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To benefit 30 women beneficiaries 

ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore has extended support in a cluster basis to develop an ornamental fish village by adopting 30 women beneficiaries in its on-going SCSP programme at Dhanyaganga Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sargachi. 

The effort by the ICAR-CIFRI in collaboration with the Ramakrishna Mission and newly established KVK, in its adopted village could enhance the visibility of the various programmes implemented in the village targeting to doubling farmer’s income.

Head of the Ramakrishna Mission, Sargachi, Biswamayananda Maharaj stressed upon women empowerment and encouraged them to come forward to show their interest for the wellbeing of their family by contributing from a tiny scale from the begin to a large scale with a span of two to three years that will build up a greater scope in the ornamental fish farming in the country as Bengal leads the ornamental fish farming from the front.

All aspects of ornamental fish farming particularly handling of live-bearers was explained to the women beneficiaries with a video prepared by the institute and live demonstration was conducted and inputs were distributed for the beneficiaries.

To benefit 30 women beneficiaries ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries