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To invest in cutting-edge technology to make farming more sustainable

Proman, an integrated energy company and one of the world’s top ten nitrogen fertiliser producers, announced a new strategic partnership with CropX, a global pioneer in digital farm management systems.

CropX technology provides farmers and industry experts with the data and information they need to increase farming sustainability through conserving resources across the value chain and increasing crop yields, resulting in a more sustainable food production environment.

The investment underlines Proman’s commitment to actively supporting innovative technology solutions that can improve agricultural sustainability at a time when it is crucial for global food security and nutrition.

David Cassidy, CEO, Proman said, “We look forward to contributing our expertise as a fertiliser producer to this initiative and supporting CropX’s vision to utilise technology to boost farmer productivity and incomes, improve food security, and strengthen the resilience of the global food production systems. With food security becoming an increasingly pressing global issue, we believe that Digital Agro technologies have the potential to significantly increase agricultural productivity and support more sustainable agriculture around the world.”

Tomer Tzach, CEO, CropX said, “We are fortunate to partner with such an incredible global leader in nitrogen fertiliser. Using technology to precisely manage fertiliser application is the next frontier, and companies such as Proman and CropX will lead the way. We are excited that Proman sees the great value in our fertiliser management capabilities, which are an important part of the growing suite of decision tools that CropX offers to help farmers grow more with less.”

To invest in cutting-edge technology to make

The company has now started supplying its first sustainable castor ingredients to the personal care industry

BASF is the first chemical company to be certified according to the SuCCESS (Sustainable Castor Caring for Environmental & Social Standards) Code and has successfully finished the certification process by an external body. The production site in Düsseldorf-Holthausen, Germany is also the first site in the personal care industry to be certified. BASF has now started supplying its first sustainable castor ingredients to the personal care industry.

BASF, Arkema, Jayant Agro-Organics, and the international civil society organisation Solidaridad launched project ‘Pragati’ in May 2016 to improve working conditions, create awareness for sustainable farming and increase yields thanks to more efficient farming practices. The Pragati project was driven by a baseline survey of more than 1,000 castor farmers in Gujarat, where the majority of the world’s castor supply originates.

The goal is to support the sustainable production of castor beans to establish sustainable supply chains that amongst others increase the yields and income of the farmers. Since the project was initiated, more than 5,800 smallholders and over 13,300 hectares of land have been certified for sustainable castor cultivation.

The Code SuCCESS is designed by multiple partners and stakeholders to ensure the objective of Pragati project and to develop sustainability principles for castor seeds that will guide and further allow castor producers to offer certified sustainable castor in the global market.

The SuCCESS Code adopted 11 principles of ownership and provides smallholders with on-field support for ensuring monitoring and compliance with 41 mandatory and 25 non-mandatory control points. Only SuCCESS-certified Sustainable Castor Association (SCA) members can claim to supply sustainable castor products.

The company has now started supplying its

The areas of interest include bio fuel, bio diesel, medicinal plants etc

India and Oman will work together in certain areas like sustainability scientific harnessing of resources under a Programme of Cooperation (POC) in the fields of science and technology.

The areas of cooperation identified based on the POC for the period 2022 – 2025 are medicinal plants and processing, real-time air quality monitoring, development of an electronic platform for knowledge sharing in the field of genetic resources, technical expertise for SMEs in the field of sustainability (Eco-Innovate) Accelerator, plastic bio-fuel, and bio-diesel research, software development for graduate programmes – linking industry with academia, blockchain and FinTech solutions, training programmes – Big-data, coding and testing, STEM teaching and other areas of S&T cooperation added by mutual consent.

The POC document was signed by the Secretary, Department of Science and Technology (DST), and Omani Foreign Secretary, on behalf of the Government of the Sultanate of Oman during the bilateral meeting between Dr S Jaishankar, Union Minister of External Affairs of the Government of India and Sayyid Badr Albusaidi, Foreign Minister of Oman.

