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The subsidy on P&K fertilizers will be provided based on approved rates for Rabi 2024 (applicable from 01.10.2024 to 31.03.2025) to ensure smooth availability of these fertilizers to the farmers at affordable prices.

The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved the proposal of the Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers for fixing the Nutrient Based Subsidy (NBS) rates for RABI Season, 2024 (from 01.10.2024 to 31.03.2025) on Phosphatic and Potassic (P&K) fertilizers.

The tentative budgetary requirement for Rabi season 2024 would be approximately Rs.24,475.53 crore. Benefits:

  • Availability of fertilizers to farmers at subsidized, affordable and reasonable prices will be ensured.
  • Rationalization of subsidy on P&K fertilizers in view of recent trends in the international prices of fertilizers and inputs.
  • Implementation Strategy and targets:
  • The subsidy on P&K fertilizers will be provided based on approved rates for Rabi 2024 (applicable from 01.10.2024 to 31.03.2025) to ensure smooth availability of these fertilizers to the farmers at affordable prices.

Government is making available 28 grades of P&K fertilizers to farmers at subsidized prices through fertilizer manufacturers/importers. The subsidy on P&K fertilizers is governed by NBS Scheme w.e.f. 01 .04.2010. In accordance with its farmer friendly approach, the Government is committed to ensure the availability of P&K fertilizers to the farmers at affordable prices. In view of the recent trends in the international prices of fertilizers & inputs i.e. Urea, DAP, MOP and Sulphur, Government has decided to approve the NBS rates for Rabi 2024 effective from 01.10.24 to 31.03.25 on Phosphatic and Potassic (P&K) fertilizers. The subsidy would be provided to the fertilizer companies as per approved and notified rates so that fertilizers are made available to farmers at affordable prices.

The subsidy on P&K fertilizers will be

It has been noticed that despite restrictions on certain varieties, rice exports have been high during the current year

To check the domestic prices and to ensure domestic food security, the Government has been taking measures to restrict the export of rice from India. The export of non-basmati white rice was prohibited on 20th July 2023.

It has been noticed that despite restrictions on certain varieties, rice exports have been high during the current year. Up to 17th August 2023, total exports of rice (other than broken rice, export of which is prohibited) were 7.33 MMT compared to 6.37 MMT during the corresponding period of the previous year, registering an increase of 15.06 per cent. There has been a spurt in the export of parboiled rice and Basmati rice; both of these varieties did not have any restrictions on exports. While the export of parboiled rice has grown by 21.18 per cent (3.29 MMT during the current year compared to 2.72 MMT during the previous year), the export of Basmati rice has increased by 9.35 per cent (1.86 MMT during the current year compared to 1.70 MMT during the previous year). Export of non-basmati white rice, which had an export duty of 20 per cent since 9th September 2022 and has been prohibited w.e.f. 20th July 2023, has also registered an increase of 4.36 per cent (1.97 MMT compared to 1.89 MMT during the previous year). On the other hand, as per the third Advanced Estimate of the Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, during the Rabi Season 2022-23, the production was only 158.95 LMT against 184.71 LMT during the Rabi Season of 2021-22 i.e., there was a decline of 13.84 per cent.

Internationally, due to strong demand from Asian buyers, production disruptions registered in 2022/23 in some major producing countries like Thailand, and fears of possible adverse effects of the onset of El Nino, international rice prices have also been rising continuously since last year. The FAO Rice Price Index reached 129.7 points in July 2023; its highest value since September 2011, registering an increase of 19.7 per cent over last year’s levels. As the prices of Indian rice are still cheaper than the international prices, there has been a strong demand for Indian rice, resulting in record exports during 2021-22 and 2022-23. 

The Government has received credible field reports regarding misclassification and illegal export of non-basmati white rice, the export of which has been prohibited with effect from 20th July 2023. It has been reported that non-basmati white rice is being exported under the HS codes of parboiled rice and Basmati rice.

It has been noticed that despite restrictions

The combined Stock position of wheat and rice in the Central Pool stands at over 579 LMT

Wheat procurement during the ongoing Rabi Marketing Season (RMS) 2023-24 has progressed smoothly. The progressive procurement of wheat in the current season till 30 May is 262 Lakh Metric tons (LMT) which has already surpassed last year’s total procurement of 188 LMT by 74 LMT. About 21.27 Lakh farmers have already benefitted from the ongoing wheat procurement operations with a Minimum Support Price (MSP) outflow of about Rs. 47,000 crores. Major contribution in the procurement has come from three procuring states of Punjab, Madhya Pradesh and Haryana with procurement of 121.27 LMT, 70.98 LMT and 63.17 LMT respectively.

The major contributing factors in healthy procurement this year have been the grant of relaxation by the Government of India in quality specifications of wheat affected due to untimely rains; opening of procurement centres at village/ panchayat level; carrying out procurement through Co-operative Societies/ Gram Panchayats/ Arhatias etc. in addition to designated procurement centres for better outreach and permission to engage FPOs for procurement operations.

The rice procurement is also progressing smoothly. A quantity of 385 LMT of rice has been procured till 30 May during the Kharif crop of Kharif Marketing Season (KMS) 2022-23 with another 110 LMT yet to be procured. Further, a quantity of 106 LMT rice has been estimated to be procured during the Rabi crop of KMS 2022-23.

The combined stock position of wheat and rice in the Central Pool is over 579 LMT (Wheat 312 LMT and Rice 267 LMT) which has placed the country in a comfortable position to meet its requirements of food grains.

The combined Stock position of wheat and