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By Dr Shyam Gunnamreddy, Founder & CEO, Samhitha Crop Care Clinics

Blockchain technology gained extensive traction because of its vital role in the fintech sector. It has now been seen to have vast applications beyond cryptocurrencies and the agriculture sector is not an exception. Technology has drastically transformed the agriculture sector along with healthcare, real estate, banking, and so on. As per market predictions, blockchain is all set to become a game-changer in India with a whopping $176 billion of business potential by 2050.

Considering the capabilities of blockchain, the agriculture sector in India is all set to propel it to a whole new level, continuing its contribution to the $5 trillion economy. There are nearly 150 startups working on the application of blockchain technology in the agriculture sector. Even today, the Indian agriculture sector is undergoing several issues that need immediate resolution for scalability and growth of the sector. The agritech startups leveraging the potential of blockchain technology are helping the agriculture sector in numerous ways.

With India being an agrarian economy, agriculture is considered the primary source of livelihood for around 58 per cent of the country’s population. It is one of the most important sectors, and yet a slow adopter of tech-driven solutions and techniques. It was the outbreak of the pandemic that devastated the food supply chain across the world and resulted in the accelerated adoption of technology.

In recent years, the agritech startups have introduced technology-based solutions that give a boost to the resilience of the sector. By embedding blockchain technology in agriculture, it has become easier to fortify farming in India through different use cases of blockchain technology.

Data generation and processing

Agritech startups are embedding IoT sensors and blockchain technologies to consolidate information on multiple steps of farming –from evaluating the quality of seeds, to crop tracking and the journey of crops from the farm to the market. Amidst the extensive farming process, it is imperative yet complex for farmers to keep track of the farming process. With IoT-enabled smart farming systems, it becomes easier to manage the effect of temperature, pH, soil moisture, humidity and light on the crops. These devices generate data and help farmers make well-informed decisions based on data storage.

Further, to make the data more insightful, machine learning algorithms are applied to the data gathered from the sensors. This enables predictive models to drive high use cases for crop quality recommendations, crop identification, crop yield and crop demand prediction. With the captured information, farmers are also able to have a sense of control over the irrigation of fields.

The advantages

Traditionally, the method of storing data on a centralised server has several risks associated with a single point of failure. However, the usage of blockchain technology stores data across every node, which prevents centralisation of authority, making the exchange of data seamless with specific stakeholders and greatly reduces risk. This brings efficiency to the entire crop or food production value chain.

To read more click on: https://agrospectrumindia.com/e-magazine

By Dr Shyam Gunnamreddy, Founder & CEO,

By Tarun Arora, Director, Single Family Office, IG International

Business-to-Business (B2B) is a business model in which the agritech sector obtains goods and/or services from another company. More than any other sector, agribusiness has the most to gain from a B2B business strategy. From the production of agricultural products to their marketing, B2B has revolutionised the industry’s customary internal processes. It has brought technology to the farm, thereby increasing output; it has opened up new markets by going directly to consumers; it has eliminated middlemen, thereby increasing the growers’ profit margin; and it has vastly improved logistics, which was a major concern and a source of loss for the producer.

The B2B model has fit in like a glove, ushering in many advantages into the inner workings of the agritech sector. Using technology, agritech businesses are establishing market connections, including B2B markets and digital agricultural platforms. In recent decades, a substantial portion of the conventional supply chain across several industries has experienced a major setback.

B2B marketplaces have emerged as a solution to this problem  by providing excellent items at affordable pricing and dependable delivery schedules, along with regular credit terms. They are immediately capable of addressing India’s agricultural input concerns.

Due to the multitude of connections on these digital platforms, agricultural enterprises are able to locate new prospects, clients, and suppliers, as well as manage the daily challenges encountered by farmers. Farmers may get the necessary data, procedures, and efficiencies from them for both pre-harvest and post-harvest applications. In addition, B2B marketplaces provide a variety of buying and selling channels.

Precision is power

Precision agriculture is one of the most often used B2B services in the agricultural business. It enables you to maximise the productivity of each work shift by maximising your workforce. The data you get is current, making it more actionable and less static. Additionally, superior GPS technology enables your employees to operate in low-visibility conditions. You need not worry about blind areas since you can follow your agricultural equipment in real time using GPS data.

