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Krishi-DSS, was unveiled as a powerful tool to empower stakeholders with real-time data-driven insights on weather patterns, soil conditions, crop health, crop acreage and advisories.

Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare organised a conference on “Space-Driven Solutions for Agricultural Transformation in India” the pivotal role of space technology in propelling India’s agricultural sector towards unprecedented growth and development. The conference also marked the launch of the digital geo-spatial platform, Krishi-Decision Support System, a significant milestone in the country’s agricultural innovation landscape by Minister of State for Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare Bhagirath Choudhary in the presence of Secretary, Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare Dr Devesh Chaturvedi.

Krishi-DSS is a first-of-its-kind geospatial platform specifically designed for Indian agriculture. The platform provides seamless access to comprehensive data including satellite images, weather information, reservoir storage, groundwater levels and soil health information, which can be easily accessed from anywhere at any time.

Krishi-DSS includes several advanced modules designed to support comprehensive agricultural management. From the vast expanse of fields to the smallest soil particle, Krishi-DSS has it covered.

With crop mapping and monitoring, we will be able to understand cropping patterns by analysing parcel-level crop maps over the different years. This information helps in understanding crop rotation practices and promotes sustainable agriculture by encouraging the cultivation of diverse crops.

Drought monitoring will help to stay ahead of the drought, which gives near real-time information on various indicators i.e. soil moisture, water storages, crop condition, dry spells etc, while crop weather watch will keep us informed about how weather is impacting the crops, crop harvest status, crop residue burning etc.

With Field parcel segmentation, we will be able to accurate field parcel units which will help in understanding each parcels unique needs, cropping patterns for targeted interventions.

One nation-one soil information system gives a comprehensive soil data at your fingertips i.e soil type, soil pH, soil health etc. Soil data will help us in assessing crop suitability and land capability for implementing soil water conservation measures.

Ground truth data library of Krishi-DSS will foster innovation by providing essential resources like ground truth data and spectral libraries for different crops to the researchers and industry.

From flood impact assessment to Crop insurance solutions and many more, Krishi-DSS is a holistic solution. It’s about empowering our farmers, informing our policies, and nourishing our nation.

By integrating various data sources available on the Krishi Decision Support System (DSS), various farmer-centric solutions can be developed such as right individual advisories to farmers, early disaster warning like Pest attack, Heavy rain, Hailstorm etc.

Krishi-DSS, was unveiled as a powerful tool

ZOATIN is the first product launched as part of UPL’s partnership with global bioscience company Chr Hansen to develop microbial biosolutions that will help growers around the world fight pests and diseases

UPL, a global provider of sustainable agriculture solutions, has announced the launch of ZOATIN, a new biosolution that effectively facilitates plant uptake and utilisation of phosphorus to improve crop health and yield. ZOATIN is the first product launched as part of UPL’s partnership with global bioscience company Chr Hansen to develop microbial biosolutions that will help growers around the world fight pests and diseases, and sustainably improve crop quality and yields.

ZOATIN is a bacterial-based technology that works by solubilising otherwise unavailable forms of phosphorous in the soil to improve the ability of crops to take up and utilise the nutrient for maximum yield and improved crop health. Extensive trials have shown that the application of ZOATIN directly contributes to optimal root development and improved crop resilience against biotic and abiotic stresses such as drought, while also increasing water use efficiency.

ZOATIN is part of the comprehensive portfolio of biosolutions housed by UPL’s Natural Plant Protection (NPP). It can be applied to a range of crops including maize, rice, potatoes, pulses and a variety of vegetables using in-furrow, seedling drench or drip irrigation application at the time of seeding.

Mike Frank, President and COO, UPL, said, “ZOATIN has proven to effectively grow healthier crops, it also provides environmental benefits by ensuring phosphate fertilisers are used more efficiently by crops, thus reducing nutrient waste. This can help to reduce the adverse impacts that phosphate fertilisers can have on water sources.”

The collaboration between UPL and Chr Hansen was first announced in October 2021. Through the partnership, UPL is using its global presence to undertake research and identify opportunities and product concepts to address farmers’ needs.

ZOATIN is the first product launched as