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The partnership aims to benefit finance, insurance and agri-business service providers and government entities

Agrograph announced a new partnership with Planet Labs PBC (Planet) to integrate Planet’s high-resolution global satellite data with Agrograph’s expert geospatial data technology to comprehensively support clients’ need for data-driven business and farm-risk management decision tools.

The partnership aims to benefit finance, insurance and agri-business service providers, government entities, and other organisations seeking to measure financial and environmental risk, identify business opportunities, and inform cropland agriculture capital investment strategy across the globe

“We’ve been providing actionable, geospatial data to customers for nearly a decade, continually expanding and refining our offerings of variables, models and insights to empower our customers’ decisions, planning and asset management strategies,” said Michael Barrow, Vice President at Agrograph.

Barrow said this partnership intends to play to the strengths of each company and benefit clients globally. “Planet’s SkySat and PlanetScope data provide a steady stream of medium to high-resolution data for updating imagery and monitoring risk and environmental change,” said Barrow. “Now, our more sensitive models that may otherwise be affected by events such as cloud cover are enhanced so that barriers to time-sensitive observation windows for crop monitoring and land management activity are removed.”

This now formalised partnership expands upon the successes already achieved by the organisations working together. Planet and Agrograph have been delivering imagery and data solutions in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Australia since 2021.

 “We welcome Agrograph into the Planet Partner program due to its diverse technological capabilities, industry expertise, and ability to bring value to every step of the agricultural supply chain,” said Jennifer Doogan, Planet Director, Partnerships Americas, “Through this partnership, Agrograph can enhance their solutions with Planet high-resolution imagery to deepen and broaden their geospatial-data products and services that report on crop production, finance and insurance risk, land use change, farm management and sustainability measurement.”

The partnership aims to benefit finance, insurance

Program Supporters help build a community of sustainable agriculture practitioners and support the ecosystem

Agrograph, a global agrifintech company that delivers data-based solutions to companies with exposure to agriculture, announced its commitment to advancing the mission of Leading Harvest by enrolling as a Program Supporter.

Leading Harvest is a nonprofit organisation committed to increasing the adoption of sustainability practices in agriculture and works with farmers, landowners, and investors at all scales to independently certify sustainable farmland management and provide support through education and training opportunities.

“Agrograph’s support of Leading Harvest is rooted in our shared passion and commitment to transitioning the industry through both fiscally and environmentally responsible practices,” said Julia Lechner, Director of Business Development at Agrograph. “Our data solutions play a critical role in auditing and continuously improving the ways in which supply chains utilise natural resources.”

Program Supporters help build a community of sustainable agriculture practitioners and support the ecosystem that allows Leading Harvest’s Program Users to be successful in their certifications to Leading Harvest.

Program Supporters help build a community of