In addition, it lets the producer enhance and improve the soil, reduce the use of natural resources such as land, and water, and improve productivity by implementing a series of focused key interventions, a feat that may be accomplished with the application of sophisticated technology. In fact, it makes agribusiness a profitable and prosperous profession irrespective of climate change and other catastrophic occurrences.

To read more click on: https://agrospectrumindia.com/e-magazine

By Tarun Arora, Director, Single Family Office,

Dhruv Sawhney, COO and Business Head, nurture.farm speaks to AgroSpectrum about the impact of the latest amendment in The Energy Conservation Bill, in August 2022, which empowers the central government to specify a carbon credit trading scheme and future of the carbon farming industry in India. Edited excerpts;

nurture.farm, a digital platform for sustainable agriculture, is the first company in India to successfully generate and forward-sell agricultural-related carbon credits. Established in December 2019, nurture.farm brings together the best agriculture solutions, including remote sensing, farm mechanisms, online marketplaces, traceability, and market linkage. The company’s Alternate Wetting and Drying & Dry Seeded Rice (AWD-DSR) project covered 22,000 acres of rice paddy fields and involved over 2,500 smallholder farmers. Around 20,000 carbon credits were derived from this project. Its benefits included 15 – 30 per cent in water savings. During the last cropping season (Rabi), nurture.farm expanded the AWD-DSR programme across an additional 120,000 acres.

The company plans to create more carbon credits by further extending its projects. In 2022, nurture.farm’s Crop Residue Management (CRM) Programme will cover at least one million acres, while it will scale up its AWD-DSR project to 180,000 acres. nurture.farm has set a target to help Indian farmers generate one million carbon credits by 2023, thereby being the leading supplier of nature-based carbon credits in India.  Dhruv Sawhney, COO and Business Head, nurture.farm speaks to AgroSpectrum about the impact of the latest amendment in The Energy Conservation Bill, in August 2022, which empowers the central government to specify a carbon credit trading scheme and future of the carbon farming industry in India. Edited excerpts;

How is nurture.farm contributing to the growth of the carbon farming industry in India?

Agriculture and forestry are the only two industries that offer viable opportunities to remove carbon from the atmosphere and provide long-term storage in the soil to help sequester it. These two industries contribute significantly to carbon emissions and will assist us in meeting our aspirations of restricting global temperatures to 1.5 degree C above the pre-industrial level.

India is the second largest food producer in the world. Our company is working with Indian farmers and helping them switch to sustainable practices, where they can produce more nutritious food while sequestering more organic carbon in the soil using less water, less energy, and fewer chemicals while producing less GHG emissions. These shifts to sustainable practices are critical in improving farmer resilience against the impacts of climate change.

Rice/Paddy cultivation accounts for 2 Gigatons of GHG emissions annually, and India is the second largest rice producer worldwide. nurture.farm is working with paddy farmers to reduce their methane emissions by 50 per cent, water requirements by 15 to 30 per cent  and improve their yields by 5 per cent.

nurture.farm forward sold the first set of agricultural carbon credits in India and compensated the farmers for this shift in practice. Additional income assistance and rewards go a long way in getting farmers to shift toward sustainable farming practices. This success story marks the dawn of sustainable agriculture in India which will bring in substantial revenues to the farmers and help mitigate global temperatures.

The latest amendment to The Energy Conservation Bill, in August 2022, empowers the central government to specify a carbon credit trading scheme. What will be the impact of this amendment on the carbon farming industry in India?

We await more clarity and details on the carbon credit trading scheme. Our hope is that India will learn from the mistakes and shortcomings of other carbon markets such as Europe and China and deliver one of the most robust, transparent and trustworthy platforms on the lines of UPI and AADHAAR, and lead the carbon trading scheme globally. We have the opportunity to become the benchmark for the world and ensure we reward people who are reducing carbon emissions handsomely.

What are the challenges in the carbon farming industry in India? Secondly, what inputs are required to grow the carbon farming industry in India?

The Perform Achieve and Trade (PAT) scheme rolled out by the government in 2008  has not been able to accelerate investments to reduce energy consumption in energy-intensive industries due to the low carbon pricing. Hence India should focus on ensuring that the floor price is attractive and in line with the international trading prices.

Secondly, the lack of trust in “quality” credits from Indian projects in the past, led to the collapse of the carbon markets. We hope that stringent monitoring and recording protocols are  implemented to build trust amongst global buyers. There should be a stiff penalty for any carbon developer who does not deliver “Quality” Credits.

How do you foresee the future of the carbon farming industry in India and across the world?

The Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets (TSVCM), sponsored by the Institute of International Finance (IIF) with knowledge support from McKinsey, estimates that demand for carbon credits could increase by 15x or more by 2030 and up to 100x by 2050. Overall, the global market for carbon credits could be worth upward of $50 billion in 2030.

China grew at a tremendous pace between 1995 and 2015, but it did not pay attention to energy efficiency, and as a result had to build thousands of coal plants to support this inefficient infrastructure. We should learn from this and ensure that we shape this new growth with the most efficient and low-carbon or zero-carbon systems. Carbon credit revenue is essential to finance these cutting-edge technologies.

Indian carbon project developers will play a vital role as a supplier of carbon credits to global corporations taking pledges to become carbon neutral. This will be a new and flourishing industry for the next 30 to 40 years.

What are the growth strategies and plans of the company for FY 22-23?

nurture.farm will generate more than a million carbon credits in FY 22-23 and help hundreds of thousands of Indian farmers to switch to at least one sustainable agricultural practice. nurture.farm also plans to expand its geographic footprint to Latin America in FY 22-23.

                                                                                                                             By Dipti Barve


Dhruv Sawhney, COO and Business Head,

Since 2004, the Indian market for carbon credits has been expanding, but it is still in its infancy. The nation’s goal is to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2070. India developed the first exchange in Asia, the Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX), to facilitate the trading of carbon credits. Many agribusinesses have already begun collaborating with farmers to help them sequester carbon, which will allow them to earn carbon credits. To maintain a transparent operating system in this sector, numerous advancements are still required on the regulatory and market fronts.

Global carbon pricing revenue in 2021 increased by almost 60 per cent from 2020 levels, to around $84 billion, providing an important source of funds to help support a sustainable economic recovery, finance broader fiscal reforms, or invest in communities as part of the low-carbon transition future, according to the World Bank’s annual “State and Trends of Carbon Pricing” report released on May 24, 2022. The report noted that the past year has seen some very positive signs, such as the significant increase in revenue that can be invested in communities and in supporting the low carbon transition.

Since 2004, the Indian market for carbon credits has been expanding, but it is still in its infancy. The nation’s goal is to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2070. India developed the first exchange in Asia, the Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX), to facilitate the trading of carbon credits. Many agribusinesses have already begun collaborating with farmers to help them sequester carbon, which will allow them to earn carbon credits. To maintain a transparent operating system in this sector, numerous advancements are still required on the regulatory and market fronts.

The latest amendment to The Energy Conservation Bill, in August 2022, empowers the central government to specify a carbon credit trading scheme, as a step towards becoming carbon-neutral by 2070.

The scheme aims to reduce carbon emissions. Certificates will be issued to those who meet their emission targets. These certificates are tradeable. As per a recent report by the Trade Promotion Council of India (TPCI), India’s carbon trading market ranked as the second highest globally in transacted volumes – generating 30 million carbon credits. The current pulse of the industry suggests that the Energy Conservation Bill is definitely a game-changer move by the government if implemented in its true spirit.

Applauding the move, Shailendra Singh Rao, Founder and Managing Director, Creduce, that provides services such as carbon trading to empower people and businesses to live a ‘carbon conscious’ life, stated, “The Bill will bring Bharat at par with the world and also provide much- needed guidance towards a carbon-neutral economy. The revision is to provide clarity on the generation, utilisation and as well as trading of Carbon Credits as well as rewarding acts of conservation. Not only will it define the emission standards at par with global ones but also act as a catalyst to promote energy efficiency in the private sector.”

India’s goal of becoming a carbon-neutral nation by 2070 relies heavily on the large agricultural and industrial sectors cutting their respective emission levels.  The agriculture carbon trading market in India is at a relatively nascent stage but exhibiting a fast pace of growth with the entry of private players in the last two years. Farmers, as the major stakeholders in the agriculture sector can increase their income by way of earning and selling carbon credits as per their needs.

