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Convergence biofungicide provides an additional mode of action against tough-to-control foliar diseases, including tar spot, rusts and leaf spots.

Certis Biologicals has one compelling question for row crop farmers in 2024: Why settle for just one advantage when you can experience them all? In the realm of science and technology, convergence signifies the seamless integration of technologies into a unified system. Certis Biologicals’ new Convergence biofungicide embodies this idea, offering row crop farmers a harmonious blend of superior disease control and plant health in one convenient and cost-effective solution.

This reliable biofungicide provides farmers with an EPA-approved, powerful and convenient biological tool to protect and fortify crops. Convergence protects against soilborne fungal and bacterial diseases caused by Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Fusarium and Phytophthora. It also provides an additional mode of action against tough-to-control foliar diseases, including tar spot, rusts and leaf spots.

Formulated for row crops with Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain D747, Convergence uses naturally occurring, carefully selected microorganisms to create a living shield, safeguarding against diseases and preserving the delicate balance of soil and plant health, all while improving the farmer’s bottom line.

“The flexibility and power of Convergence sets it apart from existing products on the market. It can be applied whenever is most convenient for a farmer’s next planned trip across the field,” explains Eric Luce, Global Portfolio Manager of Row Crops with Certis Biologicals. “Farmers can use Convergence to effectively manage resistance, control disease and improve plant health without making an extra pass.”

This solution does not impact beneficial insects, fostering long-term biodiversity and sustainability, equipping farmers with a tool to manage resistance on their terms. Convergence can be seamlessly incorporated into existing conventional programs through in-furrow or foliar applications. It has no special storage requirements and can be tank-mixed with nearly any synthetic application.

Convergence has been tested on fields throughout the Midwest and continues to demonstrate efficacy and good return on investment for corn and soybean farmers.

“In field trials, Convergence has shown it can help increase corn yields compared to zinc starter fertilizer alone,” says Shaun Berry, Vice President of Research and Development with Certis Biologicals. “When applied in-furrow, Convergence has shown the ability to help increase yields in soybeans compared to no treatment.”

With Convergence, Certis Biologicals is delivering on its mission to provide farmers with innovative biological solutions that harness the power of nature in convenient and affordable ways.

Convergence biofungicide provides an additional mode of

Both companies expect that trials, which are taking place in the Midwestern US, will begin to yield data in November 2022, ahead of the 2023 growing season.

 In a move designed to provide additional, efficacious solutions for growers of traditional row crops, leading ag bio companies Certis Biologicals and Novozymes are jointly developing their technologies as solutions for highly effective control of fungal disease. Field trials are currently underway that will test combinations of Certis Biologicals’ innovative biofungicide active ingredient with new Novozymes actives recently registered for use in the marketplace.

“The biopesticide expertise and leadership of Certis, together with the innovation of Novozymes, is a powerful partnership that will bring new solutions to row crop growers at a time when effective crop protection is more crucial than ever,” said Amy O’Shea, Certis Biologicals President & CEO. “Growers need innovative solutions, and we are proud to be part of bringing those solutions to the marketplace with Novozymes.”

“The recent US EPA registration of Novozymes LCO Promoter technologies opens a gateway for new collaborations with innovative, first mover partners like Certis Biologicals,” said Jason Ward, Head of North America, BioAg Commercial Operations at Novozymes.

Both companies expect that trials, which are taking place in the Midwestern US, will begin to yield data in November 2022, ahead of the 2023 growing season.

“We believe that the power of our innovative biofungicide technology combined with Novozymes innovations will bring a level of biological efficacy to row crops that is unseen in the market today,” said Rob Gibson, Certis Biologicals Global Portfolio Manager. “Our technical experts anticipate significant protection against spot, rust and blight when foliar applied. Through soil application, we have witnessed control against Rhizoctonia, Fusarium and Pythium. This level of protection in a single solution will consistently deliver value back to the grower.”

“Novozymes BioAg has hundreds of trial results across many years and crops documenting LCO Promoter yield increase. LCO is an ideal premix solution delivering consistent yield increases across a wide range of labeled crops, for instance, 4 to 6 bushels in corn. LCO is highly compatible with most crop protection formulations and is effective at low dosages resulting in unchanged use rate for the existing crop protection product,” said Adam Kayser, BioAg Technical Agronomist at Novozymes.

Both companies expect that trials, which are

The free nematode tests will help growers assess soil health.

Plant-parasitic nematodes lurk under the soil, wreaking havoc on plants’ root systems, which can ultimately damage yields and overall plant health. Certis Biologicals knows that root health is key to producing quality crops year after year, so the company is providing free nematode tests that help growers assess soil health.

Roots and Nematodes

“Since nematodes live under the soil, they are an easy pest for growers to overlook,” says Chris Judd, Global Vice-President, Marketing for Certis Biologicals. “We are partnering with growers to provide the information they need to make a fully-informed decision about nematode treatments in their soils. At Certis, we want to be a partner in ensuring the success of growers and we are happy to provide this service as a way to show that value.”

Growers who are interested in taking part in the free nematode soil testing program can begin by visiting and completing a short form. Depending on the region, entrants will then work with a partner laboratory to gather and submit a small soil sample for processing. Results will be shared along with any treatment recommendations from Certis representatives. Those interested in participating do not need to be current customers to participate in the program and there is no requirement to purchase a Certis product.

“Growers often wrongly attribute nematode damage to disease and treat above-ground effects while missing the root cause,” Judd says. “Leaving plant-parasitic nematodes untreated can weaken the root systems of crops, causing reduction in overall plant health and eventual death.”

“This completely free test can be an integral tool that lets growers know which nematode they have in their fields and if treatment is needed before these negative impacts are felt.”

The free nematode tests will help growers