The Department of Science & Technology, Ministry of Science & Technology, on behalf of Government of the Republic of India and the Office of Science, Knowledge & Technology Transfer, Foreign Ministry, on behalf of the Government of the Sultanate of Oman, will supervise, coordinate and implement the POC for India and Oman, respectively.

Under the agreement, both countries will support joint scientific projects based on mutual interest, developed jointly by the Indian and Omani institutions. They will encourage the exchange of scientists, researchers, experts, and specialists for the implementation of selected joint projects aimed at developing applicable technology. This will lead to the dissemination of research results and establishing contacts with the industry for the follow-up of research and development work. The countries will also hold at least one workshop each year – alternatively in India and Oman during the 2022 – 2025 period in mutually acceptable areas.

The areas of interest include bio fuel,

USDA will make available $250 million through a new grant programme this summer to support independent, innovative and sustainable American fertiliser production to supply American farmers

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) is announcing it will support additional fertiliser production for American farmers to address rising costs, including the impact of Putin’s price hike on farmers, and spur competition.

USDA will make available $250 million through a new grant programme this summer to support independent, innovative and sustainable American fertiliser production to supply American farmers. Additionally, to address growing competition concerns in the agricultural supply chain, USDA will launch a public inquiry seeking information regarding seeds and agricultural inputs, fertiliser, and retail markets.

“Recent supply chain disruptions from the global pandemic to Putin’s unprovoked war against Ukraine have shown just how important it is to invest in this crucial link in the agricultural supply chain here at home,” said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.

Fertiliser prices have more than doubled since last year due to many factors including Putin’s price hike, a limited supply of the relevant minerals and high energy costs, high global demand and agricultural commodity prices, reliance on fertiliser imports, and lack of competition in the fertiliser industry.

The new programme will support fertiliser production that is:

  • Independent;
  • Made in America;
  • Innovative;
  • Sustainable;
  • Farmer-focused

Secretary Vilsack said, “As I talk to farmers, ranchers and agriculture and food companies about the recent market challenges, I hear significant concerns about whether large companies along the supply chain are taking advantage of the situation by increasing profits—not just responding to supply and demand or passing along the costs.”

USDA will make available $250 million through

The Government of India is promoting non chemical farming under the names of organic and natural farming through PKVY

The Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Narendra Singh Tomar in a written reply in Lok Sabha has announced that the Government of India is promoting non chemical farming under the names of organic and natural farming through Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) and Bharitya Prakratik Krishi Padhati along the river Ganga.          

The PKVY scheme is implemented in all the States across the country. Under this scheme, farmers are provided financial assistance of Rs 31000/ha/3 years for organic inputs such as seeds, bio-fertilisers, bio-pesticides, organic manure, compost/vermi-compost, botanical extracts etc. In addition, support is also provided for group/Farmers Producers Organisation (FPO) formation, training, certification, value addition and marketing of their organic produce. 

Under Namami Gange Programme total Rs 120.49 crore fund (Rs 67.36 cr from RKVY and Rs 34.20 cr from PKVY) has been released for 6181 clusters and 123620 ha area covered.

Further, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is recommending soil test based balanced and integrated nutrient management through conjunctive use of both inorganic and organic sources (manure, bio-fertilisers etc) of plant nutrients for judicious use of chemical fertilisers to improve soil health. In addition, growing leguminous crops and use of Resource Conservation Technologies (RCTs) are also advocated.

The government is promoting Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) which includes soil test based balanced and integrated use of chemical fertilisers in conjunction with organic sources of nutrients like Farm Yard Manure (FYM), city compost, vermi-compost and bio-fertilisers that leads to saving in use of chemical fertilisers.

The Government of India is promoting non

Agriculture, not unlike other sectors, continues to be male dominated in India. However,  due to various agricultural policies introduced by the government, this picture is changing and  more women agro entrepreneurs are actively entering  this  sector. But, is that enough? What steps can be taken by, not just the government, but also by the new crop of enterprising women agripreneurs? We shall unearth just that, and more.

