HomeLive StockAcquaculture“Maharashtra fisheries have a wide scope for regional economic development that underlines the need for the Aqua Chamber of Commerce”

“Maharashtra fisheries have a wide scope for regional economic development that underlines the need for the Aqua Chamber of Commerce”

source- public domain

AgroSpectrum recently had the opportunity to speak with Sudhir Mungantiwar, Minister of Forests, Cultural Affairs, and Fisheries in Maharashtra, to discuss his views on the fisheries sector. Edited excerpts:

Maharashtra is one of the major marine fish producing states in India. It has a 720 kms long coastal line spread all over the 7 maritime districts namely Thane, Palghar, Mumbai city, Mumbai suburban, Raigad, Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg. The continental shelf area upto 40 fathoms i.e. 55,529 sq kms (50 per cent of the total continental shelf) is being exploited. There are 25 zones in the seven districts and 173 fish landings centres in the state.  During 2021-22 total fish production in Maharashtra was 5,89,436 tonnes valued at Rs 8,570 crore out of which 1,56,688 tonnes valued at Rs 1915 crore came from Inland sources and 4,32,748 tonnes valued at Rs 6,655 crore from marine sources. The Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) from Fishery is estimated at Rs 6,300 crore. AgroSpectrum recently had the opportunity to speak with Sudhir Mungantiwar, Minister of Forests, Cultural Affairs, and Fisheries in Maharashtra, to discuss his views on the fisheries sector. Edited excerpts:

Since taking office, what decisions has this government made to improve the fisheries sector, especially in the latest budget?

The Central Government announced the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY), which has received approval for a total estimated investment of Rs 20,050 crore. This comprises a Central share of Rs 9407 crore and a State share of Rs 4880 crore for a period of 5 years, from 2020-21 to 2024-25.

The scheme aims for the Ecologically healthy, economically viable and socially inclusive fisheries sector that contributes towards economic prosperity and well-being of fishers, fish farmers and other stakeholders, food and nutritional security of the country in a sustainable and responsible manner.

To promote cage culture in both inland and marine sectors, the state government has issued two government resolutions, dated January 18, 2023, and January 24, 2023, respectively.

To enhance fish/prawn seed production of the state and fulfil the requirements of fish farmers, the state government has directed that the government fish/prawn seed production and rearing centres be leased out for 15 years through an e-tender process.

Is the state government taking any initiatives to grow ornamental fishery, an emerging sector that can generate jobs?

Special attention is being given to developing the ornamental fish industry in Maharashtra. The state is blessed with ideal environmental and climatic conditions for the culture of ornamental fish and Mumbai is one of the biggest markets for them.

This industry has a lot of scope for generating employment and income for rural youth. Fishes of good quality and lineage are being bred, and fish seeds are being developed for rearing and sale in the market with assistance provided under PMMSY. The beneficiary-oriented schemes in Ornamental Fisheries under PMMSY are as follows:

1)            Brood bank for ornamental fish

2)            Integrated ornamental fish breeding unit

3)            Medium-scale ornamental fish rearing unit

4)            Backyard ornamental fish rearing unit

5)            Retail outlets for ornamental fish

These schemes are being given wide publicity and information about ornamental fishes is provided in workshops and fisheries exhibitions held in various districts of the state. An ornamental fish quarantine centre is also proposed to facilitate the import of ornamental fishes in Maharashtra.

Maharashtra has enormous potential for marine exports. What are the government’s plans to increase exports of shrimp, crab, oyster mussels, other types of fish, and ornamental fish?

The marine fisheries sector, both in India and around the world, is currently facing a crisis due to stagnation in production, higher cost of operation, and low profitability, whereas the demand for seafood in domestic and export markets has been on the rise.

The PMMSY Scheme is being implemented in the state to improve the quality of exported fish and enhance exports. Under this scheme, subsidies are given for the development of deep-sea fishing vessels, modernisation of the ice plants, construction of ice plants, cold storage, refrigerated vans, insulated vehicles, etc.

To read more click on: https://agrospectrumindia.com/e-magazine

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