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Aqua-farmers of Sundarban will get information on the technologies developed by ICAR-CIBA

Bankim Chandra Hazra, Minister of Sundarban Affairs, Government of West Bengal inaugurated the Kiosk and Fish waste Processing unit at Kakdwip Research Centre of ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculturt, Chennai.

The minister appreciated the endeavour taken by CIBA for opening a Kiosk for the people of Sundarban. He also said it is a unique idea to establish the Fish-waste processing unit for converting fish-waste to wealth. Hazra later participated in the tree plantation programme.

Kuldeep K Lal, Director, CIBA briefed about the purpose of the Kiosk. He said aqua-farmers of Sundarban will get information on the technologies developed by ICAR-CIBA and other ICAR institutes for their betterment and local villagers may also get fresh farm produce of KRC with reasonable cost. 

Debasis De, Officer-in-Charge, KRC-CIBA elaborated on the purpose of establishing a Fish-waste processing unit and highlighted that it will not only help to convert the fish-waste to value added products i.e., Plankton Plus and Horti Plus for generating income of farmers of Sundarban but also will help to keep the environment of fish market clean.

Aqua-farmers of Sundarban will get information on

By this farming technology, the feed cost is reduced without compromising production and productivity

ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture, Chennai recently conducted a front-line demonstration of novel aquamimicry based shrimp Penaeus vannamei farming model under the scheduled caste sub plan (SCSP) program.

A harvest mela was also organised to exhibit the relative advantage and production potential of the new system in a farm at Pattippulam village near Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

This innovative system strives to simulate the natural estuarine condition in the pond by creating zooplankton biomass primarily copepods. By this farming technology, the feed cost is reduced without compromising production and productivity.

Dr Kuldeep Kumar Lal, Director, ICAR-CIBA stressed the importance of innovative shrimp farming technology in the context of current declining trend in market price of farmed shrimp. Further, he emphasised that aquamimicry based shrimp farming not only reduces the feed cost but also reduces the duration of culture without compromising the production.

By this farming technology, the feed cost

The main objective of the MoU is to develop a start-up programme on Mud Crab Seed Production

The ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture, Chennai has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Aqgromalin Farmtech Service Private Limited, a Farm Diversification Corporate Business Enterprise in Chennai on February 7, 2022.  

Dr K P Jithendran, Director, ICAR-CIBA, Chennai and Prasanna Manoharan, CEO, Aqgromalin signed the MoU on behalf of their organisations.

Dr Jithendran regarded the Mud Crab Farming as an economically viable production system and a potential species for the diversification. He said that as the stock-able size crab seed production is the critical gap, therefore, there is an urgent need for the transfer of the Mud Crab Nursery Seed Production Technology to the farmers.

The main objective of the MoU is to develop a start-up programme on Mud Crab Seed Production and scaling-up of the Mud Crab Farming with a supply chain.

The main objective of the MoU is