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It will positively impact the environment and provide carbon credits to the local communities.

Achieving a significant milestone, CREDUCE, a leading Carbon Credits Origination and Offset solutions provider, has signed an MoU with the Gujarat Ecology Commission, established by the Government of India, for a project-based activity on monitoring mangrove habitat plantation. The strategic partnership is aimed at preserving mangroves and restoring 10,000 hectares of coastal areas in Gujarat.

With 50 per cent of Indian mangroves expected to shift or vanish due to climate change by 2070, this initiative is directed to preserve and expand the mangrove cover. As part of the collaboration, CREDUCE will provide carbon credits development, monitoring, and trading advisory services for the project activities. The company will leverage its expertise and experience in nature-based solutions to ensure the successful execution of this game-changing project. It will positively impact the environment and provide carbon credits to the local communities.

The signing ceremony of the MoU took place in the esteemed presence of distinguished guests, including Minister of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MOEF), Mulu Bhai Bera, Minister of State Gujarat, Mukesh Patel, Gujarat Ecology Commission Member Secretary, Mahesh Singh, and Principal Secretary of Environment & Forest Department, Gujarat, Shri Sanjeev Kumar IAS, among other dignitaries.

Shailendra Singh Rao, Climateur & Founder CREDUCE, said, “Protecting our biodiversity is our priority, and we are proud to partner with the government towards its initiatives. With the central government adding to Bharat’s success in afforestation by introducing Mangrove Initiative for Shoreline Habitats & Tangible Incomes (MISHTI) to its Budget, the resolve is clear. Forward looking states like Gujarat have taken the first step towards preservation and restoration, and we intend to help such positive initiatives by helping them accrue as many environmental benefits as possible.”

Mahesh Singh, GEC Member Secretary, said, “Gujarat as a state is rich in mangroves cover, which has consistently increased by two and a half folds in the last two decades. We can confidently boast of having the second largest after Sundarbans in Bharat. Buoyed by the Central Government initiatives and a positive political outlook, we are beginning the process of restoration, preservation, and habitat plantation and hope to become the largest in the country.”

It will positively impact the environment and

This is the world’s largest bamboo cultivation drive by a public-private partnership which encompasses the plantation of 100,000 hectares of forest and village land with bamboo.

 A joint venture of CREDUCE and HPCL has signed a MoU with the north-eastern state of Arunachal Pradesh’s Bamboo Resource & Development Agency (APBRDA) for the cultivation and development of bamboo resources in the state. The agreement encompasses the plantation of 100,000 hectares of forest and village land with bamboo, also called ‘green gold’. The landmark agreement signed under the visionary leadership of the Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Prema Khandu is set to propel the state into the green growth phase, leading the country and the world towards carbon neutrality.

Shailendra Singh Rao, MD, CTPL, said, “Through this agreement, we will be able to cultivate 100 million carbon credits in 10 years, which will be valued at $1.5 billion over the same period. These carbon credits were waiting to be captured and shared for the public resources. We are truly honored to be tasked with the opportunity to help the state and Bharat. We will make the most of this effort.”

“We are extremely bullish with the green opportunity presented by the north-eastern states like Arunachal Pradesh. They have the requisite land and a strong political will to bring change among the locals and emerge as the flag bearers of Bharat’s green revolution. We are proud to be partners with such professional government agencies,” added Kartik Upadhyay, MD, HCPL.

Bamboo plantation and cultivation is an effective carbon sink and an integral nature-based approach to mitigating global warming. Studies have revealed that a one-hectare plantation of bamboo and its products could sequestrate 10,000 kilograms of carbon per hectare per year, making them effective green gold ventures.

Chairman of APBRDA, Tungri Effa, said, “We are proud to be the torchbearer of this exciting new project. It is in line with the vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has resolved to make Bharat clean and green by 2030. The development and plantation of ‘Green Gold’ would benefit the state as it will generate large scale employment and keep the people connected to their roots.”

The yields from this joint venture would last for over 30 years, divided into three phases of 10 years each. The effort is the first among many more to come as all the northeastern states have fertility for bamboo cultivation.

This is the world’s largest bamboo cultivation