To read more click on: https://agrospectrumindia.com/e-magazine

Since 2004, the Indian market for carbon

To generate a deeper impact on society where agriculture is properly valued and food is sustainable

Texas-based National Sorghum Producers announced that global agrochemical company UPL NA, Inc. has joined the NSP Industry Partner program as a sponsor. National Sorghum Producers represents U.S. sorghum producers and serves as the voice of the sorghum industry coast to coast through legislative and regulatory representation and education.

UPL joins NSP as a Contributor level sponsor. The company believes it will generate a deeper impact on society where agriculture is properly valued, food is sustainable, and farmers grow and prosper. The company provides the companion herbicide IMIFLEX™ to Alta Seeds igrowth® herbicide-tolerant sorghum and strives to be a leader in technology growth and innovation through the production of more sustainable food products.

“We are very excited to add a new partner to our valued industry program with the addition of UPL,” NSP Industry Relations Director Jamaca Battin said. “This company provides critical products to sorghum farmers, and we look forward to strengthening our relationship with UPL NA, Inc. for the betterment of the sorghum industry.”

“UPL is a leader in providing innovative and sustainable solutions for sorghum growers, and we’re committed to industry collaborations to accelerate progress in agriculture and throughout the food system,” says Joe Vassios, Food Value Chain Lead for UPL North America. “Through our partnership with NSP, we are extremely pleased to invest in the future of sorghum and work together to build a successful future for growers and the industry.”

Support from industry partners like UPL help NSP better advocate for, promote and defend sorghum farmers and the industry.

To generate a deeper impact on society

Corteva, Inc. and Symborg have announced that Corteva has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Symborg, an expert in microbiological technologies based in Murcia, Spain. Symborg possesses a diversified existing portfolio, an emerging biocontrol pipeline, and a skilled employee base with robust technical knowledge and demand generation expertise.  

“Acquiring Symborg is a significant next step in Corteva’s strategy to accelerate the development of a best-in-class biologicals portfolio, as a valuable part of our integrated solutions we offer to our customers,” said Robert King, Executive Vice President, Crop Protection Business Unit, Corteva Agriscience. “Over the past three years, Corteva has established licensing and distribution agreements with the top biological companies, which we selected after evaluating technologies and demonstrating customer acceptance. This acquisition shows Corteva’s progression towards further establishing itself as a technology leader in this rapid growth segment.”

Corteva first collaborated with Symborg to scale up and bring farmers Utrisha™ N and BlueN™ nutrient efficiency optimiser as part of a distribution agreement between the two companies. The natural-origin biostimulant enables plants to fix nitrogen from the air and make it available to the plant, providing an alternative, supplemental nitrogen source and potentially reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fertiliser use.

“Supporting farmers worldwide with our cutting-edge biobased solutions has always been the Symborg motto,” said Jesús Juárez, founding partner and CEO at Symborg. “That spirit together with a highly skilled team, led us to become a key player towards sustainable agriculture. The integration with Corteva is an opportunity to reinforce our impact in the field helping farmers facing current and future challenges. And beyond, it is an opportunity to become the answer to safe and sustainable food that society is demanding. Symborg and Corteva share values and market vision, becoming the perfect match to design the future of agriculture.”

Closing of the acquisition is subject to customary conditions. Following the close, Symborg locations in Murcia, Spain and subsidiaries in the United States, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Brazil, France, Turkey, China and Australia will become key elements of Corteva’s Biologicals Portfolio. Financial terms and conditions of the agreement were not disclosed.

Corteva, Inc. and Symborg have announced that

Intensity and scale of development in India has earned a place of pride for Indians located in Indonesia

Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Narendra Singh Tomar interacted with the Indian Diaspora at Bali, Indonesia, under the banner of Balinese & Indian Friendship Association (BIFA). 

Ms Neeta Malhotra of BIFA greeted the Minister and expressed gratitude for meeting with them. Tomar narrated the success in the agriculture sector and the programmes like PM Kisan, crop insurance, organic farming, natural farming, value chain integration, farmers producer organisations, Ayushman Bharat, etc that has transformed the life and the living of the people in rural India. 

