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The Fellowship will be bestowed on Dr Singh at the Awards Ceremony of the Plenary Session of 119th Annual Conference of ASHS

Professor Zora Singh, an alumnus of Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), has been elected as Fellow of the American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS) during the 59th Annual Class of Fellows. He was selected in recognition of his outstanding contributions to science, profession and industry of horticulture at state, national, and international levels. The Fellowship will be bestowed on Dr Singh at the Awards Ceremony of the Plenary Session of 119th Annual Conference of ASHS, slated to be held at Hyatt Regency O’Hare, Chicago on July 31, 2022.

Dr Singh who did his B.Sc. Agri. (Honours), M.Sc. and Ph.D. from PAU started his career as an Assistant Professor at PAU in 1988. A Foundation Professor of Horticultural Science at the School of Science, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, Western Australia, Dr Singh has earned global recognition for expertise in production technology and post-harvest physiology of fresh horticultural produce, undergraduate teaching, and research training to domestic and global students. He has been instrumental in developing innovative production and post-harvest technologies; minimising losses during production and supply chain; ensuring improved productivity, delivery of high-quality horticultural produce to consumers and profitability to Australian horticulture growers.

Dr Singh has served as Foundation Professor Post-harvest Horticulture (2009–2018), Foundation Associate Professor (2001–2008) and Inaugural Curtin Research Fellow (1997–2001) at Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. Besides, he has been a Visiting Professor (1995–1996), University of Bologna, Italy; a Postdoctoral Research Fellow (1992–1995), Murdoch University, Western Australia; and a Commonwealth Postdoctoral Fellow (1986–1987), Institute of Horticultural Research, East Malling, UK.

In addition, Dr Singh has guided more than five dozen Ph.D., M.Sc., M.Phil. and Honours students and international scientists. He has authored/co-authored more than 300 research publications, and served on the Editorial Boards of 13 International Research Journals, and Editorial Committees of more than 15 International Conferences.

A recipient of several awards and honours, Dr Singh has been decorated with Prime Minister’s Prize for Innovation, Mitsubishi Corporation Western Australian Innovator of the Year Award, Curtin Commercial Innovation Climate‐Kic Prize, Outstanding Researcher in Post-harvest Horticulture Award by International Society for Horticultural Science, UP Hedrick Award by American Pomological Society, Pran Vohra Award of Indian Science Congress Association, UNESCO/ROSTSCA Young Scientist Award, Indian National Science Academy Young Scientist and Professor LSS Kumar Memorial Awards, Indian Council of Agricultural Research’s Jawaharlal Nehru Award for Outstanding Ph.D. research, and International Society for Horticultural Science Medal.

Dr Shammi Kapoor, Registrar; Dr AS Dhatt, Director of Research; Dr Ashok Kumar, Director of Extension Education; Dr Sandeep Bains, Dean, Postgraduate Studies; Dr MIS Gill, Dean, College of Horticulture and Forestry; and Dr TS Riar, Additional Director Communication, congratulated Dr Zora Singh for this prestigious accomplishment.

The Fellowship will be bestowed on Dr