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Centre is setting up 10,000 new FPOs, for which a provision of INR 6,865 crore has been made

In a virtual address to the National Conference on Enhancing Agricultural Productivity on the topic ‘Integration of Improved Seeds and Agri Inputs’, organised by the Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM)  in New Delhi, Narendra Singh Tomar, Union Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister, said, “Agriculture sector is the backbone of our country and our rural economy and agriculture has such strength that the country can easily overcome adverse situations.” . 

There is a need to work in this direction to transform agriculture into advanced farming, technology should be used in agriculture and its continuity should be maintained, the stronger and more profitable the Agriculture sector is, the stronger the country will be.

Tomar said that the government is working to reduce the gap between farmers and the market, providing infrastructure in rural areas and eliminate the role of middlemen. He said that the number of small farmers in the country is more, who have small acreage and do not have money for investment; for such farmers, the Central Government is setting up 10,000 new FPOs, for which a provision of INR 6,865 crore has been made and small farmers are being mobilised.  

Farmers should do group farming, so that the input costs can be reduced, production quality improves and small farmers can shift to remunerative crops and get the price for their produce on their own terms.

Centre is setting up 10,000 new FPOs,

To enhance crop and soil specific fertiliser systems and improvements to nutrient use efficiency, balanced soil nutrition

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has signed a $30 million loan with Smartchem Technologies Limited (STL) to finance capital expenditure and research and development of enhanced-efficiency specialty fertilisers as well as investments to promote energy efficiency, health, and safety.

In addition, an accompanying technical assistance grant will focus on improving the climate resilience of up to 4,000 smallholder farmers through building their soil management and financial literacy skills.

“ADB’s financial assistance will help us to further improve our enhanced efficiency specialty fertiliser business including applied R&D and grass-root farmer training initiatives. It is encouraging to have our efforts towards crop and soil specific fertiliser systems and improvements to nutrient use efficiency and balanced soil nutrition, validated by international partners like ADB,” said STL Chairman and Managing Director S C Mehta. “We will continue to strive to deliver our vision of raising the yield and quality of Indian agriculture to the global best. We look forward to growing this partnership with ADB.”  

ADB is committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty.

To enhance crop and soil specific fertiliser

Growing high-nutrient, clean, sustainable fruits and vegetables all year-round is the target

US based company Advanced Container Technologies which is in the business of selling and distributing self-contained, automated, indoor “micro-farms”,  announces the launch of GrowPods, the company’s unique Controlled Environment Farms, which can help provide new income streams for farmers, along with a host of other significant benefits.

3 pounds of toxic chemicals are sprayed on food, per person, every year, many fruits and vegetables contain 90 percent fewer nutrients than at the start of this century. 

“Our food system is in peril and we can no longer keep going on as if everything is fine,”. “It’s time for farmers to look to new ways of growing crops that don’t depend on soil, and don’t require chemicals or pesticides.” Doug Heldoorn, CEO of ACTX, said.

GrowPods are hydroponic controlled environment farms that can grow about an acre of food with about a third of the water used in traditional farming. With state-of-the-art automation, GrowPods provide farmers, businesses, organisations, and individuals the ability to grow ultra-clean food which is even better than organic.

Heldoorn summarised saying “Our nation’s farmers need new tools and techniques to survive,” he said. “GrowPods offer a pathway forward to a more sustainable future.”

Growing high-nutrient, clean, sustainable fruits and vegetables

Indian spices exports crossed $4 billion in last 2 years, covering more than 180 countries

World Spice Organisation (WSO), a non-profit technical partner for the All India Spices Exporters Forum (AISEF), concludes the 2-day National Spices Conference 2022 in Mumbai. The conference witnessed the presence of over 300 delegates, including 100 farmers, along with other key government and industry stakeholders.

This was a one-of-its-first kind conference organised by the World Spice Organisation in collaboration with GIZ and IDH-the Sustainable Trade Initiative.

D Sathiyan, Secretary of the Spices Board, spoke, “Indian spices exports crossed $4 billion in the last 2 years, covering more than 180 countries. The spice exports contribute around 10 percent of the agri exports and about 40 percent of the horticulture sector exports. India’s exports form only 15 percent of total spice production and balance is consumed in the domestic market. “

“According to international trade projections, demand for spices is poised to grow at a CAGR of 6.5 percent in the next decade, indicating the huge opportunity for exports” he further adds. 