Agriculture has proven its role as a saviour to Indian economy and helped providing over 800 million people free food during Covid-19 and post Covid under PM Garib Kalyan Yojna.

The representatives of BIFA thanked the Tomar for his visit and meeting, they also appreciated the intensity and scale of development that is being done in India which has earned place of pride for the Indians located in Indonesia. 

They also sought technical support for agriculture especially for fresh food on the concept of farm to table. 

Intensity and scale of development in India

One of the world’s highest-resolution soil mapping services to be piloted in continental and Eastern Europe

Syngenta has unveiled one of the world’s highest-resolution soil mapping services, Interra® Scan, at Fields of Innovation 2022, Europe’s premier agricultural innovation event. Given the current economic situation and the cost of lime, fertilizers and seeds, this can offer immediate economic value to growers, as well as a potential long-term solution that may help them to reduce carbon emissions and tackle climate change through regenerative agricultural practices.

Interra® Scan offers high-resolution soil mapping for up to 27 layers of information, providing growers with precise information on soil health. “Interra® Scan produces high-resolution maps accessible by growers’ computers via the Interra® Scan platform. Mark Hall, Head of Sustainable and Responsible Business EAME informed, “Its detection technology provides mapping of all common nutrient properties including, pH, soil texture, organic matter, carbon, and cation exchange capacity, as well as elevation and plant water availability – all together, it offers over 800 data reference points per hectare. It is the equivalent of a complete medical check-up for humans, but for soil.”

The map allows growers to understand the texture, nutrient and carbon content of their soils in order to optimize nutrition and carbon capture. The methodology used by Interra® Scan also enables a much-wider operating window for soil scans compared to other soil scanning systems. It is not affected by soil moisture, compaction, crop cover or cultivation state, meaning there are very few limitations to when it can be used.

Speaking about the new technology, Alexandra Brand, Regional Director of Crop Protection, EAME, said: “Our interest in precision soil mapping technology is increasing because soil health is the basis for plant health. Understanding the variability in nutrients and textural-based properties of the field’s soil results in better optimization of input (fertilizer, seed, etc.) placement for economic and environmental gain.”

By providing an accurate baseline measurement of both organic and active carbon in the soil, Interra® Scan can enable growers to adjust their farming systems leading to long-term soil health benefits. “Healthy soils can not only improve food production but also mitigate climate change. They have a critical role to play as a natural carbon sink. Investment in precision innovations like Interra® Scan means growers will be able to avoid treating the entire field in the same way by making informed decisions about exactly what to apply where and how much,” Alexandra Brand explained.

One of the world’s highest-resolution soil mapping

Supplement very effective in mitigating daily enteric methane emission from ruminants by 20 per cent

The ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru commercialised the anti-methanogenic feed supplement ‘Harit Dhara’ to BAIF Development Research Foundation, Pune on a non-exclusive basis through AgrInnovate India. 

Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Inventor and Director, ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru and Bharat Kakade, President, BAIF Development Research Foundation, signed the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) on behalf of their respective organisations for the licensing and commercial manufacturing of the anti-methanogenic feed supplement.

The product has been developed through systematic and comprehensive research for more than a decade and the supplement is very effective in mitigating the daily enteric methane emission from ruminants by about 20 percent. 

BAIF is planning to adopt the Harit Dhara technology across 10 states of India for the effective mitigation of daily enteric methane emissions thereby improving livestock productivity.

The ‘Harit Dhara’ is a patent-applied technology. 

Supplement very effective in mitigating daily

SAT protects rice crops from yellow stem borer and brown plant hopper infestation and increases yield by 3 to 5 per cent

Corteva Agriscience, a global pure-play agriculture company, which was earlier the agriculture division of DowDuPoint, is planning to launch the “Seed Applied Technology”, seed treatment solutions to the rice and corn crops in India which will be extended to other crops subsequently.  In India, Seed Applied Technology (SAT) product is currently under registration process with Central Insecticides Board & Registration Committee and company has initiated field trials with rice farmers. The company has launched the SAT product in Thailand and China and set to be rolled out in Indonesia, will be for paddy and maize crops.

