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The reduction in import duties on various ingredients /inputs for manufacture of prawn and shrimp feed/fish feed announced in Budget 2024-25 will help in increase of exports.

As a result of the various efforts made by the Government, India’s seafood exports have increased from Rs. 46,662.85 Crore in 2019-20 to Rs. 61043.68 Crore in 2023-24 registering a growth of 30.81 per cent.

The Government regularly monitors and reviews export performance, including that of marine products, along with export promotion bodies and the Indian missions abroad with the objective of enhancing exports vis-a-vis previous year. Internal targets are used for monitoring purpose only, and have been fixed at USD 7.86 billion for 2024-25.

The Government through Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA), a statutory organization under administrative control of Department of Commerce provides assistance for upgrading the infrastructure facilities for value addition, establishing testing laboratories, participating in international trade fairs, and providing technical assistance for aquaculture production meant for exports, etc.

The reduction in import duties on various ingredients /inputs for manufacture of prawn and shrimp feed/fish feed announced in Budget 2024-25 will make Indian seafood-based value-added products more competitive in international markets and help in increase of exports. The reduction of import duties include from 15 per cent to Nil on Fish lipid Oil (HS 1504 20) & Algal prime (flour) (HS 2102 2000) , from 5  per cent to Nil on Krill meal (HS 2301 20), Mineral and Vitamin Premixes (HS 2309 90 90), from 30 per cent to Nil on Crude Fish Oil, from 15 per cent to 5 per cent on Prawn and shrimps feed (2309 90 31) and fish feed (2309 90 39), from 30 per cent to Nil on pre-dust breaded powder.

The Government has also increased the Remission of Duties and Taxes on Export Products (RoDTEP) from 2.5 per cent to 3.1 per cent for various seafood products and with maximum value cap per kg increased to Rs. 69.00, which will also encourage export of such products.

Furthermore, the Department of Fisheries, Govt. of India is implementing flagship scheme namely Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) with an investment of Rs 20050 crore in fisheries sector for a period of 5 years i.e. FY 2020-21 to FY 2024-25 with an objective of promoting exports from the fisheries sector. The scheme intends to address critical gaps in fish production and productivity, quality of catch/harvests, technology infusion, post-harvest infrastructure, modernization and strengthening of value chain, reduction of post-harvest losses, traceability etc. Since 2020-21, the Department of Fisheries, Government of India has approved proposals to the tune of Rs. 1283.47 crore for development of cold chain infrastructure under PMMSY which includes construction of 586 cold storages, modernization of 78 cold storages/ice plants and 26588 post-harvest transportation facilities.

This information has been provided by the Union Minister of State for Commerce and Industry, Jitin Prasada in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha.

The reduction in import duties on various

Conclave to develop global guidelines for climate-resilient marine fisheries management 

Leading marine scientists, policymakers and high-ranking government officials from 16 regional fisheries bodies in the Indo-Pacific region covering 80 countries will gather in Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu to discuss climate change in marine fisheries. The Three-day International Conclave on Mainstreaming Climate Change into International Fisheries Governance will be inaugurated by the Union Minister of Fisheries Parshottam Rupala on Tuesday at Welccomehotel, Kences Palm Beach, Mahabalipuram. 

Organised by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with the Department of Fisheries, Govt. of India, and the Bay of Bengal Programme Inter-Governmental Organisation (BOBP-IGO), the conclave seeks to develop guidelines for climate-resilient fisheries management and formulate strategies for the integration of climate change into international fisheries governance.

Dr L Murugan, Union Minister of State will deliver a special address and Dr Abhilaksh Likhi, Union Secretary, Department of Fisheries will deliver the keynote address. India’s developmental, research and policy initiatives for climate-resilient marine fisheries will be presented during the inauguration of the conclave.  
The conclave will also feature a workshop exclusively to discuss India’s preparedness for adapting to climate change in marine fisheries. This workshop will encompass discussions on the current status of climate change impacts on marine fisheries in India, steps taken to address these impacts, gaps and limitations in knowledge and techniques, and actions needed in the short and long term. In addition, it will also feature presentations on cutting-edge research advancements in building climate resilience in the fisheries sector, preparedness of coastal communities, and knowledge sharing and capacity development for climate-proofing marine fisheries in the BOB region. 

“The Indo-Pacific Region comprises nearly half of the global oceanic area and accounts for about 70 per cent of global marine fisheries production. Fisheries in this region are small-scale in nature. This international conclave will help fishery experts in this region to develop strategies to address the challenges posed by climate change and build more resilient marine fisheries”, said Dr P Krishnan, Director, BOBP-IGO. 

 “The Indo-Pacific region is highly vulnerable to climate change, leading to adverse impacts on marine fisheries. These effects range from the increased frequency of extreme weather events to the threats of flooding, erosion, and sea-level rise. By fostering and executing strategies to adapt to climate change, this region can effectively safeguard the sustainable management of marine fisheries and the livelihoods of the millions of individuals who depend on them, Dr Krishnan said. 

Conclave to develop global guidelines for climate-resilient

Prior to NFL, he was serving as CMD of Madras Fertilizers Limited (MFL), a PSU under the Departments of Fertilizers.

The Department of Fertilizer, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Govt. of India has appointed U. Saravanan as Chairman cum Managing Director of National Fertilizers Limited with effect from June 16, 2023. Prior to this, he was serving as CMD of Madras Fertilizers Limited (MFL), also a PSU under the Departments of Fertilizers and also held additional charge as Director (Technical) of another fertilizer PSU, FACT Limited, Cochin for more than a year. He was also a board member of Indian Potash Limited and Fortune Biotech.

Saravanan is a Chemical Engineer from Anna University and MBA from University of Madras. Saravanan has a wide experience spanning over 33 years covering both oil refinery and fertilizer industries. He is a Life member of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers.

He has completed graduate training on Process Design conducted by UOP at Chicago, USA. He has also worked in Project Team for pre-commissioning and commissioning activities of 0.6 MMTPA of Olefin Project at Rayong, Thailand under Toyo Engineering, Japan.

 “As CMD of MFL, Saravanan is credited for turning around the company into a profit making one,” NFL mentioned in an official statement.

Prior to NFL, he was serving as