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Farmers honoured with certificates for their excellent work in onion cultivation

ICAR-Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research, Pune held a ‘Kisan Sangoshthi’ on commercial cultivation of onion in collaboration with the GKRDF, Varanasi and Agrimitra FPC, Mirzapur in the premises of ICAR-Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Varanasi. Dr G Kalloo, Ex-DDG (Hort) ICAR and Ex-VC, JNKVV, Jabalpur, in his presidential address, stated that there is an immense scope for onion cultivation in Mirzapur. 

He put emphasis on higher yield from onion cultivation and doubling the farmer’s income by integrating it with the cultivation of other vegetables.

On this auspicious occasion a ‘Technical Folder’ as well as a Documentary Film on “Extending commercial cultivation of onion in eastern parts of Uttar Pradesh: A Success Story” was released in the presence of dignitaries.

About 400 farmers including 260 women farmers from different parts of Mirzapur, Sonbhadra, Ghazipur, Varanasi, Chandauli, Kushinagar and Ballia districts of Uttar Pradesh and Singrauli district of Madhya Pradesh participated in the programme. Select farmers were honoured with certificates for their excellent work in onion cultivation.

Farmers honoured with certificates for their excellent

78 tribal farmers including 57 ladies from different parts of Leh participated

To overcome the problems of the onion growers regarding improved onion varieties as well as production and protection technologies, ICAR-Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research, Rajgurunagar, Pune had initiated a programme to conduct field demonstrations on improved onion varieties during 2022-23 in collaboration with High Mountain Arid Agriculture Research Institute (HMAARI), SKUAST-K Leh and KVK, SKUAST-K Kargil-1.

A total of 78 tribal farmers including 57 ladies from different parts of Leh participated in the this training programme. Dr V Mahajan, Director, ICAR-DOGR appreciated the farmers of Leh for their interest and hard work for conducting field demos on improved onion varieties. He also briefed about the scientific cultivation of onion which will enhance productivity and income of farmers.

Demonstrations conducted at the fields of various farmers were monitored and performance of all the demos on improved variety of onion were found to be in good conditions. However, onion maggots are the major problem in Leh and organically protection measures are the need of hour.

78 tribal farmers including 57 ladies from