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MoU to provide technical support on Murrel breeding and culture under the project “Breeding, Seed Production and Culture of Striped Murrel”

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Kausalyaganga, and the Department of Fisheries & Fishermen Welfare, Government of Tamil Nadu was signed to provide technical support on Murrel breeding and culture under the project “Breeding, Seed Production and Culture of Striped Murrel in Tamil Nadu” funded by World Bank.

P K Sahoo, Director, ICAR-CIFA, and Arumugam, Additional Director of Fisheries, Dept. of Fisheries & Fishermen Welfare, Govt. of Tamil Nadu signed the MoU on behalf of respective organisations.

Sahoo accentuated that the MoU on Murrel breeding, seed production, and culture will help the state in increasing the production of this priced fish and also help farmers in increasing their income. He emphasised on collaboration with DoF, Govt. of Tamil Nadu for wider dissemination of ICAR-CIFA’s promising technologies to benefit the farmer’s community of the state.

Arumugam, said Murrel is in very high demand in the state and this MoU will help in the establishment of a model Murrel hatchery for seed production and also in the popularisation of the Murrel culture in the state with the technical support of ICAR-CIFA.

B R Pillai, HoD, Aquaculture Production, and Environment Division, ICAR-CIFA stressed that the collaboration with DoF, Govt. of Tamil Nadu will help in spreading of Murrel farming in the state.

Rajesh Kumar, Senior Scientist and the Principal Investigator of the project coordinated the program.

MoU to provide technical support on Murrel