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By measuring moisture levels, farmers and traders can ensure better preservation, reduce risks of spoilage, and maintain optimal conditions for storage and transportation.

The Department of Consumer Affairs, Government of India organized a meeting with all stakeholders to discuss the draft rules for moisture meters used for measuring moisture level in cereal grains and oilseeds. Nidhi Khare, Secretary, Department of Consumer Affairs chaired the meeting.

The amendment aims to incorporate specifications for the moisture meters in measuring moisture levels in cereal grains and oilseeds.  Rules will specify the metrological and technical requirements, test methods and maximum permissible errors for the type approval of grain moisture meters used in commercial transactions of cereal grains and oilseeds. Various manufacturers, users, scientific institutions, laboratories, State Government Legal Metrology Departments and VCOs participated in the meeting.

A moisture meter is a specialized device used to measure the moisture content in various substances, particularly cereal grains and oilseeds in agriculture. It provides accurate readings that are crucial for determining the quality and storage suitability of these commodities. By measuring moisture levels, farmers and traders can ensure better preservation, reduce risks of spoilage, and maintain optimal conditions for storage and transportation. The proposed inclusion of moisture meters in the Legal Metrology Rules aims to standardize and regulate their accuracy, enhancing fairness and transparency in agricultural trade practices.

The draft rules pertaining to moisture meters were made available for public feedback on May 30, 2024, inviting comments from all stakeholders, by the end of June, 2024.  All the comments received on the draft rules were discussed in detail during the meeting.

All the stakeholders supported the proposed amendment for inclusion of moisture meters used for measuring moisture level in cereal grains and oilseeds. They emphasized the importance of implementing these rules in the best interest of farmers and other stakeholders involved in the agriculture sector.

By measuring moisture levels, farmers and traders

 It also pointed the diverging trends between wholesale mandi prices and retail prices, which seems to suggest that retailers are deriving higher profit margin.

The Department of Consumer Affairs organised a meeting with Retailers Association of India (RAI) here today to discuss the price scenario in respect of pulses and compliance to the stock limits for Tur and Chana prescribed in the Removal of Licensing Requirements, Stock Limits and Movement Restrictions on Specified Foodstuffs (First and Second Amendments) Order, 2024 dated 21.06.2024 and 11.07.2024. The meeting was chaired by Nidhi Khare, Secretary, Department of Consumer Affairs, Government of India. RAI has 2300+ members and has about 6,00,000 + outlets in the country.

The Secretary, informed that prices of Chana, Tur and Urad in major mandis had declined by up to 4% in past one month, but retails prices have not seen similar decline. She pointed out the diverging trends between wholesale mandi prices and retail prices, which seems to suggest that retailers are deriving higher profit margin.

She also pointed out that sowing progress for Kharif pulses are robust. The Government has undertaken numerous efforts in facilitating enhanced production of Tur and Urad in major Kharif pulses producing States, including distribution of good quality seeds to farmers through NAFED and NCCF and the Department of Agriculture is in continuous engagement with the State Agriculture Departments to provide all necessary support.

Considering the current price scenario and Kharif outlook, Secretary asked retail industry to extend all possible support to the Government in its efforts to keep prices of dals affordable to the consumers. She informed that stock positions of all stockholding entities, including that of big chain retailers are being closely monitored to ensure that the prescribed limits are not breached. Breach of stock limits, unscrupulous speculation and profiteering on the part of market players would invite stern actions from the Government.

Retail industry participants assured that they would make necessary adjustments in their retail margins and maintain at nominal level to ensure availability of prices at affordable prices to the consumers.

The meeting was attended by representatives of RAI, Reliance Retail, D Mart, Tata Stores, Spencer’s, RSPG, V Mart among others.

 It also pointed the diverging trends between

Department of Consumer Affairs procures 5.06 LMT onion for disposal through e-sales, e-Nam auction and bulk sale.

The Government has initiated aggressive retail sale of onion from the buffer at subsidised price of Rs 25 per kg to protect the consumers from recent increase in onion prices due to delay in the arrival of kharif crop. This comes as another measure in addition to the slew of measures put in place to ensure availability and affordability of onion to domestic consumers such as, imposition of Minimum Export Price (MEP) of USD 800 per MT with effect from 29th October, 2023, enhancement of buffer procurement by 2 lakh tons, over above 5.06 lakh tons already procured, and the continuous disposal of onion through retail sales, e-Nam auction and bulk sales in wholesale markets from second week of August.

