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The funds will enable FAO to upscale national and regional capacity building in soil assessment and sustainable soil management worldwide

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) welcomed an additional $3 million contribution from PhosAgro, Russia’s leading phosphate-based fertiliser producer, to support the efforts of the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) to help more farmers implement soil-improving management measures and boost the capacities of national soil laboratories in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, and the Near East.

With this top-up, FAO plans to distribute an additional 1 200 Soil Doctor’s Testing Kits – special kits for assessing soil condition – to certified Soil Doctors and trainers. Around 5,000 farmers will then be trained and supported to adopt sustainable soil management practices by 2026.

The three-year project also envisages promoting reliable and accurate soil and fertilizer testing through the Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN) and the consolidation of the International Network on Soil Fertility and Fertilisers (INSOILFER), promoting efficient and environmentally friendly practices consistent with the International Code of Conduct for the Sustainable Use of Management of Fertilizers. Another major activity under the project is the application of ecosystem-based solutions to remediate on-farm soil pollution through the International Network on Soil Pollution (INSOP).

For the first time, PhosAgro funding will also support the implementation of measures for the recarbonisation of agricultural soils (RECSOIL). This initiative will allow farmers to boost productivity, enhance resilience and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 

The contribution agreement was recently signed by Maria Helena Semedo, FAO Deputy Director-General, and Alexander Sharabaika, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of PhosAgro.

The funds will enable FAO to upscale

The Company was first recognised for this achievement in 2019.

The International Fertiliser Association (IFA) has confirmed PhosAgro’s status as an Industry Stewardship Champion for its responsible and sustainable approach to production. The Company was first recognised for this achievement in 2019.

The IFA’s Industry Stewardship Champion label is granted to companies that are IFA Protect & Sustain certified and actively participate in all IFA benchmarks on Safety Performance, Environmental Performance, and Energy Efficiency & CO2 Emissions. This Award highlights their commitment to continuous improvement, transparency, and the use of the best available techniques in the areas of energy efficiency and resource conservation, occupational health and safety, and environmental protection, and it attests to the fact that industry champions have best corporate policies in place in these areas.

“Ensuring industrial safety, safeguarding occupational health and creating comfortable working conditions for our employees remain priorities for the Company,” said Andrey Guryev, CEO of PhosAgro, commenting on the IFA decision.

The Company was first recognised for this