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To deploy fresh capital for geography expansion, strengthening tech stack and to grow the top line to 300 Cr

With a focus on the farmers pain of low milk yield and less profits, Mooofarm an Agtech company has launched‘Dairy as a Service (DaaS)’ full-stack platform where farmers can buy best breed cattle, access tele-health and balanced nutrition services to increase milk yield and get loans to buy dairy inputs. 

The Mooofarm app, downloaded by 1.4+ million farmers, is a dairy farm management application designed for ease of use by dairy farmers in their vernacular language making buying of inputs (Cattle Feed and Cattle) more reliable, access to veterinary services more convenient at the fingertips. It also gives farmers access to relevant dairy farming techniques where they can calculate costs and revenue, access real time solutions, view learning options to critical problems, and allow farm data to be available in one place. 

The distribution of these services to the end farmer is ensured by Mooosathi, a village level entrepreneur to provide last mile aggregation and servicing of demand. The company will utilise the fresh investment to further scale its operations in Rajasthan, Punjab & Haryana and also unlock its geographical footprint to Madhya Pradesh & Maharashtra. Further Mooofarm targets to grow its MoooSathi base to 3000 and increase its revenue to Rs 300 crore by FY24.

Param Singh, Founder & CEO, Mooofarm, said, “We aim to utilise this Series A funding to further expand our operations nationally and strengthen our capacity to cater to the growing needs of our farmer communities. Our ability to combine a dairy farmer centric approach coupled with technology-driven processes and solid infrastructure, Mooofarm offers an integrated, efficient and scalable dairy management solution that connects all stakeholders along the value chain, making our platform indispensable to improve efficiency, yield and profits. “

To deploy fresh capital for geography expansion,

The goal of the incentive is to increase cattle grazing, biodiversity and climate actions

Valio is updating its sustainability bonus programme for dairy farms on 1.5.2023. Going forward, farms can receive additional pay per milk liter for grazing their cattle and giving them access to outdoor activity, for farming practices supporting biodiversity, and for efforts aiming to reduce the farm’s carbon footprint. The renewal is significant also in the big picture of agriculture because about 80 per cent of the milk produced in Finland is within the sphere of Valio’s sustainability bonus programme. After the update, Valio will pay its dairy farmer owners, through cooperatives, nearly 50 million euros for actions exceeding the statutory requirements.

Valio launched the sustainability bonus programme in 2018 to encourage dairy farms to carry out sustainability actions that go beyond the statutory requirements. So far, the farms have received the bonus for actions improving animal welfare. Meeting the criteria has required, e.g., veterinarian visits, planned healthcare for cows and systematic monitoring of welfare. The healthcare of the cattle is monitored through the national and certified Naseva, the Centralised Health Care Register for Finnish Cattle Herds.

“The goal we set four years ago was for all Valio dairy farms to commit to the sustainability bonus programme actions to improve animal welfare by 2021. Now that the original goal has been achieved, we are further developing the sustainability bonus programme. Going forward, dairy farms will receive a sustainability bonus also for farm actions that strengthen biodiversity and mitigate climate change. Animal welfare continues to be an important theme, and now we will focus particularly on increasing grazing and year-round outdoor activity for cows,” says Ilkka Pohjamo, Senior Vice President, Primary Production at Valio.

The new actions are voluntary for farms, and the idea is that each farm will choose the actions that are right for them. Previously, the sustainability bonus was two cents per liter of milk; now it will be possible for farms to earn an additional cent by combining various actions. For example, the average size farm of 45 cows currently receives a sustainability bonus of 8,000 euros. With the programme update, it’s possible to increase the bonus to 12,000 euros.

The goal of the incentive is to