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CoE for Kamlam (Dragon Fruit) to be set up at Bengaluru, Mango and Vegetables at Jaipur (Odisha) & Vegetables and Flowers at South Goa

Under the Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH), Centres of Excellence (CoEs) are being established in various States through Bilateral Cooperation or Research Institutes. These CoEs serve as demonstration and training centres for the latest technologies in the field of horticulture. These CoEs also serve as a source of planting material for fruits and vegetable seedlings for protected cultivation and are used for transfer of technology and knowhow in diverse areas, viz., Post-Harvest management, Irrigation and Fertigation, Plant protection, Introduction of New Varieties, Pollination etc.

Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH), Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare has approved 49 CoEs till now, out of which the following 3 CoEs have been approved.

CoE for Kamlam (Dragon Fruit) by Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR), Bengaluru, Karnataka at Experimental Station, Hirehalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka.

CoE for Mango and Vegetables under Indo-Israel Action Plan at Panikoili, Jajpur District, Odisha.

CoE for Vegetables and Flowers under Indo-Israel Action Plan at Govt. Agricultural Farm, Codar, Khandepar, Ponda, South Goa, Goa.

CoE for Kamlam (Dragon Fruit) at Bengaluru, Karnataka Centre is to develop the latest production technology as per the international standard & off-season production and demonstration these technologies for high-yield production. The Centre will aim to achieve self-sustenance in Kamlam fruit production, value addition and enhance the economic development of the farming community.

CoE for Mango and Vegetables at Jajpur, Odisha Centre is to generate knowledge in nursery management, cultivation practices, and production of high quality & large quantities of planting material for mango and vegetable crops. The Centre will also focus on the demonstration of new varieties, Israeli Agro technology in irrigation, fertigation & Plant protection technologies along with precision Agriculture and post-harvest management technology. The Centre will prepare a training model based on the focused areas such as irrigation, fertigation, nursery, canopy & value chain for the benefit of farmers.

CoE for Vegetables and Flowers at Ponda, Goa Centre will focus on the demonstration of a Hi-tech nursery management system with advanced production technology through automated irrigation and fertigation system for the production of disease-free and healthy vegetable seedlings of improved varieties of vegetables and flowers suitable for Goa. The Centre will also strengthen infrastructure for the promotion of pre & post-harvest management of quality products and develop protocols/guidelines tailored to the local conditions in the CoE & farmer’s field as well.

CoE for Kamlam (Dragon Fruit) to be

The objective of this conclave was to give thrust to increase the area, production and productivity, marketing, branding of Kamlam (Dragon Fruit) and also to enhance the farmer’s income

Under the Chairmanship of Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India, National Conclave on Kamlam (Dragon Fruit) has been organised on July 7, 2022. The objective of this conclave was to give thrust to increase the area, production and productivity, marketing, branding of Kamlam (Dragon Fruit) and also to enhance the farmer’s income. A Technical Session was also conducted to address the issues related to planting material, cultivation practices, post-harvest & marketing and research on Kamlam (Dragon Fruit). Progressive farmers of States namely Haryana, Karnataka, Gujarat and Nagaland shared their experiences during the workshop.

Manoj Ahuja, Secretary, DA&FW, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, GoI as Chief Guest shared his views and highlighted that there is need to promote and develop a plan for increasing the area of Kamlam (Dragon Fruit) as the fruit is having specific nutritional value and global demand.

He suggested to prepare an Annual Action Plan (AAP) of 5 years in consultation with States to promote overall development in respect to cultivation, post-harvest management, marketing processing and Value addition.

Dr Abhilaksh Likhi, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India, mentioned in his speech that there should be potential market of this fruit so that growers can develop their own branding. There is also need to develop a 5-year strategy to increase the area of Kamlam upto 50,000 ha.

The objective of this conclave was to