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Goa is a hub of Mankurad mangoes and it is having an unusual delay in harvesting mangoes

The Agriculture Department of Goa has asked the Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) to conduct a study to find out the delay in the ripening of the mangoes Mankurad this season. Goa is a hub of Mankurad mangoes and it is having an unusual delay in harvesting of mangoes.

The Agriculture Department of Goa has sent a request to the ICAR to study the delay in ripening and the reasons behind it. According to the local media Preliminary inquiries by the Agriculture Department have revealed the delay in the natural ripening of the mango because of the heat wave which hit the State in the month of March. It is suspected that the extremely hot conditions must have affected the pollination. But, since the state is witnessing an unusual situation this year, the Agriculture Department has asked the ICAR to do a study on the situation.

Munkarad mangoes are still raw thus leaving the farmers with no option but to delay the harvesting. Farmers expect harvesting to take place anytime.

Goa is a hub of Mankurad mangoes