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The conference will delve into cutting-edge topics such as productivity enhancement, digitalisation, sustainable practices, and climate action in the dairy sector.

The Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Government of India, NDDB and IDF have jointly organised the three days ‘ First IDF Regional Dairy Conference Asia Pacific 2024’ kickstarted today in Kochi, Kerala.

Dr Meenesh Shah, Chairman, NDDB & Member INC International Dairy Federation welcoming Ministers, Secretaries, President & Director General, IDF, Sponsors, Session Chairs, Invited Speakers, Delegates, Dairy Farmers to the First IDF Regional Dairy Conference Asia Pacific 2024 in Kochi, Kerala said that NDDB is honoured to host this prestigious event under the theme ‘Farmer Centric Innovations in Dairying’ in Kochi, Kerala.

He underscored in his address that dairying is not just an industry; it’s a lifeline for over 1 billion people worldwide, supporting livelihoods and fostering rural economies. In India alone, over 8 crore people are engaged in dairy-related activities, highlighting its critical role in socio-economic development.

He informed that the conference will delve into cutting-edge topics such as productivity enhancement, digitalisation, sustainable practices, and climate action in the dairy sector. He further added that the exhibition featuring transformative products and technologies will showcase the industry’s progress and potential. Let’s leverage this platform to collaborate, exchange ideas, and strategies on overcoming challenges and achieving sustainable growth in the dairy sector.

He also mentioned that this conference will bring together all stakeholders to come up with innovations in areas of improved germplasm, new products development, better health monitoring, advancement in nutrition, livestock quality and quantity & a transparent supply chain network.

During the conference, Member Secretary, INC IDF and Board Member IDF, Dr Shah said that India seized the opportunity to host the inaugural IDF regional dairy conference for Asia Pacific region on the theme ‘Farmer Centric Innovations’.

He informed that the event would see participation of distinguished speakers, policy makers, research from various esteemed global dairy organisations in the event. He also mentioned that Animal Husbandry Ministers & Secretaries from various states will also represent their respective States. Ms. Alka Upadhyaya, Secretary, Dept. of AHD & President INC-IDF, Pier Cristiano Brazzale Brazalle, President IDF and Ms. Laurence Rycken, DG, IDF along with over 1,000 registered delegates from across 25 countries and 400-500 farmers will also grace the 3-day conference. He informed that the event would showcase India’s innovative strives in the sector and will provide platform to 22 organisations & 17 startups to demonstrate their products/activities at the exhibition hosted during the IDF regional event.

The conference will delve into cutting-edge topics

This MoU will contribute to creation of a digital future via digitalization and remote temperature monitoring of cold chain by UNDP India.

The Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying (DAHD), Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) India on Digitalization of Vaccine Cold Chain Management, Capacity Building, and Communication Planning.

The MOU was signed today at “We the People Hall”, UNDP Country office, Lodhi Estate, New Delhi between Alka Upadhyay, Secretary, Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying and Caitlin Wiesen. UNDP Resident Representative in India. This strategic partnership aims to enhance the digitalization of vaccine cold chain management, capacity building, and communication planning in India.

Notably, UNDP and DAHD will jointly work on Strengthening Animal Health with One Health approach at centre. This step will contribute to creation of a digital future via digitalization and remote temperature monitoring of cold chain by UNDP India. This will ensure that vaccines are stored in an adequate temperature of prescribed limit of 2-8 degree Celsius which is important to increase immunization coverage and outreach. Currently, DAHD is supplying FMD (Foot and Mouth diseases) vaccine worth approximately Rs. 900 Crore this year and aims to cover 50 Crore large animals and 20 Crore small animals in FMD vaccination programme.

Through this MoU, technical assistance will be extended to CEAH to enhance its capabilities in animal husbandry practices. Other aspects of MoU cover support in planning and development of effective and inclusive livestock insurance programme and crafting and implementation of an effective communication plan for the department which will help in ensuring better propagation and outreach of the department’s activities. The partnership will also work on extension services and skill development initiatives to improve the technical know-how and capacities of stakeholders in the animal husbandry sector.

Addressing the meeting, Alka Upadhyay explained “With digitalization of the entire vaccine stock management system and providing real-time information on vaccine stocks and flows, and storage temperatures, the inequities in vaccine supply will be addressed by managing constraints of infrastructure, management information systems, and human resources. The vaccine cold chain management process, she added will be monitored with the help of new age technology and artificial intelligence through the Animal vaccine Intelligence Network (AVIN) developed by UNDP.

UNDP Resident Representative, Caitlin Wiesen, while signing the MoU, said that “Amid confluence of frequent zoonotic disease outbreak and climate change, animals and the communities engaged in rearing them are increasingly vulnerable. She added that through this partnership with the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, UNDP will support and strengthen India’s first animal vaccine supply chain management system ensuring communities and animals are protected and further mitigating the risks at the human-animal-environment interface.”

Sarita Chauhan, Joint Secretary (LH), DAHD while explaining  the objectives of collaboration mentioned that, the essential but arduous work of real time monitoring of the vast cold chain infrastructure available across the country will be possible with the help of new age technology and artificial intelligence through the cold chain monitoring system developed by UNDP, which will support the Department to manage and deliver vaccines across the country in the right quantity, right quality, at the right time and right temperature with supportive supervision.

This MoU will contribute to creation of

The Scheme will help the Dairy Cooperatives to upgrade their processing infrastructure with an updated processing technology.

Parshottam Rupala, Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, launched the realigned AHIDF Scheme and released the Radio Jingle on AHIDF at New Delhi. In his address, Rupala informed that the scheme was started during COVID period which was the difficult time for the entire country. He said that the scheme has been realigned and will be implemented for another 3 years. The industry, FPO, Dairy Cooperatives should take benefit of the scheme.

The Cabinet in its meeting approved the realignment of the AHIDF under Infrastructure Development Fund with an outlay of Rs 29610 crore. Now the Total Fund will be of Rs 29610 crores. Instead of Rs 15000 crores. The realigned scheme will be implemented for further period of three years from 31.03.2023 till 2025-26. In the realigned scheme, Dairy Infrastructure Development Fund has been subsumed. Now the Dairy Cooperatives will avail benefit of interest subvention of 3 per cent under AHIDF instead of 2.5 per cent which was received in DIDF. The Dairy Cooperative will also get Credit Guarantee support under the Credit Guarantee Fund of AHIDF. The Scheme will help the Dairy Cooperatives to upgrade their processing infrastructure with an updated processing technology. This will benefit large number of milk producers in the country.

In the inaugural event, Industry associations, NDDB, Dairy Cooperatives, FPO and Officials from the North Eastern States were also present. During the interaction, ABIS Export Private Limited, one of the eligible entities, appreciated the role of the scheme in creating infrastructure in livestock sector and said that they will invest Rs 2000 crore in creating infrastructure. Dishala Livelihood Producer Company Limited, FPO informed that they have set up a dairy processing and value addition project at Sehore, Madhya Pradesh with Capacity of 10000 litres per day under AHIDF in collaboration with Manthan Organization. They have obtained 1.2 lakh interest subvention from the Department. Amba Feed informed that they have set up 120000 MT per annum of Animal Feed plant in Coimbatore under AHIDF.

Under the realigned scheme, the following will be the benefit:

  • Interest Subvention of 3 per cent payable up to 8 years
  • Individuals, FPO, Dairy Cooperatives, Private Companies, Section 8 companies, MSME
  • Credit guarantee cover unto 25 per cent of the term loan.
  • No ceiling on the loan amount
  • Loan up to 90 per cent of the estimated/actual project cost
  • Dovetailing with capital subsidy schemes of other ministries or state level schemes
  • Ease of application process through online portal

The Scheme will help the Dairy Cooperatives

A memorandum to the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, pointed out that India’s 34.60 MMT annual maize production is insufficient to meet the requirements of the poultry industry as well as the nation’s food security

The All India Poultry Breeder Association (AIPBA) Delhi has written to the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying to allow duty-free maize imports to enable the poultry industry to meet its future requirements.

The current basic import duty on maize stands at 50 per cent.

Citing concerns over the rising maize consumption in ethanol production, the All India Poultry Breeder Association (AIPBA), in a memorandum to the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, pointed out that India’s 34.60 MMT annual maize production is insufficient to meet the requirements of the poultry industry as well as nation’s food security.

“As per estimates of the Indian Institute of Millets Research, the Poultry and Livestock industry consumes more than 60 per cent of the country’s maize production. In this context, the government’s ambitious plan to generate half of the ethanol from maize by 2025-26 may have some serious implications for sectors like poultry and livestock. Diverting such a significant chunk of current maize production to ethanol could impact their access to essential feedstock, creating a severe demand-supply gap in the coming years,” said the memorandum submitted to the government by the All India Poultry Breeder Association under the chairmanship of Bahadur Ali who is also the Managing Director of IB Group.

Over the last decade, maize production growth has been at 4.5 per cent, while the poultry industry has experienced a growth of 8-9 per cent. This disparity highlights the anticipated maize shortage for the poultry industry, particularly in the wake of the government’s plan to promote maize for ethanol in a big way.

“Addressing the rising demand for maize in both livestock feed and other industries presents two options: importing maize or increasing domestic production. However, significant short-term increases in domestic output are deemed improbable. Therefore, importing maize from other countries emerges as the most viable solution to meet the immediate demand,” the association stated in its memorandum to the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying.

Ethanol’s growing thirst for maize has also pushed prices skyward, posing a major challenge for Indian poultry farmers. With maize prices hovering around Rs 22-23 per kg across India, poultry farmers are grappling with unsustainable costs. The burden is expected to intensify further by February 2024, which may adversely impact the poultry industry.

A memorandum to the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal

Tunas alone contributing an estimated annual value of trade of US$41 billion in 2018.

The Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, GoI is organizing the 19th Working Party on Data Collection and Statistics (WPDCS19) of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) from 28th November to 2nd December 2023. The meeting inaugurated at Hotel St. Regis, Mumbai, Maharashtra.

This is an important meeting organized by the IOTC and hosted by Department of Fisheries, GoI, which will bring together the renowned Scientists and Experts in the field of Tuna fisheries from all around the world.  Joint Secretary, Dept. of Fisheries, GoI, Neetu Kumari Prasad and Commissioner of Fisheries, Govt of Maharashtra, Atul Patne was also present during the event.

Tunas and other large pelagic species, such as billfishes, sharks, and rays, hold immense economic significance, with tunas alone contributing an estimated annual value of trade of US$41 billion (in 2018). The international scope of these species necessitates collaborative efforts for improved management and conservation, given their susceptibility to overfishing by multinational fisheries.

There were participants from countries namely, Indonesia, France, Spain, other countries of the European Union (EU), Seychelles, Tanzania, Iran, Thailand, Japan, Sri Lanka, Oman and India attending the meeting in person. Besides, many participants from various other countries, IOTC and scientific organizations are attending the meeting in Virtual Mode as well.

The scientist will brainstorm and analyse the existing scientific methods adopted by various countries in data collection, compilation, and reporting to IOTC for the purpose of resource assessments and will come out with advanced and simplified methods of data collection and statistics in the Indian Ocean Region. This meeting will be followed by the main Scientific Committee meeting of the IOTC to be held at the same venue during 4th – 8th December 2023 which will consider the recommendations of the WPDCS and various other working parties for scientific recommendations relating to sustainable management of tuna and tuna like species in the Indian Ocean. 

Tunas alone contributing an estimated annual value

According to Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics 2023, major contribution in the total Egg production comes from Andhra Pradesh with a share of 20.13 per cent of total Egg production.

Parshottam Rupala, Union Minister for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying released the Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics 2023 (milk, egg, meat and wool production 2022-23) based on Animal Integrated Sample Survey (March 2022-February 2023) during the National Milk Day event at Guwahati. The main features of the Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics are:

Milk, Egg, Meat and Wool Production 2022-23

Union Miniter Parshottam Rupala informed that the Production of Milk, Egg, Meat and wool in the country is estimated annually based on the results of Integrated Sample Survey (ISS) which is conducted across the country in three seasons i.e., Summer (March-June), Rainy (July-October) and Winter (November-February).

Egg Production:

Parshottam Rupala stated that the total Egg production in the country has estimated as 138.38 billion nos. during 2022-23 registered a growth of 33.31 per cent growth over the past 5 years as compared to the estimates of 103.80 billion numbers during 2018-19. Further, the production has increased annually by 6.77 per cent during 2022-23 over 2021-22. In past the annual growth rate was 9.02 per cent in 2018-19; 10.19 per cent in 2019-20; 6.70 per cent in 2020-21 and 6.19 per cent in 2021-22.

Rupala informed that the Major contribution in the total Egg production comes from Andhra Pradesh with a share of 20.13 per cent of total Egg production followed by Tamil Nadu (15.58 per cent), Telangana (12.77 per cent), West Bengal (9.94 per cent) and Karnataka (6.51 per cent). In terms of AGR, the highest growth rate was recorded by West Bengal (20.10 per cent) and followed by Sikkim (18.93 per cent) and Uttar Pradesh (12.80 per cent).

According to Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics 2023,

The highest milk producing State during 2022-23 was Uttar Pradesh with a share of 15.72 per cent of total milk production followed by Rajasthan (14.44 per cent), Madhya Pradesh (8.73 per cent), Gujarat (7.49 per cent), and Andhra Pradesh (6.70 per cent).

Parshottam Rupala, Union Minister for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying released the Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics 2023 (milk, egg, meat and wool production 2022-23) based on Animal Integrated Sample Survey (March 2022-February 2023) during the National Milk Day event at Guwahati. The main features of the Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics are:

Milk, Egg, Meat and Wool Production 2022-23

Union Miniter Parshottam Rupala informed that the Production of Milk, Egg, Meat and wool in the country is estimated annually based on the results of Integrated Sample Survey (ISS) which is conducted across the country in three seasons i.e., Summer (March-June), Rainy (July-October) and Winter (November-February). The estimates of milk, egg, meat and wool for the year 2022-23 have been brought out and the outcomes of this survey are summarised below:

Milk Production:

Union Minister Shri Rupala informed that the total Milk production in the country is estimated as 230.58 million tonnes during 2022-23 registered a growth of 22.81 per cent over the past 5 years which was 187.75 million tonnes in 2018-19. Further, the production has increased by 3.83 per cent during 2022-23 over the estimates of 2021-22. In past, the annual growth rates were 6.47 per cent in 2018-19; 5.69 per cent in 2019-20; 5.81 per cent in 2020-21 and 5.77 per cent in 2021-22.

Minister stated that the highest milk producing State during 2022-23 was Uttar Pradesh with a share of 15.72 per cent of total milk production followed by Rajasthan (14.44 per cent), Madhya Pradesh (8.73 per cent), Gujarat (7.49 per cent), and Andhra Pradesh (6.70 per cent). In terms of annual growth rate (AGR), the highest AGR recorded by Karnataka (8.76 per cent) followed by West Bengal (8.65 per cent) and Uttar Pradesh (6.99 per cent) over the previous year.

The highest milk producing State during 2022-23

The seaweed park includes promotion of seaweed cultivation in 136 coastal fishing villages in 6 coastal districts of Tamil Nadu and will involve and engage manpower of 8821 people.

On the third day of the Sagar Parikrama Phase VIII, Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Parshottam Rupala laid the Foundation Stone for the establishment of Multi-Purpose Seaweed Park in Tamil Nadu. Minister of State, Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Dr. L. Murugan, former Minister in the Government of India, Pon Radhakrishnan, Joint Secretary (Fisheries), GoI, Neetu Kumari Prasad, Chief Executive, National Fisheries, Development Board (NFDB), Dr. L. N. Murthy, Commissioner of Fisheries, Government of Tamil Nadu, Dr. K. S. Palanisamy, Collector of Ramanathapuram District, Thiru B. Vishnu Chandran and other key dignitaries were also present on the occasion. This begins a new chapter and is seen as a key strategic initiative to boost the seaweed sector in India.

Rupala informed the objectives of Seaweed Park namely seaweed cultivation for creation of employment opportunity for the coastal fisher youth and fisherwomen, development of value-added seaweed products by encouraging private sector/entrepreneurs and support them in setting up seaweed processing units in the proposed seaweed park, development of seaweed seed bank in collaboration with research institutes, universities, private entrepreneurs and fisheries department, exploration of untapped seaweed potential in the coastal districts of Tamil Nadu through scientific and traditional seaweed farming and development of R&D centres for production of quality seaweed.

The seaweed park includes promotion of seaweed cultivation in 136 coastal fishing villages in 6 coastal districts of Tamil Nadu namely Nagapattinam, Thanjavur, Tiruvarur, Pudukottai, Ramanathapuram and Thoothukudi. It will involve and engage manpower of 8821 people to promote their livelihoods, establishment of tissue culture labs and R&D facilities, shore-based infrastructure facilities (drying yard, warehouse etc.), skill development and capacity building, storage and marketing facility, processing and value addition facility etc. The seaweed park will also provide a single window support for the entrepreneurs, processors etc. to access information on schemes, licenses/approvals required, while also providing space to set up processing centres.

In addition to promoting seaweed cultivation, the park will also focus on the conservation of marine ecosystems and will house an aquarium highlighting various marine species that rely on seaweed for survival. It is expected to attract tourists, researchers, and entrepreneurs interested in the potential of seaweed as a sustainable resource while serve as platform to create employment opportunities for local communities and contribute to the economic growth of Tamil Nadu. Therefore, Multipurpose Seaweed Park stands not just as a testament to human ingenuity, but as a promise to safeguard the delicate balance of our planet’s ecosystems.

The seaweed park includes promotion of seaweed

The Sagar Parikrama Phase VIII Yatra will proceed across coastal regions of Tamil Nadu and cover 4 coastal districts of Kanniyakumari.

Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Parshottam Rupala led the Sagar Parikrama Phase VIII along with Minister of State, Dr L Murugan in the presence of Secretary, DoF, Dr Abhilaksh Likhi, Joint Secretary, Neetu Kumari Prasad and Chief Executive, National Fisheries Development Board, Dr. L.N Murthy.

Sagar Parikrama Phase VIII program began with a warm welcome of Parshottam Rupala by fishermen and women and moved forward to Muthalapozhy fishing Harbour and Vizhinjam Fishing Harbour of Thiruvananthapuram district. Parshottam Rupala interacted with fishermen to gain insights into their way of life and livelihood. This interaction involved open conversations where the fishermen shared their experiences, challenges, and aspirations such as expansion of Harbour at Vizhinjam Fishing Harbour as the number of boats has increased. Union Minister (FAHD) discussed about the Muthalapozhy breakwater structure, and deliberated on design which is being re-evaluated to implement necessary corrective measures under PMMSY initiative. Rupala shared that the primary goal of such interactions is to bridge the gap between policymakers and the people directly affected by those policies. Approximately 200 fishermen participated at Muthalapozhy fishing Harbour and 150 fishermen participated at Vizhinjam Fishing Harbour.

Further, Parshottam Rupala along with Dr L Murugan visited and inspected the production units for Silver Pompano at CMFRI. Rupala advised to put up big production units to maximize the outputs.

In subsequent interactions at the coastal villages’ fishermen urged the Ministers on various demands such as Marine Ambulance, rescue facility for fishermen by helicopter, increasing insurance for fishermen to Rs.10 lakh and improvement of infrastructure for fishing including provision of Radio phones and communication centres. Various scheme beneficiaries, fishermen, fisherwomen, fish farmers and boat owners shared their on-ground experiences and life stories with the delegation. Fishermen also expressed happiness on tremendous contribution of various government schemes like PMMSY and KCC on their livelihoods.

Union Minister Rupala assured that the demands of the fishermen will be considered and appropriate action will be taken on each one of them. He thanked fishermen for discussing the challenges and informed that study will be conducted for improvement in fisheries related parameters. Further he informed that due to high demand of fishermen from all over the country to support them in improving their livelihood, Prime Minister established separate department of fisheries. The investment in fisheries sector has been made for the development of fisheries sector by understanding the ground realities.  Rupala also appreciated the contribution of the villagers in the fisheries sector and talked in detail about eliminating the critical gaps in the value chain of fisheries.

In addition, Parshottam Rupala requested the beneficiaries to come forward and use the benefits of KCC for fish farmers and allied activities. He also requested volunteers to help in creating awareness of the schemes such as PMMSY, KCC so that the beneficiaries can take benefit of the same.

The Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Government of India, and National Fisheries Development Board along with the Department of Fisheries, Government of Kerala, Government of Tamil Nadu, Indian Coast Guard, and fishermen representatives are organizing as well as actively participating in the Sagar Parikrama Phase VIII which started on 30th Aug 2023 from Vizhinjam, Kerala. In Vizhinjam, the parikrama covered Muthalapozhy Fishing Harbour, Vizhinjam Fishing Harbour and CMFRI Centre and moved along the coast to Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu. The Sagar Parikrama Phase VIII Yatra will proceed across coastal regions of Tamil Nadu covering Thengapattanam, Thoothoor, Valavalli, Karumpanai, Vaniyakudi, Colachel, Muttom, Uvari, Periathalai, Veerpandiyan Pattinam, Tharuvaikulam, Mookaiyur, Rameshwaram, Mandapam and Valamavur villages, covering 4 coastal districts of Kanniyakumari, Tirunelveli, Thoothukudi and Ramanathapuram. Other coastal districts like Thiruvallur, Chennai, Kancheepuram, Villupuram, Cuddalore, Thiruvarur, Karaikal and Puducherry Union Territory shall also be covered in upcoming sub-phases of Sagar Parikrama.

The Sagar Parikrama Phase VIII Yatra will

The webinar was intended to open a forum to initiate a dialogue about the crucial role of fisheries cooperatives in bringing out prosperity in the lives of fish farmers.

The Department of Fisheries (DoF), Ministry of Fisheries, Animal husbandry & Dairying, organized a webinar on “Potential & Role of Fisheries Cooperatives”. This was the 14th webinar organized by the department in an effort to celebrate the ongoing Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, marking 75 years of India’s independence.

The event was presided over by Jatindra Nath Swain, Secretary, Department of Fisheries (DoF), Government of India (GOI) along with Sagar Mehra, Joint Secretary (Inland Fisheries), Dr J Balaji, Joint Secretary (Marine Fisheries) along with other officials of the Department. This webinar was intended to open a forum to initiate a dialogue about the crucial role of fisheries cooperatives in bringing out prosperity in the lives of fish farmers, leading towards holistic sectoral development. 

More than 100 participants including expert panellists, fishers, farmers, entrepreneurs, members of fisheries cooperative societies, fisheries officials of different States/UTs, faculties from State Agriculture, Veterinary and Fisheries universities, Fisheries cooperative officers, Scientists, students and other stakeholders from the fisheries value-chain across the country attended the webinar.

Jatindra Nath Swain, Secretary, Fisheries said, “With the increased production and productivity in the Indian fisheries sector, the Government has been focusing more on establishing cooperatives to enable small-scale fishers to avail support for institutional credit, quality inputs, transportation, logistic etc. through collectivization”.

Sagar Mehra shared his views on the significance of institutionalizing fisheries cooperatives in India. He also mentioned that fisheries being a sunrise sector, there is a need to learn from the best practices from the dairy, agriculture industries and try to use the learnings for developing cooperatives in the fisheries sector.

Sandeep Kumar Nayak, Director General, NCP; Dr. K.P. Rajan, Director, DNS Regional Institute of Cooperative Management, Patna; Dr. S. Noorjahan Beevi, Additional Director of Fisheries, Tamil Nadu and Mr. Anil Rana, Board of Director, AgriOrganic Producer Company Ltd, Una, HP shared their valuable thoughts during the expert panel sessions. Towards the end, the forum was open for interactive discussion with a wide range of questions and answers from all participants.

The webinar was intended to open a

The PMMSY dashboard aims at effective monitoring of the PMMSY scheme activities and their progress in all participating States/UTs

Digital India is a flagship programme of the Government of India with the vision to transform the country into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. The programme covers multiple Government Ministries and Departments with the aim of building a culture of ‘good governance’ that functions on evidence-based decision making. It is in line with Prime Minister’s vision to use technology as a means to empower and as a tool that bridges the distance between hope and opportunity. In view of the same, Parshottam Rupala, Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying launched the PMMSY MIS dashboard on 7th June 2022. The occasion was graced by Dr Sanjeev Kumar Balyan, Minister of State, Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Dr L Murugan, Minister of State, Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying and Information and Broadcasting, J.N. Swain, Secretary, Department of Fisheries, Shri Atul Chaturvedi, Secretary, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Dr J Balaji, Joint Secretary (Marine Fisheries), Shri Sagar Mehra, Joint Secretary (Inland Fisheries) and other senior officials.

PMMSY scheme was launched in May 2020 with the highest ever investment of Rs. 20,050 crores for focussed and holistic development of the fisheries sector while ensuring socio-economic wellbeing of fishermen, fish farmers and other stakeholders. Till date a total project investment of Rs 7242.90 Crores (FY 2020-22) has been done under PMMSY. Keeping in view the vast scope of the PMMSY scheme with multitude locations and components and move towards digitalisation, it is imperative to put a Management Information System (MIS) in place for aggregating information on one platform. The PMMSY MIS dashboard aims at (i) effective monitoring of the PMMSY scheme activities and their progress in all participating States/UTs (ii) strategically utilising the information for informed decision making. PMMSY MIS application aggregates the data from all participating states/UTs, analyses the data and projects the data in form of a dashboard for sectoral insights. Key performance parameters are used for projecting overall performance at national and State/UT levels, thus highlighting specific achievements and gaps.

The PMMSY dashboard aims at effective monitoring