This initiative will facilitate implementation of establishing 500 new waste to wealth plants under GOBARdhan scheme for promoting circular economy, by increasing the viability of these BG/CBG plants.
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) chaired by Prime Minister, Narendra Modi approved a unique package of innovative schemes for farmers with a total outlay of Rs.3,70,128.7 crore. The bouquet of schemes is focused on overall wellbeing and economic betterment of farmers by promoting sustainable agriculture. The initiatives will boost farmers’ income, strengthen natural / organic farming, rejuvenate soil productivity, and ensure food security.
The approved package also consists of innovative incentive mechanism for the restoration, nourishment, and betterment of the mother earth. Market Development Assistance (MDA) scheme in the form of Rs 1500 per MT to support marketing of organic fertilizers, viz., Fermented Organic Manures (FOM)/Liquid FOM/Phosphate Rich Organic Manures (PROM) produced as by-product from Bio- gas Plants/Compressed Biogas (CBG) Plants set up under umbrella GOBARdhan initiative.
Such organic fertilizers would be branded in the names of Bharat Brand FOM, LFOM and PROM. This on one hand will facilitate in addressing the challenge of management of crop residue and problems of Parali burning, will also help in keeping the environment clean and safe and at the same time provide an additional source of income for farmers. Farmers will get organic fertilizers (FOM/LFOM/ PROM) at affordable prices.
This initiative will facilitate implementation of Budget announcement of establishing 500 new waste to wealth plants under GOBARdhan scheme for promoting circular economy, by increasing the viability of these BG/CBG plants.
Promotion of Natural Farming as sustainable agriculture practice is restoring soil health and reducing input costs for farmers. 425 KVKs (Krishi Vigyan Kendras) have laid down demonstrations of natural farming practices and organized 6,777 awareness programs involving 6.80 lakh farmers. Course curricula for Natural Farming has also been developed for BSc as well as MSc programmes to be implemented from the academic session July-August 2023.