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Thursday / September 12. 2024
HomePosts Tagged "Climate-resilient Agriculture"

The initiative supports financing for irrigation systems and other sustainable farming solutions.

Caspian Debt has announced the launch of new loan product to help Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) fund climate-adaptive agricultural products. The credit facility aims to boost farmer resilience against climate change. The initiative supports financing for irrigation systems and other sustainable farming solutions. Caspian Debt expects this to improve food security and farmer income.

Caspian Debt MD & CEO Avishek Gupta said the loan product will accelerate adoption of climate-resilient technologies. The company plans to partner with MFIs and technology providers. The loan product builds on work by Sustain Plus Energy Foundation, GIZ, and Sa Dhan. GIZ and NABARD partnered with these organizations to promote climate-resilient agricultural technologies. Financial intermediaries have started lending to farmers for these products.

GIZ Director Shailendra Dwivedi called the partnership a milestone for climate adaptation financing. Jiji Mammen, Sa-Dhan CEO, said the loan product will boost their climate-resilient agriculture initiative. Sustain Plus Energy Foundation Director Ganesh Neelam said the loan product will help financing institutions lend for energy and agriculture technologies.

Sustain Plus has tested climate-adaptive products and demonstrated their benefits. GIZ mapped out the framework and coordinated with financial institutions. Sa Dhan mobilized MFIs to offer loans. GIZ also promotes decentralized renewable energy technologies, which are part of the loan product’s focus.

The initiative supports financing for irrigation systems

 The collaboration aims to enhance training and capacity-building programs for farmers and rural youth, focusing on climate-resilient agriculture practices and agricultural skill training.

In their concerted stride towards mitigating the effects of climate change, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Syngenta Foundation India (SFI), and Syngenta India Pvt. Ltd. have signed a significant Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the Foundation Day of ICAR. The collaboration aims to enhance training and capacity-building programs for farmers and rural youth, focusing on climate-resilient agriculture practices and agricultural skill training through ICAR’s extensive network of National Research Institutes, Regional Stations, Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs), and Agricultural Universities.

Under this agreement, ICAR institutes and KVKs will actively participate in training programs organized by SFI and Syngenta India and vice versa. The KVKs would extend these learnings to a wider farmers’ base through their extensive network. The collaboration will focus on capacity building and extension activities, including the adoption of climate-resilient agriculture practices, safe and proper use of crop protection chemicals, and the use of precision agriculture tools such as drones, IT, IoT, and AI-based techniques.

Dr Himanshu Pathak, Director General, ICAR, said, “This partnership is a major milestone in our efforts to equip farmers and rural youth with the necessary skills and knowledge for sustainable and climate-resilient agriculture. By leveraging the strengths of ICAR, Syngenta Foundation, and Syngenta India, we can reach the grassroots level and make a substantial impact.”

In fact, the objectives of this MoU align with Syngenta’s new sustainability commitments, which focus on: Higher yields, lower impact; Regenerate soil and nature; Improve rural prosperity; and Sustainable operations. Syngenta India has been working extensively on climate-resilient practices including soil health, regenerative agriculture, precision farming and possesses in-built capacities to extend the knowledge through the network of Agri Entrepreneurs along with SFI.

Susheel Kumar, Country Head and MD, Syngenta India Pvt. Ltd., highlighted the importance of this collaboration, saying, “Our quality R&D, climate-resilient practices and many decades of experience of working with farmers enable us to contribute significantly to this collaboration. Having worked with farmers and rural youth through a series of innovative programs, we consider this as yet another decisive step forward in enhancing the quality of life for smallholder farmers and rural youth and contribute to our efforts at mitigating the challenges of climate change.”

Dr K C Ravi, Chief Sustainability Officer, Syngenta India Pvt Ltd highlighted how this MoU was also in sync with Syngenta’s unique I Rise (Inculcate Rural India Skill Enhancement) initiative, designed to engage rural youth in agriculture and provide them appropriate skills and help them to explore dignified and sustainable income earning opportunities in agriculture sector. This program was initiated with the pilot project in 2023 to train 1000 rural youth in 3Es approach i.e., Educate youth in agriculture through the training and mentoring program, engage them in Agri sector through employment, entrepreneurship, or by becoming a lead farmer and elevate their livelihood income.

Rajendra Jog, Executive Director, Syngenta Foundation India, highlighted the collaboration’s potential, stating, “Over the years, we have developed a huge network of agri-entrepreneurs (AEs) who are trained in modern agriculture practices and extend their knowledge and knowhow to millions of farmers across the country. Our partnership with ICAR and KVKs will enable us to leverage our network of AEs to extend comprehensive training to many more farmers and rural youth.”

The partnership also aims to promote efficient agronomic practices, support KVKs, agri-entrepreneurs, dealers, distributors, and farmers through awareness and education programs, and enhance mechanization solutions in selected clusters. The parties will explore the use of AI and ML techniques to provide expert advisory services to farmers, helping them optimize input usage and reduce costs.

 The collaboration aims to enhance training and