Ramkumar Menon, Chairman of the World Spice Organisation, spoke, “It was overwhelming to witness such an amazing turnout at our first National Spice Conference. The topics discussed were relevant and will help regulate the spice trade for both Indian and international markets. As the theme for the conference was “Food Safety,” we at the World Spice Organisation would like to emphasise how Indian Farmers and other stakeholders in the supply chain should work towards ensuring food safety. 

The conference was attended by FSSAI, Spice Board and National Research Organisation like IISR and senior executives from leading spice-related firms. 

Indian spices exports crossed $4 billion in

State officials chalk out a comprehensive action plan for effective control of paddy stubble burning during the ensuing season

Dr Abhilaksh Likhi, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare attended a farm demonstration on crop residue management at village Rangian in Kharar tehsil, District SAS Nagar, Punjab and interacts with farmers.

The objectives of the Crop Residue Management (CRM) Scheme includes :-

– Protecting environment from air pollution and preventing loss of nutrients and soil micro-organisms caused by burning of crop residue.

– Promoting management of crop residue by retention/incorporation into the soil or collection for further utilisation through the use of appropriate mechanisation inputs.

– Promoting Farm Machinery Banks for custom hiring of crop residue management machinery to offset the adverse economies of scale arising due to small landholding and high cost of individual ownership.

– Creating awareness among stakeholders through demonstration, capacity building activities and differentiated Information, Education and Communication strategies for effective utilisation and management of crop residue.

Dr Likhi puts emphasis on effective control of paddy stubble burning during the ensuing season, the States should  chalk out a comprehensive action plan at micro level, establish a mechanism to ensure effective utilisation of machines, promote use of bio-decomposer in a complimentary mode with the CRM machines, promote ex-situ utilisation of straw by way of mapping demand from adjoining industries like biomass based power plants, bioethanol plants etc.

State officials chalk out a comprehensive action

Scientists play a key role in making Madhya Pradesh a leading state in agriculture

The 59th Foundation Day function of Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University, Jabalpur was held online and the Chief Guest, Narendra Singh Tomar said on the occasion that if Madhya Pradesh has emerged amongst the leading states in the field of agriculture today, the role of Agricultural University, Krishi Vigyan Kendras and Indian Council of Agricultural Research lies at its strong foundation.

Tomar said that the Jabalpur Agricultural University is known across the country as an Institute of Excellence and this is a matter of pride for the people of the state working in the agriculture sector. Ever since this university was established in the year 1964, it has made a great contribution in advancing and upgrading the agricultural sector in the state. Madhya Pradesh has repeatedly received the prestigious Krishi Karman Award in the field of agriculture. 

Tomar said that farmers have to depend on nature in spite of the availability of sufficient resources. In this regard, the Prime Minister Narendra Modi has provided a shield to the farmers in the form of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana. Claims worth INR 1.22 lakh crore has been settled against crop loss to farmers during the last 6 years.

Scientists play a key role in making

MBS will also offer specially customised financial services to dairy farmers associated with Dairy Co-operative Societies (DCS) in the dairy value chain.

Extending banking services in the rural hinterland of Assam, Manipal Business Solutions (MBS) partners with Assam Rural Infrastructure and Agricultural Services Society (ARIAS) to deepen financial inclusion in the region, and the grant signing ceremony was held in Guwahati in presence of, Roshni Aparanji Korati, IAS, State Project Director, ARIAS Society.

Rural citizens are currently traveling miles to deposit a cheque or simply withdraw cash from their bank account, to address this challenge and bridge the urban-rural divide, MBS will reach the last mile and offer financial services such as savings, deposits, withdrawal, and micro pensions to farmers, landless agriculture labourers, tenant farmers, and sharecroppers in the rural regions of Assam.

Under this collaboration, MBS will enable the digitalisation of the dairy value chain in focused districts of Assam. The company will also offer specially customised financial services to dairy farmers associated with Dairy Co-operative Societies (DCS) in the dairy value chain.

MBS will work closely with the leading financial intuitions to offer tailor-made products such as cattle loans, livestock insurance, personal loans, savings and investment services, payments, etc. for dairy farmers. These financial services will be delivered through the Dairy Cooperative Societies (DCS), and FPOs at the village level to reduce credit and transaction costs.

Kamaljeet Rastogi, CEO, Manipal Business Solutions said “MBS in its objective of digitising the dairy value chain will reach out to more than 1 lakh dairy farmers in Assam. Thereby aiming to digitise 1000+ Crore dairy payments annually.” 

