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Only allowed for pest control operators

The Indian government has restricted the use of the chemical Glyphosate, via an official order on October 25. The use of Glyphosate poses a risk to the health and lives of humans and animals alike. The government has officially restricted the use of Glyphosate. The herbicide, glyphosate has been registered for use in India under the Insecticides Act of 1968 for weed control only in tea plantations, but is illegally being used for weed removal across a number of food and non-food crop fields and premises of houses, institutions as well as to remove the growth of vegetation everywhere.
From now Glyphosate only can be used for pest control operators (PCO). PCOs are licensed to use deadly chemicals for treating pests such as rodents. As part of the implementation of the order, the government asked the holders of the registration certificates to return the certificates for further process, and also says if any person fails to return the registration certificates within three months; appropriate action will be taken under the Insecticides Act of 1968. The order also says that each state government has to look into this and shall take all such steps under the provisions of the said Act and the rules framed there under, as it considers necessary, for executing this order in the State.
Glyphosate, a synthetic herbicide patented in 1974 by the Monsanto Company and now manufactured and sold by many companies in hundreds of products, has been associated with cancer and other health concerns. The toxic chemical has been banned or severely restricted in more than 35 countries of which are Sri Lanka, Netherlands, France, Colombia, Canada, Israel, and Argentina.

Only allowed for pest control operatorsThe Indian