The census of 2018-19, conducted by the Government of India, has revealed that 71 per cent female workers are employed in agriculture, followed by manufacturing (9 per cent), construction (6 per cent) and hospitality (4 per cent). These figures clearly indicate that participation of women in this domain has been scaling continuously. In order to further support this increased participation, the Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Rural Development launched a specific scheme called ‘Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana (MKSP)’, as a subcomponent of DAY-NRLM (Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana — National Rural Livelihoods Mission). This scheme has been implemented since 2011 with the objective to empower women by making systematic investments to enhance their participation and productivity, as well as create sustainable livelihoods for rural women. Despite all these efforts, there are various challenges such as product awareness, limited access to credit, lack of infrastructure, disproportionately larger levels of deprivation in terms of rights to land, to inputs, etc. that needed to be addressed to attract  more women entrepreneurs to the agriculture sector. 

Participation of women entrepreneurs in  every sector of the country has been scaling up constantly. Agriculture sector is also one of those sectors that is witnessing massive involvement of women in its various operations. With the infusion of technology and rise of startup culture in the country, this trend of more women agro entrepreneurs joining this domain is going to increase further.

To read more click on https://agrospectrumindia.com/e-magazine

Agriculture, not unlike other sectors, continues to

The deadline to apply for this grant cycle is March 30, 2022, at 5 pm EDT

The AGCO Agriculture Foundation (AAF), a private foundation with the vision to prevent and relieve hunger through sustainable agricultural development, has announced the launch of its new grant application cycle on the theme of “Climate Action Within the Context of Agriculture” for non-profit organisations with grant proposals between $20,000 – $300,000 and located anywhere across the globe.

In alignment with the United Nation Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDG 13) on “Climate Action” and AGCO’s purpose to deliver “farmer-focused solutions to sustainably feed our world,” the Foundation is accepting grant applications on climate action in agriculture. The AAF grant application platform, through its community investment software partner, Benevity, is running the application cycle from February 21 to March 30. This programme strengthens AAF commitment to its strategic focus areas and AGCO’s Farmer-First strategy while addressing global trends on climate change adaptation and mitigation.

The Foundation’s first grant application cycle for 2022 seeks new project proposals from non-profits that combine various sustainable methods to tackle the specific climate change-related challenges of today’s farming communities. 

Grant eligible non-profit organisations must focus on climate action in the agricultural context that also aligns with any of the AAF thematic focus areas such as Nutrition & Sustainable Food Systems, Agricultural Education, Research and Innovation, and Farmer Community Development. The aim is to implement projects that promote sustainable climate solutions for farmers and the agricultural sector to benefit economies while also strengthening community development. 

The deadline to apply for this grant cycle is March 30, 2022, at 5 pm EDT. 

The deadline to apply for this grant

FMC ranks 72nd on Barron’s top 100 list

FMC Corporation, a leading global agricultural sciences company, has made Barron’s annual list of America’s Most Sustainable Companies for the first time, and is the only agricultural company included on the list. 

“Sustainability has become a key indicator of company performance, not just for FMC but for any company looking to compete in the global marketplace,” said Mark Douglas, president and CEO. “FMC continues to invest significantly in sustainability across our company, from research and new product development to more efficient production, packaging and logistics around the world. We’re honoured to be included in this year’s list—it shows that our efforts are gaining traction and making a difference.”

The rankings, compiled by Calvert Research and Management, an investment management company specialising in responsible investing, evaluated the top 1,000 publicly held American companies by market value on their performance for five constituent groups: shareholders, employees, customers, communities and the planet. FMC ranks 72nd on Barron’s top 100 list.

“FMC has set ambitious goals over the past year that will challenge the way our company and business operate,” said Karen Totland, vice president and chief sustainability officer for FMC.

Barron’s is the second major publication this year to include FMC in its rankings of most sustainable companies.

