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The seaweed park includes promotion of seaweed cultivation in 136 coastal fishing villages in 6 coastal districts of Tamil Nadu and will involve and engage manpower of 8821 people.

On the third day of the Sagar Parikrama Phase VIII, Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Parshottam Rupala laid the Foundation Stone for the establishment of Multi-Purpose Seaweed Park in Tamil Nadu. Minister of State, Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Dr. L. Murugan, former Minister in the Government of India, Pon Radhakrishnan, Joint Secretary (Fisheries), GoI, Neetu Kumari Prasad, Chief Executive, National Fisheries, Development Board (NFDB), Dr. L. N. Murthy, Commissioner of Fisheries, Government of Tamil Nadu, Dr. K. S. Palanisamy, Collector of Ramanathapuram District, Thiru B. Vishnu Chandran and other key dignitaries were also present on the occasion. This begins a new chapter and is seen as a key strategic initiative to boost the seaweed sector in India.

Rupala informed the objectives of Seaweed Park namely seaweed cultivation for creation of employment opportunity for the coastal fisher youth and fisherwomen, development of value-added seaweed products by encouraging private sector/entrepreneurs and support them in setting up seaweed processing units in the proposed seaweed park, development of seaweed seed bank in collaboration with research institutes, universities, private entrepreneurs and fisheries department, exploration of untapped seaweed potential in the coastal districts of Tamil Nadu through scientific and traditional seaweed farming and development of R&D centres for production of quality seaweed.

The seaweed park includes promotion of seaweed cultivation in 136 coastal fishing villages in 6 coastal districts of Tamil Nadu namely Nagapattinam, Thanjavur, Tiruvarur, Pudukottai, Ramanathapuram and Thoothukudi. It will involve and engage manpower of 8821 people to promote their livelihoods, establishment of tissue culture labs and R&D facilities, shore-based infrastructure facilities (drying yard, warehouse etc.), skill development and capacity building, storage and marketing facility, processing and value addition facility etc. The seaweed park will also provide a single window support for the entrepreneurs, processors etc. to access information on schemes, licenses/approvals required, while also providing space to set up processing centres.

In addition to promoting seaweed cultivation, the park will also focus on the conservation of marine ecosystems and will house an aquarium highlighting various marine species that rely on seaweed for survival. It is expected to attract tourists, researchers, and entrepreneurs interested in the potential of seaweed as a sustainable resource while serve as platform to create employment opportunities for local communities and contribute to the economic growth of Tamil Nadu. Therefore, Multipurpose Seaweed Park stands not just as a testament to human ingenuity, but as a promise to safeguard the delicate balance of our planet’s ecosystems.

The seaweed park includes promotion of seaweed

The Sagar Parikrama Phase VIII Yatra will proceed across coastal regions of Tamil Nadu and cover 4 coastal districts of Kanniyakumari.

Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Parshottam Rupala led the Sagar Parikrama Phase VIII along with Minister of State, Dr L Murugan in the presence of Secretary, DoF, Dr Abhilaksh Likhi, Joint Secretary, Neetu Kumari Prasad and Chief Executive, National Fisheries Development Board, Dr. L.N Murthy.

Sagar Parikrama Phase VIII program began with a warm welcome of Parshottam Rupala by fishermen and women and moved forward to Muthalapozhy fishing Harbour and Vizhinjam Fishing Harbour of Thiruvananthapuram district. Parshottam Rupala interacted with fishermen to gain insights into their way of life and livelihood. This interaction involved open conversations where the fishermen shared their experiences, challenges, and aspirations such as expansion of Harbour at Vizhinjam Fishing Harbour as the number of boats has increased. Union Minister (FAHD) discussed about the Muthalapozhy breakwater structure, and deliberated on design which is being re-evaluated to implement necessary corrective measures under PMMSY initiative. Rupala shared that the primary goal of such interactions is to bridge the gap between policymakers and the people directly affected by those policies. Approximately 200 fishermen participated at Muthalapozhy fishing Harbour and 150 fishermen participated at Vizhinjam Fishing Harbour.

Further, Parshottam Rupala along with Dr L Murugan visited and inspected the production units for Silver Pompano at CMFRI. Rupala advised to put up big production units to maximize the outputs.

In subsequent interactions at the coastal villages’ fishermen urged the Ministers on various demands such as Marine Ambulance, rescue facility for fishermen by helicopter, increasing insurance for fishermen to Rs.10 lakh and improvement of infrastructure for fishing including provision of Radio phones and communication centres. Various scheme beneficiaries, fishermen, fisherwomen, fish farmers and boat owners shared their on-ground experiences and life stories with the delegation. Fishermen also expressed happiness on tremendous contribution of various government schemes like PMMSY and KCC on their livelihoods.

Union Minister Rupala assured that the demands of the fishermen will be considered and appropriate action will be taken on each one of them. He thanked fishermen for discussing the challenges and informed that study will be conducted for improvement in fisheries related parameters. Further he informed that due to high demand of fishermen from all over the country to support them in improving their livelihood, Prime Minister established separate department of fisheries. The investment in fisheries sector has been made for the development of fisheries sector by understanding the ground realities.  Rupala also appreciated the contribution of the villagers in the fisheries sector and talked in detail about eliminating the critical gaps in the value chain of fisheries.

In addition, Parshottam Rupala requested the beneficiaries to come forward and use the benefits of KCC for fish farmers and allied activities. He also requested volunteers to help in creating awareness of the schemes such as PMMSY, KCC so that the beneficiaries can take benefit of the same.

The Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Government of India, and National Fisheries Development Board along with the Department of Fisheries, Government of Kerala, Government of Tamil Nadu, Indian Coast Guard, and fishermen representatives are organizing as well as actively participating in the Sagar Parikrama Phase VIII which started on 30th Aug 2023 from Vizhinjam, Kerala. In Vizhinjam, the parikrama covered Muthalapozhy Fishing Harbour, Vizhinjam Fishing Harbour and CMFRI Centre and moved along the coast to Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu. The Sagar Parikrama Phase VIII Yatra will proceed across coastal regions of Tamil Nadu covering Thengapattanam, Thoothoor, Valavalli, Karumpanai, Vaniyakudi, Colachel, Muttom, Uvari, Periathalai, Veerpandiyan Pattinam, Tharuvaikulam, Mookaiyur, Rameshwaram, Mandapam and Valamavur villages, covering 4 coastal districts of Kanniyakumari, Tirunelveli, Thoothukudi and Ramanathapuram. Other coastal districts like Thiruvallur, Chennai, Kancheepuram, Villupuram, Cuddalore, Thiruvarur, Karaikal and Puducherry Union Territory shall also be covered in upcoming sub-phases of Sagar Parikrama.

The Sagar Parikrama Phase VIII Yatra will