Corteva’s Seed treatments involves the application of chemical or biological substances, such as fungicides or insecticides, directly to the surface of a seed, safeguarding the seeds and seedlings against insects, fungal diseases, and soil-borne pathogens. As yellow stem borer and brown plant hopper and leaf folder infestation are common in rice cultivation Corteva’s seed-applied treatment is a convenient solution that protects rice seedlings from damage from this infestation and has demonstrated very good performance.

Seed treatments help improve seed and plant health, as well as germination rates; protect plants from the start when they are most vulnerable to insects and disease; and increase the likelihood of quality and improved harvest. Seed treatments contribute to reducing a farmer’s environmental footprint as well. With seeds already protected against various threats, farmers may not need to apply as much crop protection product once the plant emerges.

Commenting on its commitment to the Indian market and the SAT at Toopran Research Centre located in Wargal Mandal of Telangana, Rahoul Sawani, President – South Asia – Corteva Agriscience, said, “Farmers are dealing with a growing set of challenges at the farm and field level and over the last few years we have seen unpredictable weather further affecting the yield and profitability of farmers. Advances in seed treatments are a vital tool for effectively addressing these challenges, by helping farmers get their crops off to the best start and achieve a successful harvest. We continue to invest in launching new technologies to increase yields, improve livelihoods, and ensure sustained food security in the country.”

 Prasanta Patra, Regional Commercialization & Business Lead, Seed Applied Technologies Portfolio APAC, Corteva Agriscience said, “Seed Applied Technology (SAT) is at a nascent stage in India, especially for rice.  Corteva’s seed-applied solutions will help provide farmers with the tools they need for more sustainable food production. Because Seed Applied Technology involves treating the seed rather than applying crop protection solutions in the field, they can help lower the environmental exposure to chemicals in agriculture.”

Corteva Agriscience, a global pure-play agriculture company, has been providing farmers around the world with the most complete portfolio of agri-products including high-quality seeds, crop protection, and digital solutions. Currently, Company has three production and manufacturing facilities and five research and development facilities in India.

                                                                                                                      By Dipti Barve


SAT protects rice crops from yellow stem

The agreement will reduce Supply and Price volatility and ensure stable long-term supply of Potassic fertiliser to India

India’s fertiliser companies- Coromandel International, Chambal Fertilisers and Indian Potash Limited signed an MoU with Canpotex, Canada. The MoU was presented to Dr Mansukh Mandaviya, Union Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers . Canpotex, Canada is amongst the largest suppliers of Potash globally, exporting around 130 LMT of product annually.

“The MOU will reduce both supply and price volatility and ensure stable long-term supply of Potassic fertiliser to India. Government of India has been encouraging the domestic fertiliser industry for establishing supply linkages through long term partnerships with resource rich nations. Given India’s high dependence on imports of raw material and fertiliser minerals, these partnerships provide secured availability of fertilisers and raw materials over a period of time and also offer price stability in volatile market conditions. This supply partnership is expected to improve the fertiliser availability within the country and reduce supply side and price vulnerabilities”. Said Dr Mansukh Mandaviya. 

Dr Mandaviya stated that “This is a significant initiative as it will improve the availability of MOP for the farming community, uphold their welfare and contribute towards ensuring food security in the country”. 

He added that this MOU will lead to “strengthening of our mutual relationship and furthering bilateral relations between the two countries”.

The agreement will reduce Supply and Price

India has been advocating the values of living in harmony with nature since ancient times

Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Narendra Singh Tomar, presenting India’s point of view, addresses various sessions at the G-20 meeting in Bali, Indonesia. Tomar said that Government of India, under leadership of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, is addressing the sustainability challenges facing agriculture and food systems and several important initiatives have been taken to address these issues. He said that the Government of India is committed to the benefit of small and marginal farmers and many important schemes are being run for their welfare.

Tomar said that India will enable farmers to respond to current and future crises by improving their access to inputs, technology and markets.

India is committed to further the economic well-being of its farmers by organising small and marginal farmers into groups, promoting agri-startups and investments in agricultural infrastructure, launching the world’s largest crop insurance programme and conducting various activities like facilitating digitisation of agriculture. 