FMC ranks 72nd on Barron's top 100 listFMC

With this partnership Cropin continues to grow its focus on enabling agri-businesses in the Latin American region adopt and drive digitisation across their operations

Cropin, a global ag-ecosystem intelligence provider, has announced its strategic partnership with Heaven Sprout Foodsa distributor and exporter of plant-based solutionsWith this partnership Cropin continues to grow its focus on enabling agri-businesses in the Latin American region adopt and drive digitisation across their operations.

Cropin’s globally adopted digital solutions combined with Heaven Sprouts’ market know-how will help agri-businesses in the region accelerate their digital transformation journey. The partnership would encourage adoption of advanced tech solutions to empower the ecosystem and support the sustainable development of Latin-American farming communities.

Speaking about the partnership, Cropin’s CRO Jitesh Shah said, “Along with Heaven Sprouts Foods, we look forward to doing our part in enabling technology-led agriculture in Latin America. We believe that by collaborating with a regional innovator like Heaven Sprouts Foods, we can improve agricultural practices and positively impact livelihoods and the environment at large. The experience and the knowledge of the region they bring to the table make them a great partner for Cropin to accelerate digital transformation in this sector.”

Cropin’s unique suite of products will ensure an all-inclusive, sustainable, and productive agriculture in Latin America, focusing on low carbon emissions through farming practices and a climate-smart approach. This partnership will expand opportunities for both social and economic development of the agri-ecosystem in the region.

With this partnership Cropin continues to grow

UPL has delivered another quarter of strong business performance in a challenging environment

UPL Limited has recently reported financial results for the third quarter of FY22 (Oct-Dec 2021). Q3 FY22 revenue witnessed robust growth of 24 per cent YoY to reach Rs 11,297 crore, led by healthy growth in volumes (+11 per cent) and better product realisations (+13 per cent). Further, Q3 FY22 EBITDA grew by 21 per cent YoY to Rs 2,666 crore as against Rs 2,209 crore in Q3 FY21.

Commenting on the performance, Jai Shroff, CEO – UPL Limited, said “UPL delivered another quarter of strong business performance in a challenging environment with growth across all regions except India. We are confident of continuing this business momentum and ending the fiscal year 2022 on a strong note.” “We also undertook multiple initiatives to re-imagine sustainability and in Q3, we successfully raised a sustainability loan of $700 million.”

He added, “At the same time, furthering our commitment to the Gigaton challenge, our digital platform ‘nurture.farm’ successfully completed its Crop Residue Management Program, thereby preventing release of over 1 million tons of carbon emissions. Taken together, these initiatives underscore UPL’s commitment to sustainability as we continue to raise the bar for the industry as a whole with UPL being ranked once again as the #1 global crop protection company amongst its peers by Sustainalytics in its 2021 ESG rankings.”

UPL has delivered another quarter of strong

Kisan Diwas is part of the brands larger objective of building a sustainable food chain

Maharashtra based You Care Lifestyle by Luke Coutinho, a platform created with an intention of providing mindfully curated health and wellness related products like Grocery and Staples, Healthy alternatives in snacking, and other lifestyle-related items is celebrating Kisan Diwas through a 4-day festival that introduces home-grown and farm to table products, offers, and other interesting activities on their social media.

Celebrating Kisan Diwas is part of the brands larger objective of building a sustainable food chain and encouraging local players through #Wellnessthroughfairtrade. Starting from December 20, 2021 to December 24, 2021, will be a one-of-a-kind experience. The brand will also be bringing many of these vendors to the forefront through various social media activities and giving a chance for their audience to connect with them directly through activities like Ask Me Anything, IGTV Live, and so on.

According to Luke Coutinho, Co-founder of You Care Lifestyle, “Today, as the agriculture sector is standing at the crossroad of a transformation, this campaign aims at introducing pioneer work in the field of agriculture that promotes the welfare of farmers and the sector as a whole. To support this purpose, we wanted to use technology to devise a way so that farmers do not bear the brunt of the pandemic. The platform will also enable individuals like us to have access to fresh produce and lifestyle products at all times. With the way things are progressing globally, online purchasing is the future. People are scared to venture out, stand in lines, risk themselves to viruses and other threats. Online purchasing enables them to meet their daily lifestyle needs in a simple, safe, and comfortable way. To further amplify this opportunity, we are highly keen on welcoming business entities that will support fair trade, sustainable organic farming, regenerative methodologies, zero waste products to come and join us in this collective initiative.”

