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The Indian government gave Kenya access to the market after notifying the World Trade Organisation

Kenya has been given the green light to export avocados to India starting in September. This move will allow Kenyan farmers to increase their avocado plantings, leading to higher earnings, employment opportunities, and downstream benefits.

Currently, Kenya’s primary export destinations for avocados are European countries such as the Netherlands, France, Spain, the UK, and Germany, making up 60 per cent of exports. In fact, avocados have become the second most valuable imported fruit from developing countries in Europe, surpassing grapes. Kenya also exports avocados to several other countries including the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, Qatar, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Georgia. The Indian government gave Kenya access to the market after notifying the World Trade Organisation. Kenyan avocado growers are required to fumigate the fruits with Methyl bromide or use cold treatment to control pests such as fruit flies. The inaugural shipment will be sent via diplomatic channels, and thereafter exporters will seek out partners to export with the help of KEPHIS. Kenya has been negotiating with India for five years on this export deal and has also recently expanded its avocado exports to China and Mauritius and is in talks with the USA and South Korea for market access.

The Indian government gave Kenya access to

This is great news for the Australian avocado industry as it has been working hard to increase exports to overseas markets

Avocados Australia has announced that 10 trial shipments of Australian avocados were successfully received by Indian officials. Australian Hass avocado growers will be able to proceed to the next step towards export to India. This is great news for the Australian avocado industry as it has been working hard to increase exports to overseas markets. Peak industry body Avocados Australia welcomes the news and is very pleased that the thorough process adopted by all the participants involved with all ten shipments resulted in this excellent outcome.

“I would like to thank The Avolution, Costa Group, Simpson Farms and Dons Fort Packing for participating in the ten trial shipments and for their professionalism in the way they approached the process,” said John Tyas, CEO of Avocados Australia. “Our access to India rested on the success of these ten trial shipments so we are very grateful that the process went smoothly, more steps are ahead of us but we are closer to our end goal,” he said.

“I would also like to thank Hort Innovation, the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Austrade, Kiran Karamil our Indian Agricultural Counsellor and Joe Siana from the Australian Horticultural Exporters’ and Importers’ Association,” he said.

This is great news for the Australian

The company will also pursue other crops including avocados

Bee Vectoring Technologies International announced that the company is expanding into Peru, extending its presence into a major global blueberry market. The company will also pursue other crops including avocados. Peru is the beachhead for BVT’s entry into the South American market.

“We are currently selling commercially in the US and working through the regulatory processes of Switzerland, Europe, and Mexico. We are seeing a compelling fit in blueberries, so expansion into Peru is a logical next step,” said Ashish Malik, CEO, BVT. “Not only does Peru use bees for pollination of blueberries, but there is a great opportunity in avocados, which will be a new crop for us, for which Peru is the third-largest producer.”

BVT has begun the development work needed to enter Peru, including trial and regulatory requirements. The first step in entering the Peruvian market is to secure an import and experimental use permit, which would enable field trials of BVT’s proprietary Clonostachys rosea CR-7 microbial strain (CR-7), delivered through the company’s bee delivery system. Once the permit is secured, the company plans to run berry and avocado trials at the start of the next growing season for each crop type. The data from the trials will be used for regulatory submission.

The company has engaged an established Peru-based agriculture consultancy to lead regulatory and market development efforts. More go-to-market partnerships will be secured with local partners as the company progresses through the trial and regulatory stages of establishing its business in Peru.

Peru represents a huge market opportunity for BVT. The country is one of Latin America’s best-performing economies, led by its seasonal exports of high-value fresh fruit and vegetables, including blueberries, table grapes, avocados, and asparagus. Initially, the Company will focus on field trials of its CR-7 bio-fungicide on blueberry and avocado crops in the Peruvian market.

The company will also pursue other crops