The Department of Consumer Affairs has started aggressive disposal of onion through retail outlets and mobile vans operated by NCCF, NAFED, Kendriya Bhandar and other State controlled cooperatives at subsidised price of Rs 25 per kg. Till 2nd November, NAFED has set up 329 retail points, consisting of stationary outlets and mobile vans, in 55 cities across 21 states. Similarly, NCCF has set up 457 retail points in 54 cities across 20 states. Kendriya Bhandar too, has started retail supply of onion through its retail outlets across Delhi-NCR from 3rd November, 2023 and Safal Mother Dairy will start from this weekend. The retail sale of onion to consumers in Telangana and other southern states are being taken up by Hyderabad Agricultural Cooperatives Association (HACA).

In order to control the seasonal price volatility between rabi and kharif crops the Government maintains onion buffer by procuring rabi onion for subsequent calibrated and targeted release. This year, the buffer size has been raised to 7 LMT from 2.5 LMT in 2022-23. Till date 5.06 LMT of onion has been procured and the procurement of balance 2 LMT is in progress.

The proactive measures taken by the Government has started showing result as onion prices in benchmark Lasalgaon market declined from Rs.4,800/qtl on 28.102023 to Rs.3,650/qtl on 03.11.2023, a decline of 24 per cent. Retail prices are expected to show similar decline from the coming week.

Department of Consumer Affairs procures 5.06 LMT

As per directives from Department of Consumer Affairs, NCCF will sell onions at retail price of Rs 25 per kg.

In an unprecedented move the Government raised the quantum of onion buffer to 5.00 lakh metric tonnes this year, after achieving the initial procurement target of 3.00 lakh metric tonnes. In this regard, the Department of Consumer Affairs has directed NCCF and NAFED to procure 1.00 lakh tonnes each to achieve the additional procurement target alongside calibrated disposal of the procured stocks in major consumption centres.

Disposal of onions from the buffer has commenced, targeting major markets in States and UTs where retail prices are above the all-India average and/or are significantly higher than the previous month. As on date, about 1,400 MT of onions from the buffer has been dispatched to the targeted markets and are being continuously released to augment the availability.

Apart from releasing in major markets, onions from the buffer are also being made available to retail consumers at a subsidized rate of Rs.25/- per kg through retail outlets and mobile vans of NCCF from tomorrow i.e., Monday 21st August 2023. Retail sale of onion will be suitably enhanced in coming days by involving other agencies and e-commerce platforms.

The multipronged measures taken by the Government onion like procurement for the buffer, targeted release of stocks and imposition of export duty will benefit the farmers and consumers by assuring remunerative prices to the onion farmers while ensuring continuous availability to the consumers at affordable prices.

As per directives from Department of Consumer

NCCF and NAFED had commenced the procurement of tomato from mandis in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra for simultaneous disposal in major consumption centres.

The Department of Consumer Affairs has directed NCCF and NAFED to sell tomatoes at retail price of Rs.70/- per kg rate from 20th July 2023 in view of the declining trend in tomato prices. The tomatoes procured by NCCF and NAFED had been retailed, initially, at Rs.90/- per kg and then reduced to Rs.80/- per kg from 16th July 2023. The reduction to Rs.70/- kg will further benefit the consumers.

It may be recalled that on the direction of Department of Consumer Affairs, NCCF and NAFED had commenced the procurement of tomato from mandis in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra for simultaneous disposal in major consumption centres where retails prices have recorded maximum increase in last one month. The retail sale of tomatoes in Delhi-NCR had started from 14th July 2023. Till 18th July 2023 a total of 391 MT of tomato had been procured by the two agencies which are being continuously disposed of to the retail consumers in major consumption centres of Delhi-NCR, Rajasthan, UP and Bihar.

NCCF and NAFED had commenced the procurement

Tomato to be distributed at discounted prices to consumers in places of concern including the Delhi-NCR region

The Department of Consumer Affairs has directed National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation (NAFED) and National Cooperative Consumers Federation (NCCF) to immediately procure Tomatoes from Mandis in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra for simultaneous distribution in major consumption centres where retail prices have recorded maximum increase in the last one month. The stocks of Tomatoes will be distributed through retail outlets at discounted prices to the consumers in Delhi-NCR region by Friday, this week.

The targeted centres for release have been identified on the basis of the absolute increase in retail prices over the past month in centres where prevailing prices are above the All-India average. Key consumption centres in states having a higher concentration of the identified centres are further selected for the intervention.

