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Crop-specific SOPs issue for use of pesticides with farming drones

The book titled ‘Machinery for Millets Production, Processing & Value Addition’ released

Narendra Singh Tomar, Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare released Crop Specific ‘Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the Application of Pesticides with Drones’ in the public domain for the guidance of farmers and other stakeholders. Tomar also released a booklet titled ‘Machinery for Millets Production, Processing and Value Addition’. On this occasion, Tomar said that agriculture is our priority, so whether it is research or initiating schemes, the first priority of the government is to promote agriculture and improve the financial condition of the farmers. There are many challenges in the Agriculture sector. To retain the farmers, attract the new generation and increase the remuneration of the farmers by reducing the cost of production. For this, technical support in the agriculture sector is very important, the government is making continuous efforts in this direction.

Under the Agricultural Mechanization Sub-Mission, ICAR institutes, KVKs, SAUs, other State/Central Government Agricultural Institutes and Government of India PSUs engaged in agricultural activities are provided financial assistance at the rate of 100 per cent of the drone cost (up to Rs. 10 lacks per drone) besides Contingent Expenses for the purpose of demonstration of drones in the farmers’ fields. FPOs are given grant-in-aid at the rate of 75 per cent for the purchase of drones for a demonstration on farmers’ fields. For the purpose of providing agricultural services through the use of drones, financial assistance is given at the rate of 40 per cent of the original cost of the drone by CHCs to Farmers Cooperative Society, FPOs and Rural Entrepreneurs for the purchase of drones, subject to a maximum of Rs.4 lakh. Agricultural Graduates setting up CHCs are provided financial assistance up to Rs. 5 lacks at the rate of 50 per cent of the cost of drones. Individual small and marginal farmers, SC-ST farmers, women farmers and farmers of North-Eastern states will also get 50 per cent of the cost of the drone subject to a maximum of Rs 5 lakh while other farmers are eligible for assistance at 40 per cent of the cost of the drone, subject to a maximum of Rs. 4 lakhs.

Crop-specific SOPs issue for use of pesticides

Early maturing varieties of rice to be used for Straw Management

The cultivation of Short Duration Varieties (SDVs) provide extended window between Kharif harvesting of paddy and wheat sowing for Rabi, thereby giving sufficient time to the rice farmers for in-situ management and removal of excess paddy straw. The varietal trait for height is inherent in self-pollinated crop like paddy. The dwarf varieties have less production of straw as compared to the tall varieties.

Indian Council of Agricultural Research(ICAR) and State Agriculture Universities (SAUs) have developed high-yielding short duration Basmati rice varieties including Pusa Basmati 1509 (115 days), Pusa Basmati 1692 (115 days) and Pusa Basmati 1847 (125 days) and non-basmati category, aromatic rice varieties PR 126 (120-125 days), Pusa Sugandh 5 (125 days) and Pusa 1612 (120 days).These early maturing varieties mature about 20-25 days in advance which enable farmers for straw management and preparation of the fields for wheat sowing.

The Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare is implementing National Food Security Mission (NFSM) to increase the production and productivity of food-grain crops including rice. The various interventions such as cluster demonstrations on direct seeded rice, line transplanting, stress-tolerant varieties etc., distribution of quality seeds of high-yielding varieties including Short Duration Varieties & hybrids, micro-nutrients, soil ameliorants, plant protection chemicals, farm equipments and machinery are implemented to increase rice production and productivity.

This information was given by the Narendra Singh Tomar, Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare in a written reply in Rajya Sabha. 

Early maturing varieties of rice to be