MBS will also offer specially customised

MANAGE – Samunnati Agri-Start-up Awards recognise impact-driven agriculture and Agri-Tech start-ups 

Sid’s Farm, a premium D2C dairy brand based out of Telangana, was recognised and felicitated as the ‘Best Agri Start-up’ of Telangana. This honour was bestowed on the company at a well-attended awards ceremony organised under the aegis of The National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), in association with Samunnati, India’s major open-agri network of smallholder farmers. Dr Kishore Indukuri, Founder, Sid’s Farm received the award on behalf of his organisation from Sushri Shobha Karandlaje, MoS, Agriculture and Farmer Welfare, GoI. 

The MANAGE – Samunnati recognises start-ups dedicated to rebuilding the agriculture development ecosystem and to supporting farmers through technological innovations. 

“Our focus at Sid’s Farm has been quality and customer-focused operations which we constantly improve and better. We are deeply grateful to our farmer partners as well as all our hard-working team members whose innovative acumen and will to serve have made us a people’s organisation. This honour, for which I am humbled and grateful, renews our commitment towards building a healthy, safe, and ethically nourished India.” Said, Dr Kishore Indukuri, Founder, Sid’s Farm. 

MANAGE - Samunnati Agri-Start-up Awards recognise impact-driven

The production of seeds in the Ravines of Morena will improve the land and the land will turn fertile.

The Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Narendra Singh Tomar, recently laid the foundation stone of an organic seed farm of the National Seed Corporation (NSC) at Morena. 

Upon its completion, new organic seeds of oilseeds will be available to the farmers of Madhya Pradesh. With this farm, farmers will be introduced to modern techniques, and will get high yielding seeds and their socio-economic status improved.

Tomar announced that the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change has taken a big decision to recommend de-notification of 207 hectares land in the National Wildlife Sanctuary of Chambal. Due to this sanctuary area being a revenue land, the availability of sand will be at the local level, which will also increase employment.

Tomar said that the Central Government has decided to establish a farm in Morena (MP) for the production of organic seeds by improving the land in the rugged area. For this, the M.P. Government has allotted 885.34 hectares of land in 4 villages (Gadora, Jakhauna, Rithora Khurd & Gorakha) of Morena to the Union Ministry of Agriculture. 

This land is a rugged area of ​​Chambal and farming was not possible due to ravines in the area. As NSC is committed to provide quality seeds to the farmers and is producing 15 lakh quintals of quality certified seeds and making them available to the farmers, hence the Agriculture Ministry has entrusted the responsibility of developing a farm in Morena to the NSC for the production of organic seeds. 

The production of seeds in the Ravines of Morena will improve the land and the land will turn fertile.

Inspired by land reforms, local farmers will be able to improve the land in their fields and produce seeds with the latest scientific method and get high economic benefits from low cost of farming. Farmers will get to learn the latest techniques of seed production here. Local and state farmers will be taught the latest seed production techniques through training by NSC experts. Local workers of Morena will get employment through land reforms and seed production in the farm. Farmers will get good production by getting latest and genetically and physically pure organic oilseed seeds from Morena Farm, which will not only improve the socio-economic status of the farmers of the state, but will also provide nutritional security to the farmers.

The production of seeds in the Ravines

Participating countries to deliberate upon the pivotal issues related to the development, conservation and protection of Plant Genetic Resources for the benefit of farming community

India hosts the 9th Session of Governing Body (GB9) of the ‘International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture’ (ITPGRFA) from 19-24th September 2022 in New Delhi. Secretary, Agriculture & Farmers Welfare (A&FW) said the biodiversity in food & agriculture needs to be conserved to protect the rights of the farmers. He informs that eminent scientists and resource persons will participate from many countries across the globe. Deliberations during the session will facilitate to develop the climate resilient varieties and also a roadmap for exchange of scientific information on plant genetic resources for increasing crop production and productivity, he adds. 

Kent Nnadozie, Secretary (ITPGRFA) in his remarks said that the organization of 9th session of ITPGRFA provides a common platform for all the participating countries to deliberate upon the pivotal issues related to the development, conservation and protection of Plant Genetic Resources for the benefit of farming community. 

He further said that the scientific exchange of technological advancement among the countries will help mitigate the adverse impacts of climate change and food security globally.