Tomato is produced almost in all the states in India, though in varying quantities. Maximum production is in southern and western regions of India, contributing 56 per cent-58 per cent of all India production. Southern and Western regions being surplus states feed to other markets depending on production seasons. The production seasons are also different across regions. The peak harvesting season occurs from December to February. The periods during July-August and October-November are generally the lean production months for tomatoes. July coinciding with the monsoon season adds to further challenges related to distribution and increased transit losses adding to price rise. The cycle of planting and harvesting seasons and variation across regions are primarily responsible for price seasonality in Tomato. Apart from the normal price seasonality, temporary supply chain disruptions and crop damage due to adverse weather conditions often lead to sudden price spikes.

Currently, the supplies coming to markets in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and some other states are mostly from Maharashtra especially Satara, Narayangaon, and Nashik which is expected to last till this month end. Madanapalle (Chittoor) in Andhra Pradesh also has continued arrivals in reasonable quantities. Delhi-NCR arrivals are mainly from Himachal Pradesh, and some quantity comes from Kolar in Karnataka.

New crop arrivals are expected soon from the Nashik district. Furthermore, in August, additional supply is expected to come from Narayangaon and Aurangabad belt. Madhya Pradesh arrivals are also expected to start. Prices are anticipated to cool down in the near future, accordingly.

Tomato to be distributed at discounted prices

The implementation of stock limit orders and the status of stock disclosure on the portal are continuously monitored by the Department of Consumers Affairs and the State Governments

The Government has decided to release Tur from the national buffer in a calibrated and targeted manner till imported stocks arrive in the Indian market. The Department of Consumer Affairs, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution has directed National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation (NAFED) and National Cooperative Consumers Federation (NCCF) to dispose of Tur through online auction among eligible millers to augment the available stocks for milling into Tur Dal for the consumers.

The quantities being auctioned and the frequency will be calibrated on the basis of the assessed impact of the disposal on the availability of Tur to consumers at affordable prices.

It may be recalled that the Government had imposed stock limits on Tur and Urad by invoking the Essential Commodities Act, of 1955 in order to prevent hoarding and unscrupulous speculation and also to improve affordability to the consumers. Under this order, stock limits have been prescribed for Tur and Urad until 31st October 2023 for all states and UTs.

Stock limits applicable to each of the pulses individually are 200 MT for wholesalers; 5 MT for retailers; 5 MT at each retail outlet and 200 MT at the depot for big chain retailers; last 3 months of production or 25 per cent of the annual installed capacity, whichever is higher, for the millers. The order has also made it mandatory for these entities to declare the stock position on the portal (https://fcainfoweb.nic.in/psp) of the Department.

The implementation of stock limit orders and the status of stock disclosure on the portal are continuously monitored by the Department of Consumers Affairs and the State Governments. In this regard, data on stocks held by various entities in warehouses of Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC) and State Warehousing Corporations (SWCs), stocks pledged by market players with banks etc. have been crosschecked against the quantities declared on the stock disclosure portal.

The State Governments are continuously monitoring the prices in their respective States and are verifying the stock positions of stock-holding entities in order to take strict action on those who violated the stock limits order. 

The implementation of stock limit orders and

Department deputed 12 senior officers to visit various places in the States of Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu to take stock of ground reality.

Senior Officers from the Department of Consumer Affairs visited 10 various locations across four States to interact and observe stock disclosure status of Tur and Urad during past days.

In this regard, Secretary, Department of Consumer Affairs, Rohit Kumar Singh took an internal meeting with these officers who visited major pulses markets and interacted with various market players. During the last week, apart from holding a meeting with All India Dal Mills Association at Indore by the Secretary, Government of India, on 15th April, 2023, the Department deputed 12 senior officers to visit various places in the States of Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu to take stock of ground reality.

The interactions with ground level market players and State officials revealed that while the number of registration and stock disclosure on the e-portal is increasing, substantial number of market players have either not registered or failed to update their stock positions on regular basis. It has been observed that stocks under transaction, like, farmer’s stocks lying in mandi for auction, stocks awaiting customs clearance at ports etc. escaped the current monitoring mechanism. Further, it has also been observed that millers and traders/dealers have resorted to holding their stocks in warehouses in the name of farmers in a deliberate attempt to escape stock declaration.

Senior officers of the Department visited various locations, namely, Indore, Chennai, Salem, Mumbai, Akola, Latur, Sholapur, Kalaburagi, Jabalpur and Katni and interacted with officers of the State Governments, millers, traders, importers and port authorities and conducted meeting with associations of millers, importers and traders. The market players were sensitized on the importance of stock declaration and have been asked to declare their stocks truthfully and regularly or else stringent action such as seizure and confiscation of undeclared stocks may be done by the State Government.

To improve the stock disclosure data, the Department is making certain changes in the e-portal https://fcainfoweb.nic.in/psp/ such as, incorporating text boxes for providing warehouse in which stock is held, provision for dealer/commission agent/mandi trader to upload stock data of farmer lying in his shop yard for auctioning etc.

The office bearers of Importers association informed that Traders from other States like Telengana, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka are also importing Tur Dal from Chennai Port and requested clarification about their reporting in the State of Importers or in the State of receiving the import to ensure no duplication of data.It was clarified that the stocks should be reported in the State where it is physically available/stocked.

The Department has already directed State Governments and District Administrations to intensify the enforcement of stock declaration by conducting stock verification and take strict action on undisclosed stocks under relevant sections of the EC Act, 1955 and the Prevention of Black marketing and Maintenance of Supplies of Essential Commodities Act, 1980. States have also been asked to look into the data pertaining to FSSAI licences, APMC registration, GST registration, warehouses and custom bonded warehouses and encourage these entities also to report their declarations of stock in order to widen the coverage of market players.

Department deputed 12 senior officers to visit

Centre directs pulses importers to declare stocks availability in a routine transparent manner.

Secretary, Department of Consumer Affairs, Rohit Kumar Singh directed major pulses importers to ensure that all stocks available with them are declared in a transparent manner regularly.  They were advised not to hold back any stock which may disrupt availability of pulses in the domestic market. The Government has stepped up its efforts to monitor stock disclosures of pulses by millers, stockists, traders, importers, etc. to ensure that prices of Tur are normalised and the availability and affordability of Tur is ensured in the domestic market.

Meanwhile, the Committee under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary Nidhi Khare took a meeting with all the States/UTs today wherein they were requested to explore all the sources to increase the number of registered entities in Stock Declaration Portal including FSSAI licensees, APMC registered traders, GST Registered traders of pulses etc.  To cross validate the stocks declared, States were also requested to get information from warehouse service providers, both public and private.  The need to monitor stocks of imported pulses at custom bonded warehouses was also emphasized, to ensure their timely release from Ports.

The Department is also planning to hold interaction with all stakeholders across value chain to ensure availability and affordability of pulses for consumers. The Pulses Associations and Importers have assured wholehearted cooperation in disclosing the stocks in a transparent manner.

Centre directs pulses importers to declare stocks

India Pulses and Grains Association (IPGA), the apex body of India’s pulses and grains industry and trade along with USA Dry Peas and Lentil Council (USADPALC) jointly hosted a webinar on the ‘Outlook of kharif pulses crop production 2022 and the USA crop update’ under the aegis of the ‘IPGA Knowledge Series. The webinar aimed at giving an in-depth insight into this year’s kharif pulses crop in terms of its production and future outlook of tur, urad and moong. It also highlighted its yield, impact on prices, import-dependence as well as a detailed USA crop update.

The keynote address was delivered by Rohit Kumar Singh, secretary, Department of Consumer Affairs, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Government of India. He said, “Theres likely an impact of uneven rainfall on the kharif pulses crop production. The outlook is not very positive and the erratic rains have been posing a challenge. The Department of Consumer Affairs takes cognisance of the situation in the field, both in terms of availability and prices. Accordingly, interventions are undertaken to keep the pulses prices under control.”

While giving the opening remarks, Bimal Kothari, chairman, IPGA, said, “IPGA has set out a transformation agenda for the industry and trade. In order to pursue this single-mindedly, we are working closely with the government, policy-makers and our foreign partner associations like USA Dry Pea and Lentils Council.”

The webinar had eminent speakers from across India and USA including Rahul Chauhan, director, Igrain India; Pritesh Nandu, partner, Himtalal Hirji & Co; Ritesh Mittal, director, Pan Shree Delhi; Jeff Rumney, vice president, marketing, USA Dry Pea and Lentil Council; Sachin Khurana, India representative, USA Dry Pea and Lentil and Lalit Bangar, chartered accountant.

The web conference witnessed discussions around the production of African tur crop in east African countries, production of Myanmar tur crop and overall outlook on demand and supply of tur in India. It was attended by over 400 trade stakeholders across India and USA.

India Pulses and Grains Association (IPGA), the apex