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This year 2,000 hectares, nearly 90 per cent of total pepper growth will be grown using BioBee’s IPM/Biocontrol methods.

A vast majority of Israeli farmers now prefer to get rid of their pests using BioBee’s host of friendly predators, rather than rely solely on chemicals to do the job. This year, 2,000 hectares of peppers, nearly nine tenths of the country’s production, will be protected from aphids, mites, thrips and whiteflies using of BioBee’s products and services.

In addition to its success in protecting vegetables from harmful pests, using IPM/Biocontrol has drastically reduced the amount of chemical residue found on Israeli peppers. According to a 2009 Dutch study, 71 per cent of peppers grown in Israel were found to be completely free of residue, with the remaining 29 per cent still under the maximum allowed limit. In comparison, only 50 per cent of Dutch peppers and only 18 per cent of Spanish peppers, both countries that use IPM/Biocontrol as the primary method of pest control in pepper growth, were found to be completely residue free.

BioBee’s products and the intensive technical support provided by its employees, has won over Israeli pepper growers, leading to a steady rise in IPM/Biocontrol use in the country. A decade ago, less than 50 hectares of peppers were grown using IPM/Biocontrol, but every year more and more farmers decided to switch over to the greener method. This year 2,000 hectares, nearly 90 per cent of total pepper growth will be grown using BioBee’s IPM/Biocontrol methods.

“We are very pleased with our growth this year. It shows that the farmers trust us to deliver the results that they need. We have tailored a package that has proven extremely successful for pepper growers and our employees provide hands on assistance to farmers for the entire growth period, from planting to termination.”

This year 2,000 hectares, nearly 90 per