Dr. Himanshu Pathak, Secretary DARE & Director General (ICAR) said that the plant genetic resources available with different countries will act as base material for development of new varieties to ensure better quality and higher productivity of crops.

The GB9 will consider the options for encouraging, guiding and promoting the realization of Farmers’ Rights as set out in Article 9 of the Treaty, developed by an ad hoc Technical Expert Group on Farmers’ Rights. The GB9 is expected to deliberate on the outcome of informal consultations as well as status of Treaty’s Multilateral System (MLS) implementation to guide future steps necessary for the enhancement of the MLS, which is considered vital for agricultural research, development and global food security.

India is endowed with rich crop genetic resources and has successfully established legal, institutional and scholastic infrastructure to utilize the genetic diversity for breeding new varieties. With this unique status and as GB9 host, India is expected to play a crucial role in minimizing the dissonance between technology-rich developed and gene-rich developing countries to achieve functional resolutions on critical agenda items. The GB9 provides an excellent opportunity to convey the steadfast commitment of India to conservation and sustainable utilization of plant genetic diversity as well as farmers’ rights

Participating countries to deliberate upon the pivotal

At the recently held AgriTech Summit, Narendra Singh Tomar, Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmer Welfare emphasised that agriculture is a very important sector for our country and we accept the primacy of agriculture. In this regard, work is being done in the direction of its progress, changes in it, inclusion of policies, cooperation, etc. There are 86 per cent small farmers in the country, who have small acreage and cannot invest much. The government is working to take these farmers forward, without whom neither agriculture nor the country will progress.

The government has started the work of creating 10,000 new FPOs. Of these, 3,000 have become FPOs. If small farmers join these FPOs, then the area under cultivation increases, the collective power of the farmer’s increases. If there is only one type of farming, then production will increase and farmers will be able to get good price. This effort is being made to increase the income of the farmers. Tomar added, “The government is also working in the field of pulses and oilseeds. Both were areas of scarcity. Farmers have ventured into pulses and have made huge leaps in production. There is still a gap in oilseeds, for which the government is working on the oilseed mission”.

He also said that there is a need to deal with the challenges of the agriculture sector, how technology should be introduced in it, how to increase the availability of private investment, how to create employment opportunities. Talking about technology in the agriculture sector, Tomar said that the government is working on Digital Agri Mission so that the farmers can reach the government and the government can reach all the farmers. If transparency will increase through technology, then all the farmers will be able to get the full benefits of all the schemes. 

At the recently held AgriTech Summit, Narendra

A special session on Feed, Food and Waste was held under the chairmanship of Union Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister Narendra Singh Tomar on the third day of the International Dairy Federation’s World Dairy Summit in Greater Noida. He drew the attention of the delegates from across India and abroad towards the challenges of Agriculture and Dairy sectors and spoke about working together on common issues. 

Mainly, there is a need to work on how to ensure adequate availability of fodder and what can be done towards this objective.

Stressing on ‘Waste to Wealth Management’ by all means, Tomar said that normally waste is not disposed properly, whether it is the crop stubble or the disposal of fruits and vegetable waste in homes, converting them into wealth is the need of the hour. 

Giving the example of the Decomposer which is Invented by the Pusa Institute, which increases the productivity of the farm and keeps fodder available for the cattle as well. Tomar says there is a need to work in this direction on a large scale.

There is also a need to pay attention on creating awareness about how cattle get food and said that cow dung is also a waste. The basic spirit behind all this is to benefit the farmers. 

A special session on Feed, Food and

A series of pre-launch events and initiatives were organised recently by the Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare on the MyGov platform to create awareness and a sense of participation in the country around the ancient and forgotten golden grains.

The MyGov platform has become a very important and successful medium for raising awareness through organisations of various competitions. The engagement on MyGov will play an important role in helping to make it a people’s movement. 

A series of pre-launch events and initiatives

The Union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare has raised the existing limit of 25 quintals for purchase of Moong and Urad under Price Support Scheme (PSS) to 40 quintals per farmer per day during the summer season 2021-22 for farmers in Madhya Pradesh. The exemption limit has been approved for Madhya Pradesh farmers. 

Earlier, during a meeting with Tomar, Patel said that while selling their Moong and Urad produce under PSS, if farmers have more quantity of summer moong available with them, according to PSS registration guidelines, they faced problem due to purchase limit of 25 quintal per day per farmer.

The Union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers