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The microbial inoculum can boost the rapid degradation of agro residues (such as sugarcane leaves after harvesting) under field conditions.

ICAR-Central Institute for Research on Cotton Technology, Mumbai signed a Memorandum of Understanding with M/s. Relegare Agro Life Bio Science Private Limited Ahmednagar in Maharashtra.

The MoU has been signed by Dr S. K Shukla, Director, ICAR-CIRCOT, and Mr. G. T. Gadekar, Director, M/s. Relegare Agro Life Bio Science Private Limited on behalf of respective organizations for the development of microbial inoculum for in-situ degradation of agricultural waste.

 G. T. Gadekar, Director, M/s. Relegare Agro Life Bio Science Private Limited is engaged in the production of quality Bio-pesticides, Bio-fertilizers, and Bio-fungicide from beneficial microbes with the perfect cell count. They have a Euro-Global Certification (US) for good manufacturing processes & producing 100 per cent organic products. They use nanotechnology for innovative methods & practices in response to customers’ requisitions to combat various pests & diseases on crops and climate change.

The microbial inoculum can boost the rapid degradation of agro residues (such as sugarcane leaves after harvesting) under field conditions. The use of microbial and biological inputs may lead to a balanced use of fertilizers and may minimize the adverse impact on plant and soil health due to imbalanced fertilizers/chemicals used in agriculture.

Dr S. Sreenivasan, Former Director, ICAR-CIRCOT, and Dr A. J. Shaikh, Former Director, Heads, Division and Technology Innovators, were present during this occasion.

The microbial inoculum can boost the rapid