expected that the forthcoming National Horticulture Fair at ICAR-IIHR open all avenues to make horticulture as business and throw light on ways and means of doubling the farmers’ incomes and enhance entrepreneurs’ businesses,” pointed out Dr Dinesh at a press conclave.

The exhibition will focus on live demonstrations

The first shipment of 890 MTs of high-quality bananas, loaded in 43 refrigerated containers, from Andhra Pradesh to Mumbai to save high transport cost and quality losses during long transit. 

The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), along with the government of Andhra Pradesh and one of the largest member exporter of banana, dispatched the first shipment of 890 MTs of high-quality bananas, loaded in 43 refrigerated containers, from Tadipatri in Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh to Jawaharlal Nehru Port (JNPT), Mumbai, recently for export to international markets. 

This was stated by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. The Union Government, under the Agri Export Policy, has notified a banana cluster in Anantapur and Kadapa districts of Andhra Pradesh. The exporting company has been able to change the package of practices by providing expertise and technology to help banana growers in Andhra Pradesh for enhancing the quality of banana production. 

Over 500 farmers cultivating bananas in over 1,800 hectare have been trained to boost the production and export of the fruit from Anantapur and nearby districts.

The long distance of the Andhra Pradesh farms to the export port in Mumbai affects the viability of export shipments, due to high transport cost and quality losses during long transit. Efforts have been made for reducing the transit time to Mumbai port by using refrigerated rail containers.

 Over 3,000 farmers with an annual production of over one lakh MT are being handheld for exports directly. The efforts of APEDA with the support of the state government and exporters are likely to provide a good opportunity for India to increase its share in world trade of bananas.

The first shipment of 890 MTs of

The funds will be used to expand into new regions and also bring new varieties of crops


Kisan Network, a  Gurgaon based startup, has  recently secured $3 million in the funding round of seed led by the Mistletoe managing director Atsushi Taira. 

According to the report, the funding round also saw the participation from the Y Combinator, Thiel Foundation, and some other angel investors as well. 

The funds will be used to expand into new regions and also bring new varieties of crops. A portion of the funds will also be used to reveal new farmer-centric products and services to its customers.

 We have developed into a thriving organization of 70 and growing, serving more than 55,000 farmers across thousands of villages in India. With this funding and the building blocks of our supply chain in place, we believe that we are the cusp of becoming an even larger Pan India player in the market”, said Aditya Agarwalla, co-founder and CEO of Kisan Network.

 The company offers farmers access to information about their produce and market prices. To check crop quality, the company uses the computer vision to assess the physical characteristics of the crops remotely. It has also partnered with the local logistics players to make sure that product is directly sent to the buyer. 

“We see immense value in Kisan Network’s focus in providing market linkages directly to farmers, and their progress so far in building out each aspect of their tech-enabled supply chain is highly promising,” Mistletoe’s Taira.

The funds will be used to expand

Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented the Budget 2020 on Saturday that focused on raising the purchasing power by cutting income tax rates and boosting rural income. AgroSpectrum highlights the key points for agriculture sector in Union Budget 2020.

Agri-credit target for the year 2020-21 has been set at Rs 15 lakh crore.

Government to incentivise farmers to go solar. Over 6 crore farmers under Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna have been insured. Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha and Utthan Mahabhiyan (PM KUSUM) to be expanded, providing 20 lakh farmers in setting up standalone solar pumps. Government have provided energy sovereignty through KUSUM and input sovereignty through Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana .Government have provided resilience for 6.11 crores farmers insured under PM Fasal Bima Yojana. Focus on cultivation of pulses, expansion of micro-irrigation through Krishi Sinchai Yojana, have raised the self-reliance of the country. 

Viability Gap Funding for efficient warehouses

India has an estimated capacity of 162 million MT of agri-warehousing, cold storage, reefer van facilities etc.  NABARD will undertake an exercise to map and geo-tag them.  In addition, we propose creating warehousing, in line with Warehouse Development and Regulatory Authority (WDRA) norms. Our government will provide Viability Gap Funding for setting up such efficient warehouses at the block/taluk level.  This can be achieved, where States can facilitate with land and are on a PPP mode. Food Corporation of India (FCI) and Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC) shall undertake such warehouse building on their land too.

Dhaanya Lakshmi- Village storage scheme

As a backward linkage, a Village Storage scheme is proposed to be run by the SHGs.  This will provide farmers a good holding capacity and reduce their logistics cost.  Women, SHGs shall regain their position as “Dhaanya Lakshmi”.

Kisan Rail

To build a seamless national cold supply chain for perishables, inclusive of milk, meat and fish, the Indian Railways will set up a “Kisan Rail” – through PPP arrangements. There shall be refrigerated coaches in Express and Freight trains as well.


KrishiUdaan will be launched by the Ministry of Civil Aviation on international and national routes. This will immensely help improve value realisation especially in North-East and tribal districts. Krishi Udaan scheme aims to transport agri products to national as well international destinations to be launched.


Promoting Horticulture

Horticulture sector with its current produce of 311million MT exceeds production of food grains.  For better marketing and export, we propose supporting States which, adopting a cluster basis, will focus on “one product one district”.

Integrated farming systems in rain fed areas

Integrated farming systems in rain fed areas shall be expanded. Multi-tier cropping, bee-keeping, solar pumps, solar energy production in non-cropping season will be added. Zero-Budget Natural Farming (mentioned in July 2019 budget) shall also be included.  The portal on “Jaivikkheti” – online national organic products market will also be strengthened.


 NABARD re-finance scheme

Financing on Negotiable Warehousing Receipts (e-NWR) has crossed more than`6000crore. This will be integrated with e-NAM.  Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs) and cooperatives are active in the agriculture credit space.  The NABARD re-finance scheme will be further expanded.  Agriculture credit target for the year 2020-21 has been set at ` 15 lakh crore. All eligible beneficiaries of PM-KISAN will be covered under the KCC scheme.

Facilitate doubling of milk processing capacity

Government intends to eliminate Foot and Mouth disease, brucellosis in cattle and also peste des petits ruminants (PPR) in sheep and goat by 2025.  Coverage of artificial insemination shall be increased from the present 30% to 70%. MNREGS would be dovetailed to develop fodder farms. Further, we shall facilitate doubling of milk processing capacity from 53.5 million MT to 108 million MT by 2025.

 Blue Economy

 Our government proposes to put in place a framework for development, management and conservation of marine fishery resources. 

Sagar Mitras & Fish Farmer Producer Organisations

Youth in coastal areas benefit through fish processing and marketing.  By 2022-23, Government propose raising fish production to 200 lakh tonnes. Growing of algae, sea-weed and cage Culture will also be promoted.

Our government will involve youth in fishery extension through 3477 SagarMitras and 500 Fish Farmer Producer Organisations. We hope to raise fishery exports to ` 1 lakh crore by 2024-25. 




Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented the