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To focus on gender issues in aquaculture and fisheries sector pertaining to rights of equality of women

The 8th Global Conference on ‘Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries (GAF8)’, jointly organised by ICAR – Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Kochi; Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries Section of the Asian Fisheries Society and the Society of Fisheries Technologists (India) (SOFTI) was officially inaugurated by the Governor of Kerala Arif Mohammed Khan.

In his inaugural address, he emphasised that the GAF8 will be discussing the intertwined gender issues in aquaculture and fisheries sector pertaining to the rights of equality of the unsung majority of women as compared to their male counterparts. Lamenting on the poor socio-economic status of the fisher women with respect to gender inequality and inequity, he said that in spite of the large-scale contributions of women in the several areas in the fishing industry, their services for the sectoral development have not been duly acknowledged. So, he urged the delegates to find out potential solutions to resolve these issues through fruitful deliberations on this global platform.  

The conference which is being held at Kochi, is the eighth in the global series, themed on ‘Shaping the Future: Gender Justice for Sustainable Aquaculture & Fisheries’ through various sub-themes pertaining to gender issues and related policies in the fisheries sector. The conference aims to bring forward gender issues in the aquaculture and fisheries sector on a common global platform for gaining new insights and establishing networks of stakeholders associated with fisheries and discuss potential solutions through the gendered lens.

The conference has brought together over 300 scientists, academicians, gender experts, policymakers and students from India and abroad. Delegates from 20 countries will present papers in GAF8. Besides six focal themes, there are 10 Special Sessions have been arranged by international and national organisations, including the FAO, Pacific Community, BOBP, ICSF etc. In addition, two special events are being hosted along with GAF8. 

To focus on gender issues in aquaculture

Narendra Singh Tomar, Union Agriculture Minister, inaugurated the National Conference on Agriculture for Rabi Campaign 2022-23 on September 7 at National Agricultural Science Complex (NASC), Pusa, New Delhi. Addressing the Conference, he said that as per the 4th Advance Estimates (2021-22), production of food grains in the country is estimated at 3157 lakh tonne which is higher by 50 lakh tonne than the production of food grain during 2020-21, and the total pulses and oilseeds production during 2021-22 is estimated at record 277 and 377 lakh tonne respectively.

Tomar said that all the farmers will be brought under the ambit of this scheme which will make them feel secure. He said that the productivity of the soil is decreasing due to the use of chemical fertilisers, hence organic and natural farming is being promoted.

Tomar also said that the Central Government has started working on Digital Agriculture to bridge the gap between the farmers and the Government so that the farmers get the benefits of the government schemes transparently. 

The objective of this Conference is to review and assess the crop performance during the preceding crop seasons and to ensure supply of critical inputs and facilitate adoption of innovative technologies with a view to enhance production and productivity of the crops.

Narendra Singh Tomar, Union Agriculture Minister, inaugurated

Narendra Singh Tomar stated that the centre and states would work together to ensure pesticide and seeds availability to reduce input costs for farmers

Union Agriculture Minister, Narendra Singh Tomar inaugurated National Conference on Agriculture for Kharif Campaign 2022-23 at NASC Complex, New Delhi. The minister expressed satisfaction that as per 2nd Advance Estimates (2021-22), total foodgrains production in the country is estimated at 3160 lakh tonnes which will be a record. The pulses and oilseeds production will be 269.5 and 371.5 lakh tonnes, respectively. As per third advanced estimates, horticulture production during 2020-21 is 3310.5 lakh tonnes which is the highest ever for Indian horticulture. 

The minister stated that the centre and states would work together to ensure pesticide and seeds availability to reduce input costs for farmers. He urged that there should be a strategy to replace urea with nano-urea. He declared that the government would continue to emphasise natural and organic farming. On exports, the minister said that while agriculture exports have increased, attention should be paid to quality products so that they can compete in international markets. Exporters and farmers both should benefit.

The objective of this conference was to review and assess the crop performance during the preceding crop seasons and fix crop-wise targets for the Kharif season in consultation with state governments, ensure the supply of critical inputs and facilitate the adoption of innovative technologies to enhance production and productivity of the crops. The priority of the government is agro-ecological based crop planning for diversion of land from excess commodities like rice and wheat to deficit commodities like oilseeds and pulses and high-value export earning crops. The government is giving high priority to crop diversification with a focus on self-sufficiency in oilseeds and pulses and the promotion of oil palm. Consultations with all the stakeholders like major states, researchers, industries and policy makers have been held to finalise a National Policy Frame Work for Crop Diversification Programme in the country. All states should work towards crop diversification for making agriculture sustainable, profitable and self-sufficient in deficit commodities. 

The conference set national targets for total food grain production set at 3280 lakh tonne for the year 2022-23 compared to expected production of 3160 lakh tonne during the current year. The target for production of pulses has been fixed at 295.5 and 413.4 lakh tonne in 2022-23. Nutri-cereals production has to be increased from 115.3 in 2021-22 to 205.0 lakh tonnes in 2022-23. The strategy would be to increase area through inter-cropping and crop diversification and productivity enhancement through the introduction of HYVs and the adoption of suitable agronomic practices in low yielding regions. 

Manoj Ahuja, Secretary (Agriculture and Farmers Welfare), said that the country is maintaining an increasing trend in food grain production from 2015-16. The total food grain production has increased by 25 per cent in the last six years from 251.54 to 316.01 million tonne. Oilseeds have followed the same trend and have shown a growth of 42 per cent from 25.25 million tonne in 2015-16 to 37.15 million tonne in 2021-22. India’s exports of agricultural products have grown by 19.92 per cent during 2021-22 to touch $50.21 billion ( Rs 376575 crore). The commodities like wheat, other cereals, rice (other than Basmati), soya meal, raw cotton, fresh vegetable, processed vegetables etc have registered the most positive growths. 

He said, “We have to accelerate the production and productivity of agriculture and horticulture sectors for ensuring food and nutritional security in the rural areas. The government has adopted several developmental programmes, schemes, reforms and policies that focus on higher incomes for the farmers. Action Plan for three years Seed Rolling Plan (2021-22 to 2023-24) for all oilseeds with allocation Rs 381.95 crore will produce a total of 14.7 lakh quintals of quality seed of new HYVs will be produced in next three years.” 

Making a detailed presentation on the strategies for crop management in Kharif season, Dr AK Singh, Agriculture Commissioner said that country has recorded all-time high food grains, oilseeds and horticultural production due to timely interventions of the government. Now, special focus is given to oilseeds, pulses and nutria-cereals. Post monsoon, rainfall has been more than normal and about 55.76 lakh hectares were under cultivation during summer. Following government policy, there has been a reduction in area under rice with a corresponding increase in pulses and oilseeds cultivation. The government has worked out the requirement of seed and fertilisers and will ensure their timely supply. 

Narendra Singh Tomar stated that the centre