Kisan Diwas is part of the brands

The estimated project cost is to the tune of Rs 1,000 crores and it is expected to generate annual revenue of approximately Rs 1500 crores

Gujarat Alkalies and Chemicals Limited (GACL) and GAIL (India) Limited (GAIL) have joined hands to set up a bioethanol plant of 500 KLD capacity. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for setting up a bioethanol plant in Gujarat and cooperation in other business areas of mutual interest was signed by MV Iyer, Director (Business Development) of GAIL and Milind Torawane, MD, GACL in the presence of Bhupendrabhai Patel, Chief Minister, Gujarat, K Kailashnathan, Chief Principal Secretary, Chief Minister of Gujarat, Pankaj Joshi, Addl Chief Secretary to Chief Minister of Gujarat and Manoj Jain, CMD, GAIL at Gandhinagar.

This plant will be using corn/broken rice as feedstock with eco-friendly technology and it will produce 500 KLD Bioethanol, which will be used for blending in petrol. As by-products from this plant, 135 KTPA Protein-rich animal feed and 16.50 KTPA of corn oil while using corn as feedstock are also expected to be produced.

Dahod, Panchmahal, Aravalli and Mahisagar are major corn-producing districts in Gujarat and hence the project is likely to come up in one of these districts. A detailed feasibility study through a third party is in progress for the project.

The estimated project cost is to the tune of Rs 1,000 crores and it is expected to generate annual revenue of approximately Rs 1500 crores.
An estimated savings of $70 million per year in Foreign Exchange outgo is expected through this project. Beyond the savings, this project will also generate direct and indirect employment for around 700 individuals. Long term supply contracts for corn would encourage corn farming with sustainable, multi-fold income for farmers through increased productivity and an assured market. Steps will also be taken to improve the productivity of corn in the state with the help of the Maize Research Centre in Godhra.

The estimated project cost is to the

MoU would provide the required impetus for the much acclaimed and majestic Himalayas

The Indian Institute of Soil & Water Conservation, Dehradun, Uttarakhand signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Sparsh Himalaya, Dehradun. Dr M Madhu, Director, ICAR-IISWC, Dehradun and Seema Sharma from Sparsh Himalaya, Dehradun signed the MoU on the behalf of their respective organisations.

In his address, Dr Madhu outlined the main objective of the MoU to stimulate and facilitate collaboration and promote mutually-interested common programmes that help to advance the interests of the Himalayan ecosystems and related intellectual life and cultural development. He also emphasised that the MoU would provide the required impetus for the much acclaimed and majestic Himalayas.

Seema underlined that the technological and success stories including the short films, videos and technological exhibits and depictions generated by the ICAR-IISWC will be aired through the channel of the Sparsh Himalaya for wider reach and mass awareness on useful and evidence-based information to the diverse target groups and stakeholders.

MoU would provide the required impetus for

Through this acquisition, Yokogawa will assist customers in the power transmission and distribution sectors to meet their clean energy goals.

Yokogawa Electric Corporation has recently acquired all of the outstanding shares of PXiSE Energy Solutions, a San Diego-based developer of software that enables utilities and other grid operators to deliver reliable and stable power by managing renewables and distributed energy resources (DERs) in real-time. Through this acquisition, Yokogawa will build on its capabilities in the monitoring and control of power generation facilities and assist customers in the power transmission and distribution sectors to meet their clean energy goals.

The addition of PXiSE to the Yokogawa Group will enable the company to help global customers involved in power transmission and distribution to better manage the increasingly diversified energy supply chain, maximise the deployment of renewable energy assets, and ultimately deliver affordable, reliable, and sustainable forms of energy.

Through this acquisition, Yokogawa will assist customers