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HomePosts Tagged "tomatoes"

The vaccine was initially plant-based, but it has been tested on volunteers and animals at the Research Centre for Standardisation of Medicinal Forms of the Pharmaceutical Institute in Tashkent

Scientists in Uzbekistan have developed an edible COVID-19 vaccine called TOMAVAC made from tomatoes. According to a report on the Frontiers research journal website, the researchers used special vectors to insert a fragment of the gene that encodes the S1 antigenic protein of the coronavirus into the genome of tomato cells. They obtained a tomato plant that could reproduce the S1 antigenic protein from these cells. The fruits of these plants were used to create the TOMAVAC vaccine, which provides two levels of protection against COVID-19.

The vaccine was initially plant-based, but it has been tested on volunteers and animals at the Research Centre for Standardisation of Medicinal Forms of the Pharmaceutical Institute in Tashkent. The institutional ethics board of the Centre for Genomics and Bioinformatics approved the research. Scientists have been working on this vaccine since January 2021 and the results are quite promising.

According to Frontiers research journal, the initial findings from a small-scale proof-of-concept study show great potential for creating an affordable, environmentally friendly, and harmless edible plant-based COVID-19 vaccine. This could potentially offer long-lasting dual protection against the virus, reducing its spread and severity, and ultimately contributing to better global health.

The vaccine was initially plant-based, but it

ToBRFV detected in a batch of imported tomatoes and peppers

Russia’s Primorsky interregional department of Rosselkhoznadzor prevented the import of tomatoes and peppers from China due to the identification of an object quarantined for the EAEU.

The Office of Rosselkhoznadzor at the phytosanitary control post Pogranichny during state control over batches of imported products with a total weight of 23.9 tonnes and 25.1 tonnes, samples of vegetables were selected for research.

According to the test report, Primorsky International Airport, in a batch of tomatoes from China with a total weight of 4.4 tonnes, a quarantine object for the EAEU was detected – the Tomato brown rugose fruit virus.

The second batch of vegetables was examined by the Primorsky branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution VNIIKR. According to the test report dated September 8, 2023, in samples from a batch of fresh peppers, regular and hot, with a total weight of 2.4 tonnes, an EAEU quarantine object was also detected – the Tomato brown rugose fruit virus. At the discretion of the product, owners will be destroyed.

ToBRFV detected in a batch of imported

Toyota set up an experimental greenhouse in April 2022 at its Kamigo Plant to grow strawberries and at its Myochi plant to grow tomatoes

Toyota has taken a unique approach to sustainability by implementing initiatives in its factories to cultivate strawberries and cherry tomatoes using heat and CO2 waste, in addition to focusing on electric vehicles to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Toyota has set up an experimental greenhouse in April 2022 at its Kamigo Plant to grow strawberries and at its Myochi plant to grow tomatoes as a way to tackle the negative environmental impact of excess heat and CO2.

Toyota’s planters are built on sliders, maximising available space and increasing yield by 1.5 times compared to a similarly sized field. The design eliminates wasted space between planters and allows growers to create aisles when and where needed.

Farmers need not worry about Toyota meddling in their business. Toyota serves strawberries and cherry tomatoes grown in its factories for free in its cafeterias. The company aims to use its expertise to help farmers build efficient agricultural systems, says Hiroshi Okajima, Toyota Project General Manager, R&D and Engineering Management Division.

Toyota uses pink LEDs to grow fruit without the green tint, which isn’t necessary for photosynthesis.

Automakers can pursue eco-friendly practices by repurposing waste and using recycled materials in vehicle manufacturing, including fishing nets and plastics. They could also explore agricultural initiatives.

Toyota set up an experimental greenhouse in

As per the records, each kilogram of exported tomatoes was priced at Nrs. 12 which amounts to about 8.036 million Nepali rupees ($60,486.42)

Within two weeks Nepal has exported 6,69,680 kg of tomatoes to India via three border points, according to records at the customs office along the border.

Till 18th of August a total of 6, 69,680 (Six lakhs Sixty-nine thousand and six hundred eighty) kilograms of tomatoes has been exported to India from Nepal as per the records of customs offices at Birgunj, Mechi Customs in Kakarbhitta and Bhairahawa.

The number only includes those exported in large quantities and by paying the official taxes after India resumed import of tomatoes from Nepal starting 4th August. Huge volumes of tomatoes might have been exported to India from Nepal by small businesses and farmers themselves which haven’t been recorded in either of the customs offices.

As per the records, each kilogram of exported tomatoes was priced at Nrs. 12 which amounts to about 8.036 million Nepali rupees ($60,486.42).

The Birgunj customs office had the highest export volume, with 637,680 kilograms of tomatoes passing through out of the three customs points on the border with India.

Mechi Customs in Kakarbhitta exported 25,000 kilograms of tomatoes to India, while Bhairahawa Customs exported 7,000 kilograms.

India began importing tomatoes from Nepal after prices skyrocketed to 200 INR per kilogram. Following the lifting of import embargoes, tomatoes were exported at a price of 10 Nrs per kilogram. By the third week of August, the price had increased twelvefold.

As per the records, each kilogram of

The government is taking steps to control inflation and meet the demand and check the prices of tomatoes in India

Nirmala Sitharaman Finance Minister (FM) informed the Parliament that the government is importing tomatoes from Nepal due to a record-high spike in prices in the country.

The minister said that the government is taking steps to control inflation and meet the demand and check the prices of tomatoes in India, it has decided to import them from its neighbour, Nepal. Sitharaman was participating in a debate on the no-confidence motion in the Lok Sabha. As per her, the government has removed import restrictions and the first lot of tomatoes from Nepal will reach Varanasi, Kanpur, Lucknow this week.

Sitharaman also said that through the National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd (NAFED) and other cooperative societies, the government has been procuring tomatoes from Maharashtra and Karnataka. These tomatoes are then distributed in Delhi-NCR, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Rajasthan at subsidised rates. The National Cooperative Consumers’ Federation of India Ltd. has distributed 8.84 lakh kg of tomatoes in the aforementioned states. The finance minister added that the wholesale prices of tomatoes in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka are already coming down.

Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat, Odisha, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Tamil Nadu are the major tomato-producing states in the country. These states account for 91 per cent of the total production of the country, said FM.

The government is taking steps to control