Tomar said that India is promoting millet cultivation considering millet’s tolerance towards harsh climatic conditions as well as their nutritional value. In the concluding session Tomar said that India has been advocating the values of living in harmony with nature since ancient times.

India has been advocating the values of

The species is described based on specimens collected through exploration of the river from Mettur dam, and in the upstream of Shivanasamudra falls, Chamarajanagar, Karnataka.

The ICAR-National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, Lucknow has discovered a new catfish species of the genus Pangasius (Valenciennes, 1840), from the river Cauvery, in peninsular India and named as P icaria.

The species is described based on specimens collected through exploration of the river from Mettur dam, and in the upstream of Shivanasamudra falls, Chamarajanagar, Karnataka. Pangasius icaria is named after the parent organisation Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and uses its abbreviated form. 

The researchers used extensive morphological analysis, skeleton radiography and advanced molecular markers combined with species delimitation computational techniques to conclude that the Pangasius specimens from river Cauvery are distinct from other species of genus Pangasius and named as P icaria. 

The new species can be distinguished from its congeners, known from south and southeast Asia, by presence of widely placed, small rounded vomerine and palatine tooth plates, longer maxillary and mandibular barbels, more vertebrae count and smaller caudal peduncle depth. 

This discovery is a new opportunity for future research on conservation of the species and evaluation of the new fish genetic resources for its characteristics and utilisation potential.

The species is described based on specimens

 This development will catalyse higher yield, better varieties, higher income for farmers while tremendously boosting the export value for Indian pomegranates in the world market

In a path-breaking development for genome research and horticultural science in India, a team of scientists has completed the genome sequencing for pomegranate, known as a wonder fruit to many. For the first time anywhere in the India, the ICAR-NRCP team at Solapur, Maharashtra has been able to identify all the bases of DNA material in perfect sequence in the process unlocking several genetic mysteries such as identifying particular genes responsible for sweetness, seed softness or colour of the fruit, those responsible for disease and pest resistance, and those for the enlargement of the fruit size, among others. The fruit used has been cv. Bhagawa, an Indian pomegranate.

The ICAR-NRCP announced the release of Reference Quality Genome Assembly of Indian pomegranate cv. Bhagawa . The team involved in this landmark research comprised Dr N.V. Singh, Dr P. Roopa Sowjanya, Dr Shilpa Parashuram, Dr. P.G. Patil and Dr. R.A. Marathe, all at ICAR-NRCP, Solapur. It has taken the team six years in accomplishing full genomic sequencing of this Indian pomegranate. The reference-quality genome assembly of the ‘Bhagawa’ developed by ICAR-NRCP under aegis of Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi is a huge reservoir of publicly accessible genomic resources for pomegranate researchers across the globe and will provide a great impetus to the pomegranate improvement programme in India. These genomic resources will assist the pomegranate genetic improvement programmes of different research organizations including ICAR-NRCP through genomics assisted trait mapping, breeding and genome editing applications to develop improved varieties with resistance/tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses.

The genome sequencing experiment was executed at Nucleome Informatics, a Hyderabad based genomics lab. Nucleome is the only laboratory from Asia which is affiliated with the world’s largest and prestigious genomics program ‘The Vertebrate Genome Project’ to sequence 70000 vertebrate genomes. 

“Being a high value crop, until now, due to lack of resistant pomegranate varieties against major pests and diseases, there has been very high dependence on chemical pesticides for managing biotic stresses. However, now that we have managed to sequence the whole genome of this fruit, this will open up incredible avenues for vastly improving yield, growing much better and safer varieties for human nutritional needs, and all this at a much faster rate,” said Dr R. A. Marathe, Director, ICAR-NRCP.

“Pomegranate supports the livelihood security of an estimated 2.5 lakh farm families mostly in climatically and edaphically-challenged regions.  Now with the achievement of this sequencing and development of even higher quality fruits, India’s export value for pomegranate in the international market will multiply several-fold in a very short period of time,” said Dr. A.K. Singh, DDG (Horticultural Science), ICAR, New Delhi.

 Dushyant Singh Baghel, CEO Nucleome Informatics said, “This is an example of public private partnership in genomics research. With the availability of skilled genomics experts and advanced genomics technologies Scientists can develop genomes and discover useful genes in crops faster.”

 This development will catalyse higher yield, better